
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bouncing Back to Tennessee!

I think I’ve finally reached the point where I really have to think “What Day Is It?!?” on this trip! As I sit here typing this post, I had to check the calendar in the lower right of my screen to double check. Oh yes! It’s Thursday!

The only thing I had to do yesterday was pack up my room in Florence, Alabama….and make my way to Fayetteville, Tennessee, where I had arranged to meet Diane at “Hooked On Quilting” at 3pm.

Somewhere along the line I was given the wrong information…..and was told that it would take about 4 hours to get there! Well, because checkout was by 11am anyway, and also wasn’t sure WHICH time zone Fayetteville and Winchester were in ((East coast or Central Time??)) I figured if I were a bit early, and it turns out that I did change time zones, I’d be right on time.

I was early. nearly 3 hours early. LOL!!!

So what’s a girl to do? Whip out her phone and search for antiques! Turns out there were some great shops around the courthouse square and I set about a-browsin!

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The first quilt sighting I came upon was this lovely string star! LOVE the blue background, and the large red print triangles…which give the string stars a place to float! Isn’t this great? Here is a close up of the fabrics:

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I had a great time wandering this shop……even found a super funky churn dash with big blocks!

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It was pretty raggy, but look how fun those scrappy sashings are!

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LOVE the plaid block in the bottom of the pic….see how those plaids are going every which direction? FUN!!

So I wander, and wander, and look at things, pick them up, turn them over, put them down, just enjoying the day --- I don’t know a SOUL IN Fayetteville, Tennessee…this is a new discovery for me!

And who do I run into? In a town where I know NO ONE? What are the chances that I would run into DIANE herself?!

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Did she buy the machine? Nope! But what a small world to run into her a couple of hours before we were supposed to meet up! We enjoyed shopping the store, went out to lunch, and wound our way over to Hooked On Quilting!

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The shop is housed in the bottom level of this wonderful old house that dates to 1850’s! Room after room of fabric…I did find some more black on white that I was looking for…..

and some black and whites that I WISH I could have taken home with me!!!

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This sweet mama kitty had her hands full, trying to keep track of FOUR adorable tuxedo kittens! Oh baby kitties! You can bet my packages were quickly set aside so I could get myself some kitten love!

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LOTS of kitty love!! And as a Quilter, I was really struck by the colors on this old porch. The light green of the floor boards, the vibrant blue of the old rocking chairs, and the contrast of these black and white babies…..aren’t they adorable?

There were 3 black/white ones….and one grey/white one!

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Curious little guys….they were tumbling and playing with each other and I just couldn’t let them go!

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We also had a special treat while we were making our purchases. The shop owner’s daughter has her harp set up in the same room as the cutting table, and was practicing --- Can you imagine being serenated by harp while you shop?

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It was such a treat to spend the day in Fayetteville, to run into Diane in the antique mall…to enjoy lunch, fabric shopping, kitty loving……

Today? We are pulling out my scraps, and I’m going to start string piecing with my hand crank machine! Ooooooooo! Can’t wait!


Janet O. said...

Love the antique quilts and the kitties! I think harp music in a fabric shop is a wise move. The soothing sounds would help keep shoppers calm instead of getting stressed about spending too much money. : )

regan said...

What a perfect day! Loved the churn dash quilt....and those kitties are sweet! How unusual to find a harp player....and a young one to boot!

Barbara Black said...

Bonnie, I feel like I'm on the trip with you! Glad it's all going so well. How great to get some kitty love too.

I'm sewing braids today, and tomorrow, and the next day...

Charity said...

The trip sounds wonderful. I especially like the part about the harp. Much better than a cd anyday.
Anyway I have a question for you. What is a hand crank? What does it look like? Oh please do tell.

kfr14819 said...

Wow, those porch, chair and kitty colors could be inspiration for a quilt called "Fayetteville", couldn't it??? What can you dream up, Bonnie?? Love your blog, travels, and that you are so down to earth. Keep up the fun stuff and drive safe (watch out for those awful tornados, too). Harp music is awesome. Mu hubby would love it.

GerryART said...

Glamorous ! Yep, it sounds like you enjoyed a glamorous day. Shopping, visiting, eating, kitties [I can see how one could fall in love immediately with these babies] and ! ! ! harp music while wandering among beautiful fabric.
Glamorous ! !
hugs to ya,

Jennifer said...

love the antiques, the shop, the kitties, the old house quilt shop, the rocking chair and the old chipped paint, the harp and the antique quilts...especially the churn dash...did you happen to catch a price on it?? it is exactly what i have been searching for!!!

Pauline said...

wow..your head must be spinning bonnie, lol..looks like fun though despite the travelling..i love the old quilts..I have an old quilt top I bought in ohio in 2000 and am not sure whether I should actually sandwich it and finish it or leave it as a top..its lovely, and I feel I should use it..what do you think? I shall be looking for another when I return to the states in august..

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! I was reading your blog of the day and when I got to your pictures, I laughed! I was just there at this shop (found it by pure accident) when my DH and I were driving back to Illinois from a wedding in Alabama in late March! The owner was such a nice lady and we talked and talked and talked. Her daughter was not there at the time but did hear about her getting the beautiful harp. I want to go back someday! Didn't see any cats around then. Probably off somewhere making new kitties!:)

Kim said...

You just find fun where ever you go Bonnie.
What a great trait!

Have fun, be safe and Happy Sewing!

WoolenSails said...

What a wonderful trip you have had and love those old quilts.
Of course a batch of cute kitties is the perfect way to end the day.


YankeeQuilter said...

Fun day! Love the churn dash...

Tonya Ricucci said...

kitties!!!! wheee. glad you got to have fun!

Denise :) said...

This is one of my favorite quilt shops -- I'm glad you got to stop in there on your way out of Huntsville! :)

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