
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun with little videos!

Here is a quicky video filmed LIVE from Tomorrow's Heirlooms in Westminster, Colorado last Sunday!:c) we had a blast. And I have to say this was the nicest classroom I've seen in a shop....the tables and space for cutting were phenominal!

A couple days before I taught in the "Double Eagle" Casino in Cripple Creek, and that was fun too, great lighting, good table space. Casinos aren't as bad as they used to be, they are non-smoking now, at least in Colorado. The air there is thin enough with the high elevation not to have to worry about also breathing second hand smoke.

Echo Valley Ranch, Colorado 2008
There are SO many pictures of the Colorado trip, that the best way for you to see them is to flip over to my webshots, or view the little slide show! I have entitled this one "Echo Valley Ranch" as most of the photos are of the ranch we stayed at with Arlan and Ken. As I look through these, the memories are still so vivid. Quilters are the most generous people I know. I am constantly amazed that people would open their homes to complete strangers, simply because that stranger is a quilter!

And on the quilty side of things....I finished the hand quilting of Charlotte's Baskets on the plane from Detroit to Greensboro! I got the binding and sleeve sewn on yesterday and did a bit of hand stitching down one side while watching "Nancy Drew" on HBO last night with the family. It was CUTE! (I remember wearing knee socks with skirts, and wearing headbands like that...and peter pan collars..oh my!!) Definately a fun family movie.

I hope you can see that I quilted the outer border just following the diagonal of the print in the fabric. It was such a busy print that not a lot would show anyway, and It has a very traditional feel to it. These kinds of prints are called "foulard" prints, where the design is printed so it follows a diagonal pattern. It makes it very easy to follow the pattern!

Today I am off to have copies made of class instruction sheets. Tomorrow I leave for Williamsburg! Here is the schedule:

August 1 -2:

* Colonial Piecemakers Quilt Guild, Williamsburg, VA
o Fri, August 1: Full Day Workshop: Pineapple Blossom
o Sat, Aug 2: Lecture & Trunkshow, half day workshop: Star Struck

August 4:

* Stingray Stitchers, Deltaville, VA
o Mon, Aug 4: Lecture, Trunkshow (7pm)

August 8-12:

* Peninsula Piecemakers, Grafton/Hampton VA
o Fri, August 8: Day Guild Meeting lecture/trunkshow
o Sat, August 9: Pineapple Blossom Workshop
o Mon, August 11: My Blue Heaven Workshop
o Tues, August 12: Happy Scrappy Houses Workshop
o Tues, August 12: Night Guild Meeting lecture/trunkshow

Right now I'm not sure if I am going to come home between the 4th and 8th at all. If I were to come home, it wouldn't be until the morning of the 5th, and then I'd have to turn right around on the 7th. It's the gas thing that gets me I guess. And travel tiredness. It's about a 5 to 7 hour drive I think. I think I'll play it by ear and see what happens!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your schedule looks daunting... but, you know what? When you get back guess what awaits you?... A SEW DAY (just what you need!!) with your Bee!!

Anonymous said...

You are a great house guest to have! I'm sure that somebody in VA will keep you stitching at their home. Heck...use me as a reference.
Also....dang girl....Charlotte's baskets quilt is finished?!!! Give me some of what your having!

Marianne said...

OMG, whatever you're taking, I want some!!! Where, oh where, do you get the energy?! I enjoyed your pictures of Colorado.

Mary Johnson said...

You're heading for my hometown! Newport News/Williamsburg/Hampton are all places I've lived and worked and Deltaville...that's where Deb was living for years before she moved to Florida. I didn't even know they had a guild there - I wonder if she did.

Tonya Ricucci said...

congrats on the quilt finish - it's gorgeous. well worth the time to hand quilt it. you're definitely making me want to travel to colorado right now! enjoy VA!

Quilter Kathy said...

I sure enjoy reading about all your adventures! But I must admit that I worry about your health with you being so busy with such a demanding schedule. PLEASE take good care of yourself!

Judy said...

Well that's what happens when you don't read your guild newsletter and don't go to meetings....That's MY GUILD! Oops missed it! Still might show up for the lecture/trunk show!

bingo~bonnie said...

Oh Bonnie, I loved the videos!! Especially of th eone of you talking. I hope you will continue to show us sneak peaks from the classroom when you do your workshops. What a fun way to see what fabrics/colors everyone is using :) Thanks!

And I can't wait to pick up my copy of Quiltmaker! Looks like a trip to the bigger city is in order soon. Love from Texas! ~bonnie

PS - not that my new laptop has arried, I hope to get caught up on my posts over at my blog and share photos of my quilted "Stinky Quilt" :) The kids and I are loving it.

Karen said...

The basket pattern is unusual and very interesting. So many different fabrics!

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