
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cabin Fever & Thanks...

First off,I want to thank you all for your comments. I know the time I spend with Marie is more important than the time I spend chained to the sewing machine frantically trying to get her a quilt done "in time."

I also want to thank the Heartstrings group for their offers of blocks and tops! Wow....I am really amazed at how generous quilters can be. Becky showed me a top she had just finished...she was going to donate it to her guild to finish into a quilt and to be used for their charities, but instead she is sending it to me and marking it as a donation to hospice since Marie is in hospice care. Now I'll only have to quilt it, bind it, and give it to her :c) Thank you Becky!

Why is it we think that we have to tackle some things all ourselves?! Sometimes it DOES take a village! Thanks for making me see that. I'll post pics of the quilt when it arrives and when it is finished. I'd love to have some quilts done and on hand so that when the need arises, I have something.

So...last night I finished quilting on the "Cabin Fever" tiny logs quilt. Without the quilt being side lit, you can hardly see the quilting.....the quilt is so busy. This is for a show our guild is doing at the local main library in Columbia. The theme is log cabin quilts. They will be hanging for a month I believe (but I might be wrong) and I'm really looking forward to seeing all the quilts...log cabin variations are endless! From traditional, to contemporary to really arty..it's going to be a fun show.



quiltpixie said...

"cabin fever" turned out wonderfully. I'm glad you're accepted help, it makes life so much more sane ;-)

QuiltingFitzy said...

Sometimes the hardest part is asking for help. Thank you for being able to accept it!

This quilt is just stunning.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh Bonnie - I am so sad to hear of your friend's illness - and your wanting to do 'something' -- yet, what can anyone do. I'm sorry.

Maybe working on yourluscious quilt is all you can do. I don't know what I'd do in your shoes.

atet said...


As with others who have commented to this post and the last -- my heart goes out to both you and your friend. I'm glad you accepted help, and you will get to give your friend a quilt to show your love. I watched my father die of pancreatic cancer 6 1/2 years ago. The helplessness of not being able to do anything about it or show him everything I wanted to was frustrating. As much as the quilt may help you and give some comfort -- much more important will be your presence, your support, and your understanding. Luckily, hospice is a wonderful support network for families and friends. I truly am thankful for all of the wonderful folks who helped with my father's care and who made it possible for him to die with dignity and a minimum of pain.

Maybe for the future a possible charity project could be to donate quilts to hospice for those families going through similar circumstances in your friend's name.

My thoughts go out to you -- hang in there.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Prayers abound~ for you, and Marie, and her family.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh the quilting on your log cabin turned out wonderful! I just love it!

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