
Friday, March 27, 2009

Just Wide Enough...

I admit it. I like "unlikely combinations" or Strange Bedfellows if you choose!

When I was going through my stash to find a backing for the Cathedral Stars, I came across this "winter" fabric with big snowflakes. I must have gotten it at an after the holidays 75% off sale or something. I know it had a project at one time, that of course went by the wayside, and here was yards of this bright blue with big snowflakes..what else could I do with it?

Oh yes, another unlikely..the snowflakes GLITTER! Uhhuh...bling! Which is so unlikely for me too.

Well it is PERFECT for the back of the Cathedral Stars!! Not only that...the snow flakes remind me of the time I spent in Sun River, sewing on the quilt with the snow coming down outside heavy and furious...memories of our trek through the snow with Puppy Max in tow. It is turning out to be JUST RIGHT!

There is enough yardage with one exception. It wasn't quite wide enough. So I dug through the orphan bin and found a baggie of "hidden spools" Block quarters left from years and years ago...(7 or 8?) and I simply sewed them together in zig zag fashion and inserted them between the two lengths of blue snowflakes. It's wierd. It's an "unlikely combination"...but I like it! It suits me just fine.

Take a close look at the fabrics in the pieced area...see those PIES?! *LOL* Yep. Unlikely amidst the traditional fabrics. Things like this can add whimsy and fun to an other wise ordinary quilt. Snowflakes and Pies. Makes me smile!

Now to load it on the machine!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Not an unlikely pairing at all... warm pie on a cold and snowy day... perfect! I think I have some of that very same TWINKLING snow fabric in my stash too. What was I thinking? ;)

SubeeSews said...

Will the glitter make for tough quilting? You know like those WOW painted fabrics that needles just hate??
I love the combination.Pies and snowflakes!
I am quilting my Batik Virginia Bound. Arggg...it is big 120x144. I am doing it in sections. I have pics on my blog.

YankeeQuilter said...

Pie is the new black....

BethanyQuilt said...

I love the back! And congratulations on the 2nd book! Looking forward to it. You're finally coming up my way (Brownstone Quilters) and there are a lot of us anticipating your visit. Yippee!!

Lori said...

She lives!!! lol Bonnie, I was afraid you had "runn oft" into the beautiful pacific northwest!! Glad you're back in time for all this east coast rain...hmmmm.

Lori in VA

Kim said...

It all makes me smile.......your example has turned my quilting spirit free! My "Jared takes a wife" got a backing of plaid and bunnies!
Never would have done that before I got scrappy with you :0).

Happy Sewing,

Potpourri said...

Now how cool is that backing. Great idea, you always have us thinking outside the box. Bravo.

Jean said...

Pie and snowflakes... makes me think of cocoa... yummm! Makes me hungry! Guess I need to get busy and make pie!
We missed you!

Tazzie said...

Love the back Bonnie hon, it looks just wonderful. I'm so glad to 'see' you again, I missed you!

Unknown said...

THe only unlikely combination is the one you can't justify with a good "it reminds me of....." story.

Trudi said...

I love that snowflake fabric! You've just given me a brilliant idea for our next "round robin" quilt- a winter theme. You are a very talented lady and I love visiting your blog and your website!

Lindah said...

Warm apple pie and a cuppa coffee on a cold, snowy day! Sounds like a good combination to me!

Shari said...

Love it... Makes me smile too!


Anonymous said...

Makes me smile too, Bonnie. I love the back of this quilt!

Thank goodness winter is on it's way OUT up here. We New Englanders are all but done with snowflakes for now! The last big piles are melting and we're looking forward to SPRING!

Have a great weekend!


Helen in the UK said...

Love the quilt backing! Great news about the 2nd book too :)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Hey Bonnie, I like your backing. You clever gal you. Way to use up that extra fabric.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Be sure to wear a coat and gloves, the snowflakes make me feel cold.

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