
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sand Hills Quilt Guild Show!

I traipsed off to Asheboro yesterday to meet up with my friend Mary(Doesn't that sound like that movie...Something About Mary? *LOL*) and we drove together to the Sand Hills Guild Show!

The venue was great...it's held in an the Pinehurst Fair Barn, located near the Harness Track on Rt. 5, in Pinehurst, NC. It was a gorgeous early autumn day, and we were SO inspired by the quilts!

I'm a funny photographer when I go to shows. I might just get a pic of a border, or quilting detail, or something about a color scheme, etc....but rarely do I get all full shots of all the quilts. Still, there are over 100!

It took me some time to edit them all down. I've uploaded them to my webshots album. I think the slide show will do up to 60 photos,but there are over 100 in the album, so you might want to click the link and head on over to view them all.

From the show, four of us went to lunch at Panera Bread, and then Mary and I drove to Cameron,NC to immerse ourselves in the wonderful old town and antique shops. I'll have to wait for that upload for another day!! Believe me when I tell you it was MEGA photo opportunity. Quilts Galore, and displayed so nicely....I ran out of camera battery before I ran out of pics to shoot!

It was a great day, Mary, Thanks for inviting me! Mary also has big news...her new long arm arrived today, and I'm sure we won't hear from her for a bit as they do some bonding and get used to each other :c)

Sand Hills Guild Show, Pinehurst, NC


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

WHAT FUN!! :) Glad you had a good day.

Angie said...

Great quilt show Bonnie! I take the same type of pictures as I'm always looking for inspiration for quilting the quilt. Really some nice quilting in your pictures. Lots of feathering....thanks!

Julie said...

Wow, Bonnie, this was a beautiful show. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us.
Julie in Oregon

Jan said...

What beautiful quilts. The applique quilts were fantastic. I still stand in awe of the talent that is out there. Quilters are truly artist.

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

Hi I want to add myself as a follower but the page is having trouble....Love all the quilts at the show thanks for showing

Anonymous said...

I totally understand why you took detail-pics! I enjoyed each and every pic. Thanks for sharing!

~Kris~ said...

Any idea how the spiral flowers were made in photo 13?

They are all so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

rcp said...

The show was great!!! And it was great seeing Bonnie and meeting Mary. If you talk to Mary, tell her congrats on getting her machine.

Carrie P. said...

Man, I wish I would have gone to that show. It was either that one or the one in Concord. I chose that latter. The barn itself looks very awesome. Looks like a great show.

Fran said...

What fun to travel with you Bonnie. You always take us to the most interesting places.

We had our own Quilt Show this past summer and they are so much fun. So many talented folks out there.

Thanks for the tour and the quilts were exquisite(?).


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