
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fun Picture!

Here is a pic of Lucy and I together! We were at one of the big turn-outs for visitors on the Smoky Mt Parkway. What a fun day we had! I love this picture so much :c)

I had a very *DUH* moment yesterday. I was at the gym...so gungho to get back into my routine of working out. I had my phone in one hand, my water bottle in the other. I put my foot on the eliptical trainer runner and when I went to hoist myself up, the machine started moving before I was ready for it to, and I went flailing.....twisting my left ankle and falling backwards over the back end of the machine, landing on my tailbone on the floor, and up against a stationary bike. My water bottle landed against the back wall of the cardio room...my phone went the other way...Oh boy.

Luckily there was no one there to witness my graceful moment! But...the ankle is very sore and swollen...I spent last night with ice on it. Today it is a bit better, but there is a huge bruise on my butt where I hit so hard! I'm still not quite sure how it all happened, I've been on that trainer 100 times! It just moved like greased lightning before I was ready for it to.....so much for working out!



Eileen said...

Ouch!! See, that's a very good reason to avoid gyms and all of their workout monsters.
Seriously, good to hear that you didn't break anything, including yourself.

Helen in the UK said...

This confirms my long held belief that working out really isn't good for you!! Hope your ankle is better soon :)

Melzie said...

Love that picture makes me smile with you guys :) Sorry about the working out not working out thats why I avoid that stuff like the plague ;) xoxo melzie

quiltpixie said...

sounds like your body got a workout, just not the right one! Hope the ankle heals quickly, and you didn't actually damage your tailbone...

The pic of you and Lucy is wonderful. You both look so relaxed and happy...

Gail said...

Ow, hope you recover quickly. Healthy living is bad for your health, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! LOL Love the photo of you and Lucy, can't wait for her to show some of her vacation photos-her viewpoints being so fresh, her experiences sounding very interesting.

Granny said...

You two could easily pass for sisters .. if not twins!

Sorry you're injured! Take care of yourself and stay away from that dangerous exercise equipment! :)

Judy L.

Joyce said...

What a happy picture. Hope your gym injuries heal quickly and don't interfere with your quilting.

May Britt said...

I have a quote on one of my posts in my blog.
" If I stitch fast enough do that count as an aerobic lesson"

Hope you feel better soon.


Ms. Jan said...

I agree with Judy--you two could be sisters, if not twins. Great picture! I hope your ankle is on the mend....wouldn't want to miss those workouts!

Tracey said...

What a wonderful picture of you and Lucy!! Definitely one to frame. Look at those smiles!! :oD

You just haven't had the best of time this year when working out, have you? I cringed when I read your experience...and am so glad that it wasn't worse. OUCH.

Susan said...

Glad you aren't seriously hurt, but both spots are going to hurt a while. I've checked that out personally a few times! When the bike fell on my ankle earlier this summer, it was about 6 weeks before it stopped being tender - fell right on the bone, though. The fall at Gettysburg on my butt (did you know a body really *can* bounce off the ground?) took longer - ouch! But you're younger, might not take quite so long. =) Love the picture of you and Lucy.

Laurie Ann said...

Sorry about the fall! Isn't it funny how the first thing we think about when we fall is "who saw that?" I do the same thing!! Hope you heal up quickly.

Inga said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for you. But it will heal soon.

I'm no fan of gyms and this incident will not change that ;-)


Quilts And Pieces said...

Bonnie that is such a great picture of you and Lucy! You actually could be sisters in that photo!

Sorry to hear about your ankle - but you know, it always happens in unexpected ways. I think that is a good excuse for me not to exercise tonight! I'll stay off my feet in honor of you!

Darlene said...

That's a great picture of you and Lucy - so happy!

OUCHIE!!! Take care of that ankle!

ForestJane said...

I agree with the others... you two definitely look related! Maybe it's something to do with the fabric you buy and the linty air you breath... the occasional thread you swallow lol

Patty said...

Love the picture of you two ! You can just tell you love being together. Be careful girl, you need to have only one thing in your hand at a time : )

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the picture of you and lucy - would look lovely framed and in full view somewhere in your house. Hope the foot heals up quickly - yikes! I LOVE the weedwacker - both settings. Can't wait to start one of my own LOL.

sewprimitive karen said...

Which family member took that great picture of the two of you? They did good :-). I knew exercise was dangerous.

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