
Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Much Fabric?!?

HA! I was happy to be corrected this morning on just WHAT day of the week it is! I don’t know why, but when I woke up this morning, I had on my mind that it was MONDAY…not Sunday!

This is awesome! This means I have a whole extra day to do “stuff” before heading out to Alabama early Thursday morning! It’s an 8 hour drive – so with lunch and gas and everything else, I’m giving myself 9 hours and will be leaving the house around 5:30 am on Thursday. OY! Lecture Thursday Night…Double OY~~Maybe…I’ll leave Wednesday afternoon and drive half way instead~~ Or I’m really going to be wiped out for my lecture on Thursday night!

So..back to my day! I decided…it’s TIME!

Time for TAKING TIME….to tackleTHIS:

tylertx2011 040

((OH yes, piles of fabric yardage that go back to my trip to Hershey in JULY!!))


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((Oh, this table is packed with fabric, and some recyclable articles of clothing, and fat quarter boxes and orphan blocks and……))

It’s time to slow down, even though I have sewing on the brain…to get it all back where it needs to GO! And if it is a newer purchase and hasn’t HAD an assigned spot yet, to FIND IT ONE!

A funny thing happened when I started to uncover this table……remember me being frazzled about losing THIS??

misc 001

MY BLUE TOOTH ear thing!! Yep. It was buried under piles of fat quarters and fabric yardage on the big cutting table in the “other” side of the basement.

Confused smile I knew it would show up SOMEWHERE at SOME POINT.

That side of the basement is not heated, so in the winter months, unless you want to be over there in a parka, things DO just get laid on the table until it warms up enough to want to be in that side of the basement comfortably.

So now I’ve started turning the mess ((That grew over many months of neglected time)) to THIS:

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It’s amazing how just having things folded into equal sizes makes everything look better. I also see a LOT of chrome yellow and at the far far end ((though you can’t see it as well)) a lot of yuk green! LOL! And when I'm done folding, onto it's shelves it will go!

There is more to do. But sometimes a day spent reorganizing and re-familiarizing myself what what already LIVES in my basement can inspire me on to future projects by using what I have --- We all need to re-confirm this to ourselves at one point or another don’t we? Or -- MORE OFTEN would be good too, wouldn’t it?

It’s a good thing I won’t be headed down I-85 on my way to Alabama– Or I’d be tempted to make a pit stop at Mary Jos! Instead, I’m going to head over I-40 and route through Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and down into Huntsville!

Come to think of it, I’ve never BEEN to Chattanooga….and I bet there are awesome antique malls on the way. If it were you, would you go WEDNESDAY instead of trying to cram it all into Thursday? Just for some wandering opportunities? I’ll have to think on this – but you know me, I’m already leaning toward it!


Loretta said...

I would leave on Wed. :) Take your time...relax...less stress!

Idaho Quilter said...

Looks good a needed process every once in awhile huh. Can you have to much chrome yellow? It is hard to find right now.

leu2500 said...

Bonnie - early welcome to Huntsville. Looking forward to your lecture Thurs.

BTW, if you want to check out antique stores, etc you'll probably have better luck getting off of 40/24. You're more likely to see stuff on 411, where you can go through the greater Gatlinburg stuff (if you want), Marysville, Cleveland, plus you'll have the scenery of the the Ocoee & Natahala. But it's a long drive, so if you want to antique you probably do want to start out Wed.

Impera Magna said...

Glad you found your blue tooth thing... I think it wanted to hang out with all that fabric!

I think I'd leave Wednesday and enjoy the trip... stop and smell the roses... and visit antique shops! That'll break up the trip...

Kim said...

Oh yeah leave earlier......be careful of all the flooding and make sure you check your routes before you leave. The people is Chattanooga are probably the nicest in the world.....we took my in laws there for an Army reunion of WWll vets when my FIL had a stroke/heart attack....from the hotel staff to the ICU staff....one person was nicer than the next. (We got him home via ambulance and he died the next week) But our family will never forget the kindnesses we received in Chattanooga.
Have a great time, enjoy the journey and all the great sights and people of our beautiful country.

Happy sewing

Pat L said...

Love your blog, patterns and scraps system! You put the fun in quilting for sure. Thank you.

I know what you mean about just dumping things off in the winter because there is no heat in your basement. I keep the larger pieces of fabric in my attic and also just drop them off until it warms up. It's hot up there in the summer too, so spring and fall organizing opportunities are few, has to be raining because if the sun is shining I would rather be outside.

I would advise leaving a day ahead, it's healthier in the long run. Have some fun along the way.

lori said...

Leave on Wed... this IS your life you are living... the driving is OK, but the stopping and enjoying along the way is what makes it all worthwhile. Keeps the joy and adventure and creativity flowing. :-)

Freda said...

Go Wednesday! Make it easier on yourself.... and yo might find a good antique mall....

Barb in Mi said...

Wandering is good! For the soul -with or without antique malls. I would leave on Wednesday...

Miki Willa said...

You should definitely go on Wednesday and spend some time in Chattanooga. In nearby Chicamauga and Flintstone, there used to be some really great antique stores. Chattanooga is a very interesting city. Have a fun time.

julieQ said...

It just happens, doesn't it, those piles of this and that...I love it when I have time to fold it and file it! Be careful and have, Bonnie...take some time for you!

Vicky F said...

Hi Bonnie,
I know you're the Energizer Bunny and all....
but if it were me, driving 8 hours then giving a lecture would result in mush brain (who knows what would come out of your mouth?)
Then classes the next day? Or not?
I would definitely leave Weds.
Vicky F

Me and My Stitches said...

Definitely leave Wednesday - there are treasures awaiting. And,then you won't be so wiped out for Thursday night. And...if you are really tired of those piles of fabrics, feel free to stuff them in a box and ship them to me. I will fold them for you :)

DianeY said...

I live on an island & to drive all the way around takes maybe 2 hours, so I can't hardly conceive of an 8 hour drive. I'd probably leave Monday & take it in 2 hour/day segments-think of all the shopping time!

sara said...

In Chattanoga there is the Aquarium and The Kitting Mill Antique Mall. Both have website.... really worth checking into.

JudyCinNC said...

You have to enjoy the journey - not always strive for the destination - too much organization just does not leave a lot of time for spontaniety. Judy C

Deb said...

Hi Bonnie!! I was already thinking "9 hour drive?" Is she crazy? Definitely, leave on Wednesday and enjoy the drive! After all, it is spring...I find relaxing driving a perfect time for creative thinking. Amazing ideas sometimes pop into my mind during long trips. Oh, and antique malls... definitely need to stop there to fight fatigue!! I love what you did in your sewing room. I need to spend some more time doing the same. :)

Deb at clutteredquilter.blogspot.com

Pauline said...

you too huh? my friend nancy Patchwork Penguin, has the same problem with a book of yours Bonnie..hahah..have fun on your travels...
writing down some of the comments, as headed your way in August..nice tips there..

Jean said...

Well good for you in finding your blue tooth! So nice when we can find the things we are looking for.
As soo many of the other's that have commented have said, enjoy life... it's easier to do things if we don't stress ourselves out.
Have a good trip and happy hunting!

Mrs A said...

Hi Bonnie, your fabrics look much nicer sorted and folded, i need to do this too! Btw is Monday here already! Have a safe trip and take it easy!

Rosa said...

Glad you found your blue tooth.It`s nice find the things we`re looking for.

Have a good trip and happy quilting!!

Amy said...

Leave on Wednesday, that's my vote! Otherwise you will be so exhausted on Thursday you won't enjoy the lecture, and they might pick up on how tired you are. You want your vibrant, energetic self to show through at the lecture! Besides, those antique malls are calling your name.....Bonnie....Bonnie....do you hear them?

Cheri C. said...

Oh, if you are going 85 it is a must to stop in Gaffney at the "yellow mall(outlets)" and get strawberries from Strawberry Hill. They are in season and very yummy. You will be glad you did. You can google them and get more details. I know you mentioned Abbotts for peaches but these are the best! I just got some tonight and had strawberry shortcake - yum!!! Have a safe trip!!

Leeanne said...

Now Bonnie if that 'Yuk' green is as bad as you say, take your own advice:cut it up small!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to leu2500 who mentioned it was Huntsville. I live in northeast Missouri, but I am traveling to Huntsville this weekend. It now looks like a Trunk Show and lecture is on my weekend list of things to do!

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