
Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Quilting Up Waterford -

Waterford is now a top.  Finally!  And it's being quilted -

It was a process.  I find it hard to settle myself into creativity when I feel so unsettled.

The propane tank was refilled on Friday, which meant we had enough propane once again to run the whole house Generac.

That meant that there was power to the basement studio at home.  I could set the blocks for this quilt top together and HAVE a top.

Which Lola promptly claimed as her own domain.

By Sunday things were returning much more to normal.

I was at the QPO dealing with the computer disaster (small potatoes compared to everything else) and Son Jeff had come up to clear all the down bricks from the fallen wall caused by the storm.

We aren't sure that the wall will ever go back up again.  Bricks are on pallets and set aside. Maybe until next spring - who knows.

While he was working I pulled blue fabrics to piece a back.

The top is super scrappy - and so is the back.  Sometimes I do a one fabric back, sometimes I do something else.

(This is in reply to a post on Threads from a person who said she prefers a "pretty" back and not a scrappy one.  I say let the backing suit the quilt. I'm going scrappy here.)

Raining Cats & Dogs.

It had to in here.  It just had to.

And because it wasn't a race - I didn't need this to be done in a hurry - I trimmed all of my saved batting margins (Everything is at last 10'' wide) and zig-zagged them into a Franken-batting big enough to do the job.

It's like a free batting when we do this, right? Works for me.

And from here we got to quilting.

Click to Play:

And this is where we are.

I'm about half-way done.  I've chosen and cut a binding. Things are returning to normal.

The pattern for Waterford will be available in February.  So stay tuned on that one.

We have a lot of other things happening right here in October.

Ladder Star comes out as a PDF pattern on the 18th.  And you know what happens on Halloween, right?  

The intro post to this year's Quiltville Winter Mystery!  Yes, it's all coming up quickly!

And something that has been put off since the Friday that the power went out - Let's draw for the winners of our belated Diamond Tile Gift-Away!

Did you forget? Did you think that I forgot?  I didn't!

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a Diamond Tile PDF pattern from me, and a Diamond Tile fabric roll from Cotton to Quilts!

I can't wait to see what you make with this one!

Entry 653 out of 4371 entries is:

Paula Holder!

And entry 2785 is:

Shirley Eskey!

Ladies, please check your email inboxes for your notifications including your Diamond Tile quilt pattern.  

Reply to that email with your mailing addresses and I'll have the folks at  Cotton to Quilts get your fabric prizes out to you.

Thanks for your patience, everyone.  I really appreciate it!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

No matter what. Fact check and be kind. ⁣

Love y'all. That's all. ⁣

And if I sound hangry, it's because I have a 10am blood draw. 

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



cityquilter grace said...

another pretty scrappy bonnie...

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe I finally won! Thank you! Paula Holter

Anonymous said...

Frakenbatting!! 🤣. I make it too but the word always makes laugh!

Debra said...

Congratulations to the two ladies!!
That's a beautiful quilt you have on the long arm. Can't wait for that to come out in February... Halloween will be here before you know it. Yay!
Glad you are settled in now.
Have a Sparkling day

sue s said...

I love Waterford- made during the time of Water. I'll be waiting for this one!

Anonymous said...

The raining cats and dog fabric on the backing is too perfect!
- Janice F.

Miss Papa said...

Love your scrappy backing and franken batting! I do both also, although I have never zig-zagged batting together. I'll have to try that. :-)
Today's quote is so spot-on for me! Love it! Jenny

Anonymous said...

LOL, I’d say that’s a pretty AND symbolic backing: those cats and dogs came down and then had to “ford” the “water,” right? Pretty aptly named quilt even if that was not even remotely in mind when you named it. I like scrappy, Bonnie, and I also like “Scrappy Bonnie.” Scrappy Bonnie is strong, compassionate and the maker of quilts that in their construction symbolize the power of a patchwork of people working together to face challenges and heal from adversity. Stay scrappy! Cindy W.

Anonymous said...

Waterford is absolutely lovely, and your pieced back is really fun. Glad to hear that Hubster is on the mend!

Mandy Laseter said...

I make Frankinbatting when I can, too. Cost effective. Seriously satisfying.

Irene C said...

I love pieced backings and franken battings and this new quilt is beautiful!! Hugs hope all is well in your world real soon.

Mary said...

I love the spikey border you added. Glad things are getting better. Stitch those cares away, I say! Gonna get some Quilty friends time today before my Quilt Guild meeting. Stitching keeps the crazy out. 🤪

Anonymous said...

I love your pieced backings! They make the most use of our fabric and there are some I just like in a chunk. No worries!
Lori Lively

gardenwitch said...

love it too

Christine Cole said...

I’m glad things are starting to kind of return to normal for you. Right now scrappy quilts are my favorite think to work on. And I love a scrappy back on any quilt. It’s very satisfying to use up odds and ends from my stash. Can’t wait to see the finished quilt Bonnie!

AnnetteJ said...

Bonnie, I too use up my batting scraps. Backings...I'm a big believer in using up what you have. So at the top of the back, I try to use some piece of fabric in the same colours as the top. Maybe even use up some extra blocks. This shows the pretty when I fold the bed covers down to sleep. But the rest of the backing doesn't matter. After all, who sees what's at your feet? I call this my
Frankenbacking. I'm still trying to get the image of pumpkins floating down a raging river out of my head! So glad to hear Dave's recovering nicely. What a dreadful experience for both of you.

Rebecca said...

I did two lap quilt size frankenbats just this morning! =)

Karen Naylor said...

You and your husband and all those in the terrible path of hurricane Helen have been in my thoughts and prayers. Now I find myself making final preparations for Hurricane Milton. When I traveled with you and took many of your classes in many locations I was living in Northern Virginia. Eight years ago I relocated to a Senior Residence community in Winter Park, Florida which adjoins Orlando. I live in an independent living apartment in a continuing care community . Our residence is termed "the concrete fortress" so hope that it will live up to its name in this coming storm. We have the blessing of devoted staff so we can take comfort in that but know we will lose power, ac, and lighting in our apartments but hopefully generator will provide emergency lighting in hallways. We are still experiencing some construction for repairs from Hurricane Ian in 2022. I thought I recognized Mary Koval in your recent retreat group postings. I stayed in her B and B above here store several times so I could attend your classes when you taught nearby. I only wish I could see and experience the Quiltville Inn...what a wonderful experience you have provided for the quilting community!

Kim said...

Congratulations! show us what you make with your fabrics :0)

Kim said...

Well goodness you really are up and running, how did you do with your jetlag from Africa? ( you didn't have a minute to think about it) You amaze me with your resiliency and positive outlook both great traits I keep trying to improve! Happy Sewing and I hope your blood work is just for an annual check. Take care Bonnie thanks for the positive vibe!!

Anonymous said...

Love that Lola claimed her spot! I don't know how they do it but cats seem to know where you don't want them! Mine is an expert at block re-arrangement! Love today's quote, so glad to hear things are turning around. Appreciate all your positivity and reminders to be grateful. Carol G

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, it's beautiful!! Of course Lola claimed it... she's a smart kitty! I call that a completly scrappy quilt... frankenbatting and all! :) It's so good to see things getting back to normal; as much as possible! Praying for Florida as they brace for a new one coming in. Have a good evening!

Janet Carroll said...

It's good to see you up and quilting...you are truly inspiring! Glad to hear that Dave is making progress. We're keeping you and the whole area in our prayers.
Congrats to Shirley and Paula. Be sure to share what you make.

Diane R. said...

I love the "raining cats & dogs" fabric. So appropriate. I also enjoy seeing your creative use of fabrics to piece backings. So interesting. I'd love a quilt with so much thought & creativity invested in it. I need to make this Waterford quilt because blue is a favorite color and so is Waterford crystal. Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings.

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