
Monday, December 25, 2006

Borders Done...

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Last night was so fun.....the two Christmas Eve services I sang for went great, and there was a beautiful meal prepared for the choir in between...ham, roast beef, all the trimmings, lots of desserts....and here I thought I was going to be able to cut back on food since we returned from the cruise! NOT! I got home about 1am and fell promptly to sleep. (without the visions of sugarplums dancing in my head...)

This morning was restful and leisurely. It is sure nice having older children who sleep in a bit. I remember those 5am Christmas mornings....I can't tell you if I miss them or not, maybe just a little, but sleeping in on a Christmas morning has it's good sides too.

My big pressie? a ROOMBA robotic vacuum! What a hoot! I think the boys are having more fun with it than I am...and I get clean floors in the process. It's a win-win situation!

We had a lovely turkey dinner as a family at home. The pumpkin pie is still waiting for tonight....but the turkey carcass is simmering in the crockpot for tomorrow's (and the next day, and the next...) turkey soup.

I was able to finish the snaggletooth border on the stashbusting stars quilt....and it says it is DONE to me! I think binding will finish this one off just fine, and because the snaggle teeth are all sizes, the points won't be cut off in the binding seam, and if some do...I don't care..it's part of the effect. I'm really happy with how this top turned out, and SO FAST! If I had known it would be so fast, I would have started it sooner? Mostly it was because I have had an abundance of blue quilts in my recent past and playing with another just stumped me.....I still have one more set of blue swap blocks that I won in a block lotto to work up into a quilt too. Can we say blue overload?

We went and saw "Night at the Museum" at the movies for Christmas Afternoon....it's been a tradition the past several years to go to the movies after Christmas dinner. It was a very fun family movie, hilarious in parts, and we really liked it. I recommend it for kids of all ages :c)

I got a bad email this afternoon....my friend Mary Kay has become very ill with her cancer. The email from her hubby said she is now under hospice care. They don't expect her to last long. This is very hard for me because I was just working with her on getting that tshirt quilt and pillow cases done for her daughter. I just saw her before leaving for our cruise, and in a week's time she has gone downhill so very fast. I'll call tomorrow and see if she is up to seeing me. This has to be so hard for her family right now. I just can't imagine it.



Judy said...

The quilt turned out spectacular! I love those borders that Gwen does. Sorry about your friend, hope you can visit her soon.

quiltpixie said...

the border turned out wonderfully. Its amazing how we stall for so long, and when we finally tackle a project it never seems as massive as its become in our minds :-)

Sweet P said...

The quilt is gorgeous. Isn't it amazing how a project we dread doing sometimes turns out to be one of the coolest.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'll send prayers her way.

Mary Johnson said...

The blue quilt looks great, I love the way the border looks. Sorry to hear about your friend.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your friend - this illness is so tragic for everyone. On a brighter note, the quilt turned out Fantastic! Your Christmas day sounds great - I must say while I love the magical part of Christmas with little ones, it's nice to kick back and relax a bit with older children :-)

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

I am so sorry about your friend Mary Kay - the grip of cancer is hard for all concerned. I am sure that you being able to finish the T-shirt quilt for her DD made her happy.

Great that you found a home in the singing community!

And - your stars quilt looks like stars in a winter night sky, surrounded by icicles to me! Great job!



Judith said...

Your stars quilt looks beautifull.
I am sorry to hear about your friend.

Helen in the UK said...

The quilt looks fabulous - you definatly and the knack :) Sorry to hear the news about your friend.

Cher said...

I sure like what you came up with for the corners-Bonnie, the whole quilt turned out great and I bet you can't wait to get it quilted up soon.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh Bonnie - the snaggletooth border is so perfect for this! It makes the center glow! I"m sorry to hear about Mary Kay. That is such sad news.

Darcie said...

Your border is spectacular!!! I couldn't see it any other way now. Great choice.

So those little Roombas really work?! What do your feline loved ones think of it?

I'm so sorry about Mary Kay's failing health. Even if she does not feel up to it, having you want to see her must be of great comfort to her and her family.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, but it's good you got to spend time together working on that quilt. I love this snaggly border and those pointy bits in the corner were the perfect choice.

Carol said...

This is such a beautiful quilt, it's amazing.

I'm sorry about your friend.

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