
Monday, September 01, 2008

Lil' Amish Crumbie :c)

I've been working in the evenings (when there is time) on doing hand quilting on little things. I've got some blank wall spaces that would benefit greatly from a splash of color, and that's my motivation for pushing through these!

This Lil' Amish Crumbie was made from the scraps of the amish string quilt I made a couple years ago. The thing that has slowed me down on it is that (*&@#$(*& feather border. I know feathers look great, but compared to fans, they are a pain to quilt because you can only load a couple stitches on the needle at a time as you turn the tight curves. Lots of futzing around trying to get the needle going in the right direction. Never the less...it's going to be cute when it is done!

Just the two long borders to go and then I can bind it and hang it!

It's VERY small: 20"X24" and each block is only 3". I just love the small pieces. I think that is a sickness too, but I just love every little bitty piece that I can sew into something and give it purpose. Hmmm...maybe there is a life lesson in that too?

I have GOT to clean up the studio this morning. And I need to get motivated on doing some machine quilting. But my stitch regulator is irregular and I'm in a quandry. Even when I put it on manual speed, and turn the knob between min and max, the speed doesn't vary, it just stays at semi slow...not increasing or decreasing. And no, it's not motor brushes, those are still new!


Tonya Ricucci said...

fun 'lil crumbie (and great pics of Chloe in the next post - I still look at her and think Pokey??**!) but I wouldn't call it VERY small. that's more like 8" x 11" and I'm sure there are folks who'd go smaller than that even. That says you are very used to working on BIG quilts. Sorry to hear about the quilting hangups.

Mary Johnson said...

This is really cute - I want to get the new book by Gwen Marston but it will lead to more fabric because I have no solids in my stash.

Jantine said...

HAve you ever heard of Ted Storm? You should.;-) She is a dutch quilter winning prices in the US. She developed a special thimble for your thumb and a course to learn how to quilt with it. I did it and it is great! No more turning around and being able to quilt all directions you want!!! Less strain on your hands too! I have no idea whether she teaches this in the USA, but you can get her thimble there anyway! Good luck.
Jantine Urban

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