
Monday, September 01, 2008

Part 4 is up!

Part 4 of tobacco roads is UP and ready! I won't show you the whole thing here, there are some who might still be plodding along,and not wanting it solved for them, so Chloe is going to become the focus of the photos..*LOL*

I have had requests to revise the pages so there are some added "text only" pages without pictures. I'm already doing 3 versions of each step trying to please everyone. We have the regular .shtml extention that includes side bar so you can navigate back and forth. We have the printer friendly .html page for those who can't do .pdf and don't want the side bar so they can print it. Then we have the .pdf file for those who would rather have that.

Now....I've got requests to do a "text" only page so that you don't have to print pictures and not use so much ink. I bend over backwards, many times, but this time I'm going to put it at your feet. You have the ability to copy/paste the text into a word document yourself and just print what you want! That way you can customize it to your own liking and save all the ink you want to.

The cost of ink is small when you consider that this is a free mystery, a free 6 part mystery. What would you have paid for this in a shop? Or consider the price of at least one magazine at the store? Maybe the price of the ink is small potatoes in comparison.

But as for me, I'd rather spend time quilting, than altering the pages and making MORE versions.

Thanks for understanding!


BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

You do more than anyone I know of for quilters. I haven't started this one due to time issues, but you can bet I will soon. Thanks again for a wonderful quilt! Take some time for yourself! Don't labor on Labor Day! LOL
Regina in MI

Anonymous said...

Your right...Chloe is distracting from the quilt and I'm loving her!

dot said...

Well now, work can be done on the printers side. If you don't want the pictures delete them from the page before you print it. How hard is that. Bonnie you do enough for us as is, I am keeping up with you but not much else is getting done. I can't wait to see how my fabric choices work out. If it is a bad quilt it will because I didn't have good fabric choices not because you didn't have a good pattern. Let's see what happens.

Pattie D said...

I posted something and it didn't show up so if it shows up later, I am sorry. Bonnie, you are fabulous and I for one so appreciate all you do for us. Your mysteries are sooo much fun, I love them! They make me stretch and grow in a way I wouldn't have tried on my own. I love that you encourage us to use all the little pieces we can't part with. I am afraid you are going to have to learn to ignore some of these people who want to be fed with a silver spoon. I always say "Those who do, do and those who don't...well they don't!"
Hey you have inspired my not so much for sewing daughter to make quilts for her two little boys. Thank you!
And now...Meridian Idaho???? Bonnie, I was raised in Boise, my husband in Meridian...stomping ground for us, why were you there? You know you are my age...did you go to school there? My mind races...
Thank you so much for all you do...I am going to post my color choices today for OTR....
Quilt hugs

Lynn Dykstra said...

After you take the pictures out of the text, can you come over and do some pressing of patches for me? I also have some vacuuming that needs to be done.

Marianne said...

Oh goody, I have been hoping for some recent pictures of Chloe. She looks to be such a sweet girl. Does she still reside down in your sewing studio? Does she get along with Oscar?

Thsnks for the mystery quilt!

Genie said...

Hi Bonnie--Thanks for the best mystery yet! I just love it and appreciate everything that you do to keep us motivated.
One little thing, the link from pts 3 to 4 doesn't seem to be there. I got to part 4 from your e-mail link, however. Thanks again. Wanda Gene

Kelli said...

Thanks for all that you do. While I haven't been able to start, I am saving the pdfs. Enjoy the holiday. ~ksp

Three Birds Inspired said...

Bonnie - I swannee, I don't know why you don't tear your hair out! Your level of patience is amazing. Thanks for the great mystery quilt. I don't have the time to do it right now but I have been following the progress. (I realize that means I am a cheater when I get around to doing it!)

Dee said...

Bonnie, you rock, thank you for the mystery. Perhaps the people who want everything done for them would like to come over and make you a weeks worth of meals, and wash windows for you. (let it roll of your back). Again, thank you so much for not only the mysterys, but tutorials, free patterns on your web site, letting us share your quilting life, advise, and just generally being such a kind generous person. I am trying to work out seeing you in WA in 2009 - my niece lives there (I am from MN) Dee

Donna Hodgson said...

I totally DITTO what Dee said above. Thanks so much. This IS great fun!

I may not wait until your next mystery quilt but dive into the ones you've already done and do them this way.

Thanks again.

Loris said...

Bonnie, This is a great mystery. Thanks so much for the fun time with it. Chloe is beautiful and I love seeing pics of your pets ( and quilts, too :-).
You are the best!

Colleen and Jason said...

I have to second your request and offer my husband's experience to echo your feelings. He teaches at a community college, each week he gives out 10 questions for homework, printed on a sheet of paper. They also have class a Web site, but he must hand out all assignments on paper because not everyone has Internet access. One student asked if he could post the questions online so she didn't have to type the questions in, all 20 total sentences. He politely said, "Um, no." We laughed about it all the way home.

Lori said...

Thanks for all the time you put into this mystery for us.

I bet Chloe didn't realize she was going to be a star, when she "followed" you home. She is lovely, so healthy and happy looking.

Unknown said...

Oh my some people just don't get it do they??? You oculd always take your curting mat inot the computer room and cut it out using the computer instead of wasting paper printing it at all. My son is going to put this one in a power point type thing so when my two girlfriends come over we can project it onto the wall in the dining room and use the instrucitons like that as we cut and sew. I think he is brilliant I wouldn't have thought of that!!

angela in Aus

PS; And of course becaue there are three of us doing it we will make some blocks of somehting else to send to you for your charity quilts anything in particular you want???

Unknown said...

Oh I peaked at Part four even thougn I haven't started yet now I want to start straight away. Thank you Bonnie it is gorgeous!!!
Mine will be in spring colours as here is Australia it is the second day of spring.

So that means your book must be close - any news??

angela in Aus

Katie said...

Oh my goodness! Well I guess some people didn't think the printing process through. Good of you to point out the possibilities to them. :-)

I think OTR is a very attractive quilt and I'm trying to get all my thrifted shirts cut up so I can get started! I also had a "need" to go out and snap my own photo of the tobacco fields. Demon weed, but it sure is picturesque!

Thanks again!

Lori said...

Chloe's eyes suck me in. Thanks for another wonderful mystery.
Remember- Nothing is complete without a little cat/dog hair!lol

Beverley said...

Hi Bonnie, I have just read your whole blog from the start!! It took 3 days.
Thanks for all you do, I really love your quilts, and like reading about your life in Carolina.
Do you have any idea why the pictures in your Quiltville web site won't display on my computer? I do have the "display pictures" switched on, so I am mystified.
Beverley in Britain.

Nane said...

See it in person last night really made me want to try it....

nannergirl said...

Thanks for OTR Bonnie! I live right near the beach so I'm using blues to represent the roads near me. We all really appreciate everything you do for us!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that Chloe reminds me of being part racoon with the black markings around her eyes.

Obviously she loves and trusts her mommy the way she's just lying there :)


Anonymous said...

Bonnie you are the Queen of Quiltland. You give us so much, and I love your mystery quilts. Sometimes I wonder though if these silly people who make silly requests will cause you to burn out. As others said, try and ignore them. You know the old bell curve, well they're the ones on the very, very end of the bell ie the minority. P.S. I'm working hard at trying to bring you to Canada to speak at our guild. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sewbaby said...

HI Bonnie,

Thanks so much for sharing your talent and love of quilting free of charge with us! I appreciate everything you do....just having the pattern free of charge is a BIG gift...some people just ask for more and more.

Thanks for all you do!


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