
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Waking Up on Spin!

I woke this morning to the feeling of the house a shakin’, rattlin, and rollin’ ---- The washing machine was on spin cycle! Which means --- Someone OTHER than me was doing laundry! ***HUGE SMILE*** Rolling on the floor laughing

I found this video while searching for an out of control machine pic to post here! This was NOT what I was looking for, but you know, I like the music and it's got me moving this morning! LOL!!!

By the looks of the laundry laying around the flat ((I'm assuming this is college partying...)) I guess the washing machine was better as a costume than as an actual way to get clothes clean!

And back to MY wake up call with the machine -- it was at least after 7am, which is okay with me. I’m still greatly enjoying the mornings that I get to wake up without an alarm clock. Even if I wake up at the same time as I would *WITH* an alarm…just waking up without one is a much gentler ease into the day, isn’t it?

I eased my way down stairs…which isn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be, my trainer didn’t kill me as much as I anticipated! This is a good thing. I’m happy to be getting back into a regular workout routine. I’ve missed it. Winter always does this to me. I’m like a bear, I want to hibernate in the winter, but as the days get longer…I’m ready to be out and be active and make the most of it.

This quote is pasted right here on my desktop:


This morning there is a pilates class at 10:30, I think I’ll be there to stretch and ease out any soreness from yesterday.

Oh, the little heart hanger you see at the top? That’s a goodie I picked up while roaming an Antique Mall on my way to Alabama ---Somewhere in Georgia! Poor little thing was in a booth marked “Everything 50% off” and I knew it could have a place with me, and is now hanging from the knob of my china cabinet door. I love little bits made out of old quilts like this!

I spent wonderful bonding-time with my machine last night! I finished my block for Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks, Vol 4 ((Which missed the first deadline, but hey, I’m doing as best as I can here!)) and it is ready to send out today. I’m THRILLED with this block…I wish I could show you, but alas, it’s a secret!

I moved on to laying out the pineapple project I’ve been working on for years. Subee posted her version that she made from my pics, but I’m keeping THIS one under wraps too because it is for the next book due out next year!

For those of you who loved doing my Perkiomen Daydreams quilt from Scraps & Shirttails I, with it’s 10,000 pieces? Let’s just say this one tops it at 11,892 pieces!

pineapplecrazy 006

And no, it didn’t make a dent in the crumbs buckets that I was working out of. So..I’ll soon be picking another long-term project just for the “Joy of Piecing”..and it might take years, but it will be worth it. Not everything needs to be a quilt in a day, or even a week, month or year, does it? Some things we do just because we love them, and they have no deadline!

These are my current crumbs buckets. They might not look like much to you, but their contents are dear to me! I love finding places where they can go…the biggest benefit of using and saving crumbs? VARIETY! Endless VARIETY right there at my fingertips. Flirt male

I plan on sewing on the pineapple more this afternoon, assembling the blocks into rows…..and plan to pin a top into the quilting machine destined to go to Quilters Newsletter Magazine for the Quilts for Japan. Have you found something you can finish and donate? I know they are going to need all the quilts they can get!

And you know what? That’s all there is to report for now, because all is well in my world! Off to the gym I go!


http://thankfullga447 said...

I love the heart hanging, I have a friend that gave me one and I hang it on my front door. I love my crumb bins, I have two bags of crumb that were donated that need sorting.

Anne said...

Happy Heart has a new home! :-)

Saska said...

Printed off the quote. I think we all need that!

I came home the other day to the Dishwasher running. That was music to my ears!

Jocelyn said...

I am working on finishing up my third UFO to send to Dana at Quilters Newsletter for Japan. I know I could probably find more, but I want to get them mailed off soon. Love your little blue scrappy heart.

Marj said...

I just recently looked at the Perkiomen Daydreams quilt again and still have not felt like I have enough small scraps to start it yet.
The pineapple sounds like it is one I'll like, I love tedious small pieces that take a long time to make blocks from. They are good for in between other projects that I need a break from.lol

Karen Newman Fridy said...

hmmm....I'm wondering if I should invite him to my next laundry party? ;)

Irene Onderweegs said...

One very strong order to myself: you'll die if you don't pick up at least one new venture a year!
Up till now I'm very well alive, I dare say, this year is the year of getting started designing quilts, new ones, not already kits or like that.
Love from a misty Amsterdam, Irene

Brenda said...

I really think you have been the insperation for me to get up and move - how can a person thank someone enough who, without them knowing it, has made such an impact on their life? I am a couch potato, who loves to curl up and read, who hides from the world when it's conveniant (and winter snows and cold windy days, makes it very easy to ignore the outdoors!!) and I love to be out there in the warm stuff, with a book and, well, for the past few weeks, I have taken myself to the pool - joined a local rec center and and starting a yoga class on Monday. Reading what you do and how much you do, the people you meet and the places you go, well, over the years has made me realize, I can do this too!! I just have to make it happen, and you are part of the insperation that has me makig up dreams and living them!! And, I love the quote on this post - and I have now written it to sit above my cmoputer so I remember to just keep living my dreams!! Thank You Bonnie!!

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