
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Antiquing in Cameron, NC!

A busy weekend and a busier Monday meant I didn't get a chance to edit the Cameron photos down until this morning.

As I was doing so, I was reflecting on how things "used" to be. Remember when the only way to have instant photos was to use a polaroid?! And before, if we wanted to take pics of our quilts, it was guess work. Never knowing how they would turn out, or if....especially if you were at a quilt show, and unable to go back and get "better" ones if they turned out blurry or lost detail due to the flash aspect, etc.

I LOVE MY DIGITAL! How different life is with this little gizmo. I love being able to get pics of my neices and nephews in my email, especially since I live so far away from family. It really is like being there in a way.

For instance, my sister sent this pic with her latest blog update. Kelly broke her wrist! And it looks like all she got for it was a blue cast and a pink clickable pencil. What a gyp! But it looks like she is handling it really well....

Used to be that this would sit in a roll of film, maybe gather together in a drawer with other undeveloped rolls of film, and never make it to Auntie Bonnie so far away. Yep. I love digital technology!

So here I am sitting here clicking through these great photos..oh so many photos! I loved the little town of Cameron, NC
It really is just a small village with a gas station mini mart at one end....a post office next to it...a bunch of old buildings turned into antique shops...a few old churches and lots of old wonderful gingerbread style houses.

Mary and I spent HOURS there until we closed out the antique shops! There was even a little deli with a soda fountain and we had to stop for a root beer float and a piece of pie.

We even spent time at the Cameron Jail! Fun fun. I love history, so it was great wandering through these old buildings that used to be hardware stores, general stores, and people's homes. We even met the great grandaughter of the builder/owner of one grand victorian house that is now a tea room and antique shop. Not only antiques, but she has novelties. Mary and I died laughing and said we HAD to have pics of the "Leg Lamp" because it was like the one in "A Christmas Story". The ulitmate in tacky decor..*hehehe*

But the best part of all was ALL the antique quilts. I really did enjoy this part of the day more than the quilt show. I'm just an old fashioned girl who is drawn to soft old quilts, falling apart as they may be, they touch history and hold the hands of the maker within their stitches. The way the quilts were displayed was just SO natural, it was like walking through the pages of country living magazine or something. I just LOVED everything we saw, and the feeling these quilts provoked.

Antiquing in Cameron NC, 9-19-2008
There are 80 some photos...the slide show will do probably about 60, so if you want to see everything, you'll need to click over to my webshots album by clicking the link below the slide show.


Anonymous said...

Loved the post! I'll update my blog to yours! LOL

Kathy in FL said...

I loved seeing the antique quilts. And the pink and white Birds in the Air in the Log Cabin setting is perfect for a quilt I need to make for a friend who just had a baby girl.

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