
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Denver and Golden!

How can I break a travelogue down into parts and not overload you? I have so many pictures that I've uploaded them to webshots so you can view my slideshow. :c) Those of you using a 'reader' instead of my actual blog will probably have to click over to the "real" page to view.

Golden/Denver 2008

I met up with my friend Randy at the Denver airport. What fun! We went to the rental car place, got our car (A red jeep!) and headed out. Randy is awesome when it comes to researching places and finding the most fun places to eat, stay, etc. The first thing we did was drive to Spinelli's Market...home of the BEST deli sandwhiches ever. I kid you not...they were SO yummy we went back again on our way back to the airport when the trip was over.

From there we went to Golden to see the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. I have to tell you, it was smaller than I thought it would be. Barely two rooms. And the little gift shop was closed. It was kind of a disapointment really because I had heard so much about it. But we were not to be daunted! There were more quilt shops to be found, and restaurants to discover. Isn't this terrible? I can't even remember WHERE we ate the first night, or what we had!

The next morning we took a hike, intending to go higher than we actually did, but I am just not used to that thin air of high elevations, and we didn't go off the road into the brush. Still, it was a gorgeous morning and so much to see.

We stayed at Table Mountain Inn....and I do remember breakfast ;c) We then met up with the staff of Quiltmaker Magazine. What a hoot! I've been dealing with these gals via email and phone for some time, but to meet them in person and see how the wheels turn at Quiltmaker was a real treat. We all went to lunch together at a little Italian joint...the calzones were HUGE, and even the salad (a SIDE SALAD!?) was huge. Yummy. And fun! Another fun thing....Quiltmaker's Editor, June (what a great gal, I love her in person, so easy to talk to and get along with!) presented me with the newest Quiltmaker just about to hit the news stands! My quilt "Patches & Pinwheels" is on page 30. How's that for a treat! Thanks, June!

Some of the pics might be hard to understand without reading the captions I've put on webshots. I had to giggle at ALL the rotary cutters all over the workroom. Want to make sure we don't run out, right?! :cD

Woodland Park, CO 2008

From there we quilt shop hopped our way down to Woodland Park. Our host and hostess were Arlan and Ken. They have a lovely home in a very remote area. You actually have to drive through the national park/forest/woods to get to their road....which isn't paved. It was BLISS, it really was. they have 35 acres of peaceful surroundings, two great shelties and 6 horses. We had a perfect view of Pikes Peak!

Arlan showed me how to sew on her treadle machine. So...the thread kept breaking on me, but I guess I just need practice! Ken rebuilds pipe organs, and gave us a little mini concert.

I can honestly say that this was the most original teaching venue I've ever taught at.....the class was held in Cripple Creek, CO....in a CASINO! *LOL* What fun! We met in a conference room, great lighting, plenty of space, and lots of fun.

The next day Arlan and I hiked a bit while Randy and Ken took off on the horses. We arranged to meet at this one place where the red rocks stand. It was AWESOME! I wanted to ride too, but I don't have horse experience, and Arlan was afraid if I broke my leg or neck we'd be out a speaker for the guild meeting that afternoon :c)

After the guild meeting we headed up towards Evergreen so I would be ready to do my stint with that guild....and I'll post that adventure tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Bonnie's back home! Yippee....and you've had a blast....can't wait to get through all the photos you are sharing with us! Welcome Back Home....even if just for a few days.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You could now apply to work for the Chamber of Commerce in Denver/Golden, you would make a terrific addition to the PR team for the area. I WANT to go there!! Lucky you, and congrats on your Quiltmaker article, well done!

rachel griffith said...

congrats on making quiltmaker!!!
that's awesome.
can't wait to check it out.

glad you had such a great time!!!

Fran said...

Welcome home, we missed you. As always you have given us a very nice experience of almost being there with you.

I had the pleasure 10-15 yrs ago to travel through Colorado, and your right, it's awesome. Those red rocks are so huge and breathtaking. We spent the 4th of July in Colorado Springs, at the base of Pike's Peak. What a day!!! I wish I could have done some hiking but as you say the air is pretty thin up there and not good for asthma.

Great job of getting into Quiltmakers magazine again.

As ever....smiles across the miles :c) Fran

Vicki said...

What wonderful adventures you are having. I will stow away with you anytime. LOL.
Vicki Mc in SC

Diane said...

Wonderful webshots. It looks like beautiful countryside. Glad your back. Missed your blog.

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