
Friday, February 10, 2006

Crazy Amish Bars....

I started the quilting while watching CSI last night. Of all the CSIs out there, I really like the Las Vegas one the best. The other two (NY and Miami) just have charactors that I can't get into. I try. But sometimes if a charactor is too weird, I just can't.....as is the guy who plays on the Miami one. Horatio? He just gives me the creeps! *LOL*

It was a chilly night, perfect for a fire in the fireplace....and away I went on quilting the amish crazy bars. I got 4 blocks and part of the sashing done. I'm doing the blocks by quilting whatever wherever. The sashings are getting a twisted rope/cable. Pain in the butt to quilt though, it isn't continuous! And you either have to end your thread with every 'S' curve, or carry it under, about two needle lengths to where the next one starts, and I'm not sure how I feel about carrying the thread through that length. Any ideas on that?

I need to be a good girl today and focus on this large customer quilt that is in the machine. It's a sampler in brights with alot of white open area, and I'm doing a fancy curling amish feather design in there, and tiny micro stippling behind. If there is ever a terrible time for tennis elbow/lateral epicondylitis to flare up..it is when doing tiny micro stippling! The pic shows part of the top border..I've done the microstippling on the top of the plumes, I just need to come back the other direction and do the bottom..then I can advance and actually get started on the BLOCKS! I'd like to see this quilt 1/2 done today. That's my goal...I'll let you know if I got there or not!

I like jazz music and old standards...the MP3 player has been really fun because I have all my old standards set on 'random play'...what fun to listen to these oldies, singing along and quilting away!



Carolyn said...

Bonnie, your quilting is beautiful! How do you lay out the spines for your feathers? Do you freehand it or use a guide of some sort? Inquiring minds...

Finn said...

Hi Bonnie, the quilting on the Amish piece is looking awesome already..love the shadows that the quilting creates..*S* It's been so long since I did a cable on lattice or border, I can't even remember, but it does seem to me there is a way..maybe in one of Gwen's books..her earlier ones, or maybe in the magazine articles. I wonder if maybe Tonya doesn't have that information..she has the older LCPQ magazines, as do I. When I sit later, I'll take a look and see if I can find it.

Beautiful customer quilt!! You do such great work!!

Patti said...

Bonnie, I've hand quilted many quilts in which I've traveled two and even three needle lengths to go from one spot to another. And many of these quilts have been well used and well washed. There has never been any trouble doing this. The main thing to remember when hand quilting is not to do a long straight line anywhere - even when cross hatching. Change directions a little at least every 6-12 inches, as a long straight line of stitching might break from stress if the quilt is used a lot.

Leah Spencer said...

Ohh, what a teaser of orange and yellow on the customer's quilt. I can't wait to see the finished results!!

Anonymous said...

Your quilting always blows me away whether it's hand or machine. Can't wait to see the Amish one finished - I have a soft spot for the lovely colours on the dark background for them. The customer is going to be speechless when she gets her quilt - so far it's stunning! GREAT job :-)

Dona said...

Bonnie, great Amish quilt and I love the idea of quilting whenever and wherever. Looking forward to seeing this one finished. Do you hand quilt all your own quilts?

Patty said...

Hi Bonnie,
I like the way that curling Amish feather design looks. I need to find a template for that. I know so many Amish ladies that just take pencil in hand and draw the designs freehand. Wish I could !
Take care of that elbow.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Beautiful feathers and stippling - but you be careful - no "longarmer's elbow" allowed.

the amish quilt is looking soooo excellent. At first I couldn't figure out what you were doing with the machine quilting and then I realized that was the basting. Ah.

I know it's possible and it works to travel the needle through that distance, but does it take more effort than to just end the thread and start over?

Darcie said...

Your are so very multi-talented, Bonnie!

The machine quilting is absolutely fabulous. But I do know what you mean about the pain. Remember to take lots of breaks!!! And blink!!!

The Amish quilt and your hand quilting is just wonderful! You are amazing!

We are big CSI (the *original* LV one!) fans too!!!

Nines said...

You are so amazing. I stand in awe. You have pure talent and a great heart. microstippling- I have sympathy pains- I'm doing some, now, myself- though I am sure not so tiny or fine as yours. I find that it helps my shoulder pain if I bump the hopping foot up against my left-hand fingers. Dangerous maybe, but it seems to keep everything where I want it.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Bonnie, the custom quilt is looking wonderful! I love how it is coming out so far - but then I often love what you put on the quilts!

Your amish quilt is looking so fun too. At first I couldn't tell what the large squiggle lines were - but then figured out it must be your basting! Do you use washaway thread? I've used that on smaller pieces and I love that I don't need to rip out the basting afterwards!

And I only watch CSI LV!

Samantha said...

Love that amish inspired quilt!

YankeeQuilter said...

Bonnie, the customer quilt is coming out beautiful. I'm an original CSI fan too...the Miami one is too intense and bright and the NY one is too dark and slow. Boy do I sound difficult to please! I did just change from the original Law and Order to loving the Criminal Intent...it's an "acquired taste."


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