
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Interview with Kansas City Star Quilts!

I was recently interviewed by Diane McClendon, who is the marketing and sales manager for Kansas City Star Quilts. She asked some really fun questions.
(like if your life was a movie, who would you get to play you!?)

If you want to check it out, you can go HERE!

Today was a run around day. I had to go to Sam's Club and buy padded mailers! Only to come home and find that I need more than double the amount I bought because the orders keep coming in for the book! I am so tickled! I'll have to order more in to send out what has been ordered. This is so cool. I really really wanted this book to do well, and I owe it all to you guys!

I stopped by the shoe repair place to pick up my right shoe. Yup. Just my right shoe. I bought these shoes a while ago, but the right one would never ease into comfortable wearing. So I had it stretched. Funny driving home the other day...the guy at the shoe place said "Bring it on Monday when you have a spare pair with you to drive home with." I said..I'm going straight home from here and I don't mind driving with one shoe, and one sock..he looked at me weird,but hey...it's 20 miles almost to the shoe place and I was going straight home!

Moral of the story..shoe feels better. I also picked up a roast chicken for dinner at Sam's....they were just putting them out.I couldn't resist! Neither could Jeff. When I picked him up at school, he dug right into the package and ate both legs. NO KIDDING! Growing boy. So much for presentation at dinner time. My chicken is legless. *LOL* OH well...what's a mom to do?

I also put the borders on a little donation quilt...I didn't finish it at charity bee last Thursday, so I did it this morning. Too cute...and this tile looking fabric is now OUT of the stash. I don't know why, but it was hard to use....it reminded me of public bathroom tile. *Hehehe* But it's gone now!


rcp said...

Great interview!!!! I can't wait to get the book!

Stephanie D said...

And with gas being practically non-existent in our state, 20 extra miles is nothing to sneeze at! I never knew one could get their shoes stretched.

The things I learn on your blog....

Pattie D said...

Had to laugh at the legless chicken...oh for teenage boys! I miss mine, totally something they might do...they are starving all the time...wait do they really ever grow out of that???
I am excited for the book....

Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo, congrats, Bonnie. so exciting to have the book out at last. Don't make yourself crazy getting all those orders out - folks can wait a few more days. Your kid quilt is beautiful, love the happy colors and the bathroom floor fabric works great in here.

Ida from Central PA said...


I'm an avid swapper, and a Boy Scout Mom, so I often have need of large quantities of envelopes, etc.

The best place I've found for supplies is ULINE.COM. I have a bunch of 5 x 7 padded mailers for my various swaps. I've also purchased sealable bags in various sizes for notions, etc. that I put in the swap -- that way they're not loose in the envelope -- less chance of getting missed.

I've ordered your book ... several of them. Can't hardly wait to get them!


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