
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Learning as I go....

My apologies to the international quilters who found they couldn't place an order in my shopping cart unless they put in a "STATE". It's a form shopping cart, and I spent some time in there this morning wheedling things around trying to make it international! I think I've succeeded. It will take someone ordering from somewhere overseas to tell me how it worked!

So...if you are Across The Pond or Down Unda or anywhere other than here, please let me know if my improvements worked! As I said...this is all new to me, and since I don't LIVE over seas...I can't place an order for myself there and see if it goes through :c)

*****Toby Update*****

He has chewed two of my shoes, but not pooped in the house. This is good! We also thought we'd found where he came from as we were driving about 5 miles out of the way and saw a sign for a lost black lab. We quickly called it. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad! But upon talking to the lady who posted the sign, we discovered that her black lab is over 6 years old, has a collar and tags, is neutered, and was last seen chasing after a deer. Definitely NOT Toby!

We are still looking for his owners, but kind of keeping our fingers crossed that he was a dumped dog as we thought. He stays by my side down here in the studio, rather than hanging out with the other dogs. Just as sweet as can be. Chloe is even tolerant of him.

He barks like crazy and goes nuts if he sees Jeff on Rollerblades. You'd think the world was coming to an end! Bizarre behavior? Yes...but we all have our terror buttons!*LOL*


Sunny said...

He's awful cute though. :-)

Freda said...

Glad you got a quilting buddy and a cute one as he sure is.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I want a dog but my husband keeps saying no. I'm waiting for God to send me one. I'm thinking He made a slight mistake and sent you my dog. :) blessings, marlene

Béa said...

OK BONNIE, the international shopping cart work for me for France with Paypal. I can't wait to receive my autographed book !

Donna Hodgson said...

Get Toby some rawhide chew toys so he'll leave your shoes alone. He's a puppy and needs to chew. Have fun with him.

PS. We have three cats. No room for stray dogs. Glad he found YOUR home before he found ours! :)

Clare said...

I'll be ordering some time next month if there are any left. Reserve one for me LOL!

I've been wondering about Toby. Did you get him checked for a microchip?

Helen in the UK said...

The amended shopping cart worked for my order from the UK too. Thanks - I'm really looking forward to getting my copy :)

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