
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Shoo Fly, Shoo!

I finished the binding and hanging sleeve on the shoo flies quilt last night! hoorayyyyy!! I really like how it turned out.

I hand quilted it with brown thread, which looked really vintage wtih it. I like the thread color. However, the quilting isn't that easy to see unless you side light the thing, so that is what I had to do with the pics..

Today I met with a couple of the other therapists at the place I am going into. I think it is going to be great! I paid my rent for the second half of feb, and I'll officially start accepting clients there on the 15th of Feb. I was given a "key to the establishment". My own key!

My friend Lori and I drove down town so she could show me where to apply for a business license and go to the zoning thing to have the fire marshall come out and check my space and give it the a-okay. I'm in! I'm in business! I think it is going to be great to balance out the quilting. Lori and I ran around and had lunch and visited...and then this afternoon she has 2 clients back to back. She said it was the perfect schedule, and it sure sounds like it to me. I can quilt the mornings, and have clients in the afternoons, or the other way around, have clients in the mornings, and quilt in the afternoons. It's going to give me the "out of the house" time that I need to make me really love the time when I can just be here and quilt....

The next quilt I am starting to quilt on is one of the amishy ones that I basted the last basting-go-round. It sure is nice to have them just ready to be picked up and worked on. This one is a strippy quilt, and I think I'm going to quilt cables in the plain strippies between the pieced sections. feathers in the outer border are calling to me. I love how amish solids look once the stitches are taken, it just sculpts the quilt!



Debra Dee said...

Your quilt is awesome. It has a real antique look. I really like the way the baptist fans look.

Good luck on finding a good fit for work new adventure in massage therapy.

Alena said...

I love this quilt and the fans turned out beautiful as usual... the colors of the quilt are great...
I hope you enjoy your new working schedule, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful quilt Bonnie - the words really make it something special. Woo hoo! Your own key - kinda like when you get the key to your own house when you start high school LOL (that's what we do in our family anyway). You really are very blessed to have two jobs that combine two hobbies! Well done, I'm very excited for you :-)

Patti said...

What a wonderful quilt Bonnie! Everything is perfect - the blocks the words and the quilting. I can think of all kinds of words that can be put with old traditional blocks. What a great idea!

So you have the new Baptist Fan giant template from Circle Lord or do you use your regular Circle Lord to do this. I'm thinking I can never justify purchasing the new giant template for doing mainly my own quilts.

So exciting for you to be moving into your office. You worked very hard for this - you deserve all this current joy!

Hope things are going better with your son.

YankeeQuilter said...

I love how you combined the name of the quilt blccks with the saying on the side! Looks great. Sounds like you are getting all settled in with the massage work..knew you would!


Patty said...

I wish you all the best Bonnie with your new business. It must be so exciting having a key to your new place. Sorta like getting your first house key when you are a young person.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I've love this quilt ever since you first showed it! This one and the scraps one. It looks wonderful! How exciting about your new job! But I had to laugh, here I'm working away wishing I didn't have to! I can't wait to see your amish like quilt! The idea you have for quilting sounds great!

Finn said...

Shoo Fly looks totally awesome and right at home with those fans!! Great choice. It'll be fun to see how your Amish one turns out. And again, congratulations on getting everything lined up to the massage. Alot of people will benefit from your talent..*VBS*

Catherine said...

I love this quilt...it really is great. It sounds like you have an ideal situation with the 2 work zones: home and away. Its nice to have balance. I can't wait to hear about your first 'real' client!!

Tonya Ricucci said...

Bonnie, Shoo-fly is so fabulous and now it's finished! I love it - you did such a great job.
Do you get to decorate your office? Maybe some comforting quilts on the walls?

Wendy's Quilting said...

I love your baptist fans and your Shoo-Fly. Congratulations on your new space and job sounds like a perfect fit for you.

antique quilter said...

great quilt Bonnie! I really love the letters in this quilt....oh and this is one of my favorite blocks...ok, need to see if you have a pattern for this on your website, I hope so!

Darcie said...

Your Shoo Fly quilt is just so fun, Bonnie! Love the BFs!!!

And a BIG CONGRATS on your new journey!!! You will be a great success, I just know it!

Lucy said...

Good work bonnie . I love it !!

Holly said...

I love this quilt, Bonnie. Between quilting for customers and massaging customers you are going to be a busy lady. I know what it's like to want to do something outside the house.

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