
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quilt Tops Gone MIA!!---

Remember me posting about the quilt top I was going to quilt to send off to the “Quilts For Japan” drive?

I’m sure I’m not the ONLY Quilter this happens to, but….I could see that top so clearly in my mind, I thought I knew right where it was, and I looked and looked and looked and I can’t find it! WHERE could it go? I know it hasn’t left the basement. I KNOW I haven’t used it for another donation thing elsewhere ((Have I? Could I have already quilted, bound, labeled and donated and I don’t remember!?)) so where could it BE?!

However, never fear --- In my searches I came up with two tops I can quilt in rapid succession!

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This is a little sampler my online group did many years ago as a favorite fabric swap. It only ever got this far….it just needs borders, and I can quilt it and it will be good to go. It’s just the right size to be nearly a twin by the time I’m done with the borders. I’ll get on that today.

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This lovely scrappy bargello has been waiting for quilting for some time as well…just waiting for the perfect need to fill. It was given to me by a quilter-friend, Tammy from MD to use as a donation at some point, And when I found this top, I knew it was TIME to give it a finish and a purpose….

Could it be any better? Look at this border fabric closely!

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I just hope it says something nice…LOL Or…is this Chinese? Shoot. I don’t know! I just know it has an Asian feel to it, and I know it will go to a good home where it is needed.

The quilting will be simple….I’d like to get these done and bound by the time my travel schedule gets crazy busy starting next Thursday.

I feel a desire to dig through the orphan blocks and see what else I can come up with. And maybe, just maybe---I’ll find the top that I was thinking I was going to use for this purpose?

Wherever can it be hiding?! Flirt male

What can YOU do to help? Check yesterday’s post for the link for Quilters Newsletter and the guidelines. There is still time. They would like the quilts at their offices by April 30th. That gives us a month. Let’s do it!

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Last evening DH asked me to go walk the golf course with him while he played a round of 9 holes. It was sweatshirt weather, but not windy, and the sun sure felt good.

Do I have to remind you of how much I love the smell of cut grass? Rolling on the floor laughing

The grass is starting to green up, but it has a long way to go. It’s hilly where we live, so even just walking the course is a workout on the legs. Oh how I love to be OUTSIDE! And good thing I went yesterday, because it is raining today…how did I know?

Miss Emmy Lou woke me up by jumping up onto the bed soaked through…..She’d been out exploring! Which is a feat in itself! Remember, she is the one that wouldn’t leave the guest room? Seems that her boundaries have expanded since Oscar is no longer on the prowl. She’s even come down to the quilt room a couple of times and settled herself in a chair! Strange. But comforting all the same!

Welcome to your Wednesday! What will you choose to do with it? Winking smile


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope you find your quilt top.
Now off of that topic I have a question for you. Now and then you post books for your kindle that you have found for free - other than looking on Amazon do you have a site that alerts you to free books and could you pass that information on to me - thanks.

Impera Magna said...

I know exactly what you're talking about... looking for something and being SURE you know where it is... but it's nowhere to be found! And we all know that it WILL turn up when we're looking for something else...

Today I will continue cleaning and reorganizing my sewing room, which had gotten completely out of hand with recent projects... and playing with my granddaughters when they arrive for a visit. Do hope to get a little sewing done during the course of the day...

~Joan said...

Still waiting for some pics of the amazing people you met in Franklin at the Pineapple Blossom workshop. A-hem!!

debbie m said...

What a lovely pic of your walk, how romantic. I don't even want to talk about how much time I spend looking for stuff (this morning I can't find the tote I keep my iPad stuff in, need to charge the keyboard).
Cat's are so funny. I'm glad Emmy L has discovered freedom. Oscar must have been a bit territorial. MR's granny's cat Murphy was very seclusive, worse than Howard Hughes. After granny passed Murphy went to live with Aunt Hellen and has become very outgoing. She jumps in laps and tangles around legs. Enjoy her new found personality traits, minus the wet maybe.

Idaho Quilter said...

I started looking for a ufo recently, I found more than I bargained for. Now I have 3 ufo's to finish, but not the one I was looking for. A scrappy Delectable Mountain was one of them, and closest to being finished. You inspired me to finish for Japan. That is on my agenda today .

Jocelyn said...

I am binding the last two quilts for Japan today. Hope to get them boxed up and shipped to Dana by the end of this week. I hope you find your lost ufo!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

You both rock Girls!! We'll do this together! I figure if I even get these quilted, I can leave the hand stitching of binding for while on the road :c)


stitchinpenny said...

I love your quilts. but your cat story intrigues me. I had a beautiful orange tabby cat that ruled the roost for 10 years and a mixed up alley cat that was scared of her shadow, The tabyy died and the other act became more adventurous and loving and even a little aggressive when we rescued a kitten. There was a pecking order and once the head cat was gone she reinvented herself.

Misha said...

I think it's Japanese...I see the number one in the blue and the number 3 in the black. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2046.html

GeeMa said...

It is amazing how animals come into their own. We had two pugs. The younger one was stand-off and aloof. The older one went across the Rainbow Bridge. The younger one has now become the biggest pet. She recently found out she could sleep in the bed with us.

Jittina said...

Eeehhh.... you do know April has only 30 days?

That bargello quilt looks great! I'm sure someone will be very warm snuggling under it.

Jittina, the Netherlands

Kim said...

I am going to send my very first Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt to japan " Caroline Crossroad" I love it but it has gotten a few years of love from me without ever being used just viewed with love :0) so off it goes along with a few other scrappy creations I hope to finish before the deadline. Bonnie are you putting anything on the label? I feel so badly for these families that have lost so much and still don't know if the radiation will kill them or another earthquake.

Happy Sewing......give all you can :0)

Katie said...

Beautiful quilts . . I know the recipient/s will be so pleased to own a Bonnie Hunter quilt! It won't matter how you quilt it - your quilts are always beautiful!

Lisa Werdel said...

I'm cutting scraps for two quilts which will go to Japan as well, will use two of your patterns, criss cross Applesauce is nearly cut and the other one is nine patches ?! they will be quilted by a longarm quilter (not Aby :-) ) and on Apr.12th the Black forest Quilter will quilt together for a whole day ! We hope the army will ship them for us !

Nane said...

I think its great you have tops ready to go for such a good cause.

Mary Ann said...

E-mail from American Quilter's Society

Link with direct address to Japan to aid Tsunami victims by sending quilts through July 2011 to:

Brita said...

I know where your missing quilt is hiding. Same place as mine, no doubt! I've found missing tops that are ready to be quilted, wrapped up with the backing and batting, hiding where it can't be seen. Love that Miss Emmy Lou has started coming out of her shell; she must know you need her companionship now, and that she needs yours.

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