
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Homeward Bound!

It was a great workshop yesterday!! Pics are on my phone, and I’m being picked up for the airport in less than 1/2 hour so I need to be quick about this!! I’m heading home to North Carolina from Tyler, Texas today --

Michelle MADE my day when she sent along an excerpt from Quilters Home Magazine June/July 2011 listing the 55 top Quilting Blogs!

I was completely gobsmacked to read that we were listed as NUMERO UNO!! Wow…I’m not sure how they came to their conclusions, but I was also tickled to find that there are great blogs that I don’t KNOW about….and I’m going to pick up the full issue so I can go check them out!


Pictures have started flooding in from Quilt Market in SLC! I’m so tickled that Kansas City Star put my quilts right where ordering people would be standing for a close up and personal look!


You certainly can’t miss them if you are standing there placing an order at all, can you? :cD

So off I go home…I’ve got a 3 hour layover in Houston, so I hope the A/C is back to being FIXED!! At least it is a sunny beautiful day today….I’m still shaking over that flight of terror on Wednesday night!

I refuse to be a whimpy traveller! This girl is getting BACK on that horse and is going to enjoy her flight home!

I’ve been working on the hexagons….of course. And it isn’t a lot of anything exciting to show you because I’m simply filling in background areas right now until I get up to the inset borders I want to do:

tylertx2011 026

The cream part is almost done, you can see my little drawing for my map on the hexagon paper….this is to straighten up TWO opposite sides…and then I’ll have to do the top and bottom to square it off. It’s coming along! I really enjoy working on it…..and it is worth the time that it takes. It really is. I love every stitch! ((When the plane isn’t bouncing!!))

I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend wherever you are…..I’ll catch you back from the NC side!


Impera Magna said...

Congratulations on being the NUMBER ONE quilting blog... I'm not in the least bit surprised!

Safe travels today! Sending you some magic fairy dust to sprinkle around for both A/C in Houston and smooth flying!

Tina Craig said...

Those of us who read your log every day are not surprised in the least to see you at the top of the list! You are a dynamo of quilting energy! Thank you for the daily dose of quilting inspiration.

Crunchy Diva said...

woo hoo congrats on being listed as the best quilting blog that is so exciting for you.

love your hexagons!!!! that's probably because i'm slowly working on my own.

Cathy said...

We always knew you were the best now everyone knows. Love the hexagons. Hugs

Betty said...

Congrats! Your blog is the best because you keep it lively and inspiring!
I am anxiously awaiting your tour to North Alabama. I'll see you at BBQG in 10 days! Wishing you safe travels and a working AC in Houston.

scrappy101 said...

You're the best Bonnie, well deserved for all your hard work. I so look forward to your adventures, stories and QUILTS.

Kim said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Well deserved. You put so much into your work and it shows. For those of us lucky enough to have taken a workshop we know how personable you are and how you have a real love of teaching......not to mention so much quilting knowledge. You have worked hard for this distinction...make no mistake. Plus who else gives away all these wonderful patterns and tutorials in such an organized way? A quilter can come and get inspired and then when the time is right the pattern is still there for the making. I love having all your books but also checking in on your blog to see what you are up to, what you've seen, and what part of the world you are in! Safe Travels, and thanks for a generous blog.

Happy Sewing

Sheila said...

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. Great blog!

Leah said...

What a well-deserved spotlight week for our Bonnie! Congrats on the magazine feature and the quilt show display - it's nice to see the quilting community pay you back for a just little bit of your generosity and creativity. Safe travels home!

Idaho Quilter said...

I am not surprised, congratulations! Hope your trip home is better.

mary e said...

congrats on being picked #1!! no surprise here. i spend waaaay too much time visiting blogs, so i know blogs, yours is the BEST in all categories. safe flight!! :>)

Patti said...

I'm having a "day". Your blog always cheers me up! Congrats Bonnie, you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

on the hexagons….of course. And it isn’t a lot of anything exciting to show you GIRL.... this whole hexei project is exciting.... anyone who has sewn together "paper pieces" KNOWS the work and the addictiveness of the process..... so glad you have a project like this for your "travel" time.... wonder what the name of this quilt is going to be Travel 2010-2011-2012 (ha ha) veg on Sunday.... you have earned it...

quiltmom anna said...

Congratulations on having the number one blog Bonnie. Yours is the first blog that I ever read- long before I became a lurker and then a commenter and finally a blogger myself. I enjoy going to your website too. I am currently making your Strip Twist pattern.

Teresa in Music City said...

Congrats on being recognized for who you are - #1!!! Your blog is my first visit every day! Love the way your hexagon quilt is coming along.

WoolenSails said...

Congratulations on being number one!
Love your hexagons, really beautiful shades.


Suze said...

Congratulations on having the number one quilting blog! Love your hexagons.

Carlapatch said...

Well,it's not a surprise your blog is number one! If I read it,at Brazil's south, almost the end of the world! And I read it everyday!
Good trip for you!
Carla Fraga

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised at all...you are so inspiring to all of us. I look forward to your blog every day! I love your hexie project. Would you consider sharing that exact pattern someday?

Terri in st. louis

Lane said...

I know why your blog is number 1; that winning combination of personality and skill. Enjoy it and Congratulations. Lane

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