
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Servers, and the Wonder of the Internet...

Yesterday was a testimony builder for me on the GOODNESS of quilters. I had moved servers over the weekend...small hiccups here and there, but nothing too bad. Or so I thought!

I had already cancelled my other account after I assumed that EVERYTHING had transferred from one server to the other, only to receive an email from a lady stating that she could get to my Bricks & Stepping Stones page but there were no pictures, only text!

I quickly checked my FTP to see if all the files were there, and that whole folder of pics was MISSING! ACKKK! So, I sent out an email to the world...asking if anyone had saved the whole HTML file so they could access it offline, and could they please help me recover the pics, and the response was OVERWHELMING! I was able to recover ALL the pics and get the page back working. I tell you, after the trouble I have had with the lady stealing the pattern and selling it on her website, and then losing all MY pics for the pattern page..I thought this was a cursed quilt! But all is back again and my faith in the GOODNESS of most quilters is restored.

I am posting some pics too....I finished the binding/hanging sleeve on the crazy amish strippy. I took pics outside so I could get the quilting detail to show on the black sashings, so the colors aren't so true...but here it is.

I love how hand quiting looks on amish solids so much that I have started hand quilting another one...a top I finished a while ago, inspired by Gwen Marston's Liberated String Quilts. I've started quilting fans in the border....the sashings and inner border will have cables, and I think I'm going to just echo quilt inside the string diamond blocks. It feels good to have a "couch" project in my family room again.

And here is a preview of the next scrappy pattern I've been working on. I tell you, I got this part way and then it stopped FOREVER because I kept thinking I'd have this big amount of time to spend on it. I realized that might never happen, so I've been sewing 4 block quarters in the morning before the rest of my day gets going. I'm hoping to finish the blocks by the end of the week and start putting it together. I've decided to call this one WEED WHACKER! It uses 3.5" light squares and 2"X9.5" scrap strips. I started this one to use up all the shorter lengths of strips that are in my 2" scrap bin. What's fun too, is you can lay the blocks straight, and it makes a strippy zig zag quilt too....put long sashings in between the rows or not. I'll get some pics of different layouts as soon as I have enough blocks done.

And now I have to put the quilting aside and attend to the rest of my regularily scheduled day!



Saska said...

Glad you got the pictures back up. Was going to send you mine, but you had already been rescued!

The new scrappy quilt looks great. Another Bonnie-quilt to make! Keep them coming.

Leah Spencer said...

Oh, I can't wait til the instructions for Weed Whacker is up! That quilt screams "fun and easy"! :)

Paula, the quilter said...

Weed Whacker looks like fun. /paula

Melzie said...

Aw yay on the good news :) And I cant wait to see how weed whacker breaks down looks fun! xoxo melzei

Judy said...

I like the quilt and the name...Weed Whacker!! Another perfect charity or scrap quilt!

Hedgehog said...

Weed wacker looks fun! Glad you got your pictures back!

May Britt said...

I am happy the process of changing web servers went good. I have learned that the computer somethimes do not what I want. The Weed Wacher is going to be on my "shall-do-sometimes-when-I-get-time"list.

quiltpixie said...

love the weed whacker pattern you're developing, and am very glad you were able to get the pics that were "lost"

Tazzie said...

Wonderful pictures as always Bonnie, your work is just inspiring!
I'm so pleased the transfer went okay with few hiccups.
Have a great week

Ms. Jan said...

Great quilts, Bonnie! Love the Weed Whacker!

Lynn Dykstra said...

I predict weed wacker is going to be a hit, if for nothing but its name! You have come up with another simple and dynamic pattern that will be fun to work with!

Darcie said...

You are the unstoppable Bonnie Hunter!

(Remember in the movie "The Titantic?" The *Unsinkable Molly Brown?* Right? Or did I dream that?)

Weed Whacker is already a hit across the world...and it's just debuting!!!

Darcie said...

You are the unstoppable Bonnie Hunter! Way to go!

The Weed Whacker is already a hit across the world...and it's just in the debut stages!!! It looks so fun...well done!

Darcie said...

OK. Whatever. I will never understand this whole blogger thing.... The first post said that "the page is not found...." My kids tell me that I repeat myself all of the time...hmph...not so! ;-)

Susan said...

The Amish quilt looks fabulous, as I would expect. I really miss having room for any kind of quilting, hand or otherwise, but it would have to be a darned small project, and if I get that small, I might as well be embroidering or crazy quilting or doing applique. =) I like weed whacker, also. I can picture other settings in my mind, but I think I will wind up liking this one best. =)

Glad everything worked out okay on the missing page.

Anonymous said...

The Amish Crumb quilt is so quirky - I do have a soft spot for anything in Amish colours. The hand quilting is just perfect on both quilts. I think the Weedwhacker quilt is going to be an absolute winner! What a cool block and so simple. I'll DEFINITELY be doing this one when you get it all finished :-) THANK YOU for all your wonderful ideas and for sharing them with us ((())) hugs :-)

Tonya Ricucci said...

Love how you've quilted the Amish strippy - looks incredible. Love how that cable looks on the strings too. You are marvelous - glad you're finding the time to work on some projects.

Helen in the UK said...

I love the look of the new pattern. Looks like a great use of 'odd' bits of strips (of which I have many!)

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