
Monday, March 26, 2007

Busy Monday....

Where did the weekend go?

I know I spent a good part of Saturday at the "Doc in the Box" with Jeff and his sinus infection.

Yesterday I CLEANED! I did some organizing in the quilting room, moved some stuff around, straightened a bit. Not much sewing got done. I felt the need to just sit and do hand work so during the "HOUSE" marathon on TV I started binding on the Cabin Fever quilt. I'm binding it in purple...it's perfect. And it used up the whole 1/2 yard of fabric that has been sitting in my stash. Interesting story on the backing too......You know how when people KNOW you quilt, they are always finding fabric that "they" think you will like? Someone picked me up a hawaiian print from a trip to Hawaii and gave it to me with big smiles! (Oh,thank you very much.....I just LOVE it...(NOT!!)

So...this piece has been sitting in my stash because you just can't ditch "gift" fabric, with a good conscience, can you?? I used it for the back of the Cabin Fever quilt. The remainder of what was left I sliced into strings for using in string quilts. GONE! :cD

I sat for about an hour last night before going to bed and finished the borders for the 9 patch split baby quilt. You know how it goes when you are tired? I sewed one border on upside down :c( I wanted the braids to go around in a circle all pointing their way around the quilt...and ONE border is pointing the opposite direction. Can you tell? Do I care? *LOL* No way...I'm not picking out stitches when all the border pieces are on the bias...it would distort things too much so I'm going to leave it.

I really LOVE how this turned out...with the red cornerstones just ending wherever they end and running off the end of the quilt without turning the corners. You can see some of the weird junk I used....this border uses 2"X5" pieces so it was perfect for eliminating lots of short strips from my bin.

Braids are not "chain piecing" friendly unless you are working on several lengths of them at one time....and I was cutting all my border pieces from the same braid. This gave me the opportunity to piece more 1.5" squares for my leader/ender trees blocks.

I'm headed to work in a bit. I have a busy massage client day, and tonight is guild meeting. Cabin Fever is coming with me, both for show and tell, and to work on the binding during the meeting! Have a great day everyone!



QuiltingFitzy said...

I did "Doc in the Box" on Thursday for my sinus infection, and it's STILL THERE. I thought I should be feeling better. Nasal steroids and Augmentin, de-mucus pills, and steam. *whine*

No matter how you put those borders on, that baby still "dances". It's MAVERICK! lol

Jacqui's Quilts said...


Just got caught up on three of your blog posts...just LOVE that log cabin quilt! It inspired me to make two quilts :-). I'm doing log cabin blocks as my new leader/ender project with 1 1/2" strips though :-). Figured if I made enough blocks I could have fun playing with a neat setting for a queen sized quilt eventually. I also made a quilt in a hurry for my Dad and played with the settings of it, inspired by your little quilt. You can see it on my blog at:


posted on March 17th which is his birthday. Thanks so much for your inspiration...when I have a blah day, I go to your site and soon I am inspired to get up to the sewing room and sew!

Jacqui in Canada

Elaine Adair said...

Now quit that! Those little trees, I mean. The last time you posted that tree block I was inspired and made 13 of them before I wore myself out, and here is another one. And it's doing it's thing again! Is this an illness I have? I cannot just LOOK at your project!

LOVE those LC blocks, especially all that delicious crinkling. Great job as usual.

bingo~bonnie said...

First of all I must tell you - I wish I still lived in Dlazell, SC and not TX!! I would SO be calling you today for an appointment!

I am 27 weeks pregnate with twins and yesterday and last night have been my most painful days in my back and hips so far. I nearly fell down yesterday when I got up after eaitng out and the pain in my hip/leg took my breath away - well not really b/c I screamed outloud which was embarrasing but I couldn't control it.

Bonnie your quilt turned out reat and I think that braid boarder is perfect for these blocks. So what if one is in the wrong direction - isn't that what Maveric's is all about? :) That happened to me once with flying geese but I did pick it out and reattached it b/c it was part of a RR quilt. ;)

Ok, now you have me so currious...Any chance you can share a photo of the Hawaiian fabric you used for the backing of Cabin Fever??? What a great idea to use it - having cabin fever and wishing you were in Hawaii! :c)

Looking forward to seeing your plans for this little "tree blcok" one day. ~Bonnie in SE Texas

Kim said...

I think my weekend got sucked up just like yours did, and now it's back to work. But at least we have tidy, organized sewing spaces to work in, which is a real treat!

And I second the motion--let's see the Hawaiian fabric!

mereth said...

me three, want to see the back...
The baby quilt is so cute, and I really like the pattern, I'd like to use it on a bigger quilt and see those red chains running right across it.The border is great too, and who cares which way they point, as long as it looks so good?
Enjoy showing off the Cabin Fever, you deserve all the compliments you'll get!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd have noticed the maverick border if you hadn't mentioned it LOL. I LOVE the how the red triangle look marching all through this quilt.

Lisa said...

Wow Bonnie, that quilt has zing. I don't think I would have had the patience to make those borders in the first place so can completely understand you not wanting to unpick one especially with all those bias seams - ick.

Love the log cabin.

Quilts And Pieces said...

It turned out wonderful. But also want to see the Hawaiian fabric!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Beautiful and inspiring quilt, as always! I love the l/e trees!

Nettie said...

also fascinated and inspired by the tree blocks.

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