
Monday, October 07, 2024

And Suddenly - It's October!

Hi Gang!

It's Monday, October 7th.  And I seem to have lost a whole 9 days somewhere.  I guess that's understandable.

But miracle of all miracles - all of those hard-working linemen from as far away as Canada have been working tirelessly to restore power all through the 6 states affected by Hurricane Helene and our power at home came on Saturday afternoon after I had sent Saturday's post from the QPO where power was restored on Friday.

Little by little we clean up the mess and things start to settle into a new normal.

Some things will never be the same.  And the Shippenstitchers will always remember what it was like to weather the storm - thanks to a Generac that did what it was supposed to and kept them in power through the whole thing.

These ladies were troopers!

The sewed, they laughed...and they watched the creek rise behind the inn (In never got close because that gorge is wide and deep.) 

They took videos and photos of rushing water and pumpkins floating on by.

I just know they are NEVER going to forget.

These photos were taken Thursday after they settled in on Wednesday evening.  Rain started to fall Thursday evening in earnest - little did we know what we would be hit with.

Geese on a String in progress! Pattern from my book String Fling.

Lots of creativity happening in this corner!

The sand/turquoise is a Silk Path in progress.

Photo from Saturday after the storm before folks packed up and headed home.

Little Lemoyne Stars.

Beautiful border print runners.

Rhododendron Trail finally becoming a top!

I love these smiles!

Mary Koval came and was working at setting together some hand embroidered blocks a lady had hired her to turn into a quilt.

Top center before borders on Saturday morning.

So much creativity happening in this corner!

And yes, Halloween is arriving right on time.

Cute cute cute scrappy blocks!

Idaho Square Dance from the Addicted to Scraps book. Can't wait to see this finished!

Pretty blocks, gorgeous colors!

These ladies were such troopers all the way through.  No one could have even guessed that Helene would come roaring through this far inland.  We are over 300 miles from the coast, and over 2100 feet in elevation.  

(I'm so tired of things being unprecedented!! Aren't you?)

Saturday morning aftermath - and there are finishes!

Catching Rainbows seems quite perfect after a storm like this, right?

Tears in my eyes as we took some over-the-porch-rail photos on the day after the storm before sending everyone home.

That one orange pumpkin - it brings to mind all of the pumpkins that went floating on down the raging creek toward the New River during the storm.

I think she should name it "Bobbing for Pumpkins" or "Pumpkin Races."  It's unforgettable.

One big group selfie before folks make their ways home.

Next year the shirts will read 

"We survived Helene 2024!"

Last week's group had to be postponed of course.  I feel so bad about that, but we had nearly used all the propane that ran the generator with no news of when power would be restored.

They were also so super understanding.  They've kept their dates for the first weekend of October next year.  I'm so grateful.

This Wednesday we are back in swing with the Muddy Creek Misfits coming in from North Carolina.  There are routes they need to avoid due to road closures and clean up, but it gets just a bit better every single day.

I have been in contact with Housekeeper Susan whose power has also been restored. We'll have much to talk about tomorrow as we dive in to getting the house ready for Wednesday's arrivals.

Through it all....I just keep focusing on gratitude.  It's the one thing that keeps me from settling into despair.  

Today I'm taking Hubster Dave to have the 31 staples removed from his head.  It's been 10 days.  He is healing.  The biggest thing bothering him is the fractured clavicle and the one-handed=ness of his life right now.  He is a doer.  And he is digging in to learning to use his left hand.

We'll get through.  He is not happy with me driving him everywhere.  But he is going to have to get used to it for a few more weeks.

Heads Up - on Friday I have to drive him to an 8 am doc appointment in Boone so there will be no blog post on Friday....

But we get through.

For those asking how they can help with quilts:

Quilts on Main in Galax, VA is collecting quilts.

Contact them before sending anything. You can also bring items to the shop in Galax. We don't want to overwhelm them, so please email or call first.

Quilts On Main LLC
225 S. Main Street
Galax, VA 24333

ALSO - I still have the Diamond Tile Gift-Away to draw for.

Let's slate that for tomorrow and we'll get it done then.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is where I kind of find myself today. One more day towards "normal" whatever that is.⁣

Keeping folks in Florida on my mind as another hurricane barrels in....⁣



Brenda said...

Remind Dave that using your non-dominant hand is good for your brain.
My brother-in-law in Florida had minimal damage from Helene but is in the direct path of Milton. Hopefully he will listen to reason and do what he is told to do.

Miss Papa said...

Glad your power was restored at home, Bonnie. It was great seeing happy Shippenstitchers in todays blog with their beautiful projects. Hang in there Hubster Dave! Your non-dominant hand and arm will try to help you. Best wishes on your recovery. I fractured my right foot in 2 places in early September and my left foot learned quickly how to push my sewing machine pedal. :-)
Yes, definitely thinking of our Florida friends as they prepare for Hurricane Milton.

Debra said...

Poor Dave. I hope he feels better soon.
The projects are beautiful ❤️. love the Idaho square dance.
Very gloomy here this morning.
Have a Sparkling day

Holly Burch said...

Our Pastor announced after service yesterday that one of our members is driving from CT to Boone tomorrow to join a Samaritan's Purse group to help in your area. Our church as a whole has also routinely supported World Central Kitchen for years as the need in the world is always there. We are each other's keeper. Prayers for all who are dealing with this devastation day in and day out.

Kim said...

Thanks for another uplifting post Bonnie...keep them coming. :0)

Anonymous said...

I'm training myself to be grateful for even the smallest things, appreciate all the gifts of one human to another, the world is watching and holding their breath. Thank you, Bonnie, prayers for your family.

Mary said...

And they named this one after my oldest son. Whst happened to ijkl? They jumped right to M. Glad you can get to where you want. New normal? My friend says it's just a setting on the Dryer.

Tina K said...

Brittany of Lo and Behold Stitchery has just posted an update on her Instagram page. She got in her first three quilts. :)They came in large zip loc bags with a note inside indicating size.. She writes that if donors could do something similar, it would be most helpful.

Anonymous said...

I am also a temporary mainly left handed person. I became septic in August and had to have two surgeries on my right shoulder. This left me with a "dead" right arm. It's amazing how much you learn to do with your left arm. I do start PT on Wednesday. Good luck to your husband and hope he heals quick and completely!!!

Anonymous said...

Sew fun to see Mary love her shop in Bedford PA

Tracey Honig said...

thanks for passing along the information! :)

Tracey Honig said...

You are so right.... focus on the gratitude. It sounds like things are slowly getting back together. Thank you for sharing the information about the quilts. As it happens I do have a few that I could send. Such a memorable retreat for the ladies... they will have plenty to talk about when they get home. I hope Dave continues to heal. Love & prayers for you all & also Florida.

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