
Friday, March 27, 2009

Coming or Going?

I've gotten emails asking if I made it home safe, and was I ever going to post to my blog again? Well,yes...I am here, alive and kicking. I got home late Sunday night, but have spent the last few days firmly ensconced in the dreaded TAX RACE!

I admit it. Every year it's the same thing. I tell myself to take care of this stuff monthly, quarterly...and every year I do really well until the first quarter ends...and then....pfffftt! So needless to say, with April fast approaching,that's where I've been. Hey...at least the first quarter of 2008 was done! *LOL* I doubt I'll do any better with 2009...

I've got a few pics from my time in Olympia. Can you tell from the pics that it rained...A LOT!? :cD I think on Friday I saw everything but snow. It went from fog to rain to sun, and then the wind whipped up and blew the clouds back in and it rained some more. But it was beautiful and green.

Friday & Saturday's workshops were held at Gull Harbor Lutheran Church. Just the tiniest little church, it was perfect! During the lecture, as quilts were shown and talked about, the helpers would drape them over the back pews...so after the lecture people could wander and get a closer look. I really loved this!

I also have some important news....I just heard yesterday from my publisher, and there WILL be a sequel to Scraps & Shirttails with more quilts to do with recycled fabric! It's slated for release in 2011. I know it's a way off, but I have the 2010 one in the works, and all things in due time, right?

It was such a quick trip, with not a lot of time for sight seeing, but after Saturday's workshop we headed out to roam an antique mall...didn't find any goodies. There WAS a featherweight there, 40% off in a booth! But it was in bad shape, the wiring needed to be all done, and too bad so sad...there was no room left in my carry on anyway. One of the gals I was with is considering it...but the seller wouldn't go down any lower than 40% off, and the amount of work it needs just to run...she isn't sure it is worth that either. So it stayed.

We had dinner at a lovely seafood place on the water! I got a couple pics..in between the rain (Can you tell it's been raining?!)and wish I had more time to take more. Night was falling. You can barely see the mountains in the background in one pic....they were majestic! And I had to get a pic of the state capital as seen from the pier too.

Next stop? Guess what?! I'm giving a workshop Saturday in Mt Airy, NC! That's only a skip up the road so just a day trip.

My box from Randy's arrived yesterday with all my quilting stuff in it. To the lady who asked WHY I had to ship stuff home? Simple. Charges for excess baggage on the plane. I didn't need my Oregon stuff to come with me to Washington. I didn't want to pay the excess baggage fees to lug it around when I was already toting 2 full 50lb duffel bags full of quilts, and had my clothing in a carry-on as it is. Why bother to lug around another huge box and pay baggage fees on top of it all? Just ship it home and be done with it :c)

Now that the box is here..I need to piece a backing for the Cathedral Stars and get working on the Jared Takes a Wife...pick it up where I left off! When it was time to leave, I just stuffed a long string of chain piecing into the box..it's still all connected and not ironed..*LOL*


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I'd ship, too... there would be no questions from me.I love the church pics, just wonderful with the quilts draped over the pews. And the sign outside the church: words to live by-- "be yourself, everyone else is taken"! Welcome home, Bonnie.

Nancy said...

Yes, welcome back Bonnie, we missed you.

YankeeQuilter said...

Even with the rain it sounds like it was great trip...welcome back!

Katney said...

I had wondered the same. And of course it rained in Oly. The collection of pink and purple stars is growing on my design wall, but other projects have intervened temporarily. Are we ADHD?

Jantine said...

Glad you are back and safe. I must admit I missed your blogs! I love the pictures of the church with all your quilts on the benches!

Not Lucy said...

Was the featherweight in Olympia? How much was it? I wouldn't care that it needed rewiring, etc. My husband has started collecting and repairing sewing machines so he could probably do it and I am only about an hour out of Olympia!

Also, I feel your pain with the tax race! My husband has been in business for himself for 15 years and each year I say I will work on the tax stuff all year long so I am not in a rush in November-January but I never follow through! So, I spend a month sitting in my recliner with the laptop putting a year's worth of service invoices, bills and parts into the accounting program so my cousin the accountant can get our taxes done in time!

Unknown said...

A book from you in 2010 and another in 2011?? Wahoo!!! I'm already looking forward to getting and devouring them. No matter how many you write, I'll be purchasing all of them. Hugs, Peg

Loris said...

Yes! Welcome back, Bonnie. The quilts in the church are heartwarming to see. And Thanks, Mrs.G for pointing out the sign. I like that!
Congrats on the new book. You will be proud to know I sat watching tv, cutting up old worn uniforms that happen to made from a nice Hoffman cotton. All solid colors and will be used in some Amish style quilts. Reuse,Repurpose.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Great news about the book in 2011! And the snowflakes as the backing on the quilt are sooo fun! Wait till you see what I have to show you!!!!

bingo~bonnie said...

I'm so excited to read we will see a sequal to your 1st book. There are so many more scraps and shirttails just waiting their turn to grow up to become a quilt one day ;)

I also love your backing you used for cathedrial stars. Seperating two large pieces with a row of leftover blocks is a favorite of mine too. Love from Texas! -bonnie

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