
Friday, July 12, 2024

Fun Times With Pieceful Hearts!

You know what helps me realize just how much I love it here?

Folks from other ***Hotter*** places marveling how COOL it is here and loving it!

I've got the Pieceful Hearts group here this week, and they are from North Augusta, SC and Augusta GA area and beyond.

SC/GA has been hot hot Africa hot over the past month or so, and I love that they come up here in July just to cool off.

I also love that I have a bunch of quilters eager and willing to get out for a good walk before they settle into quilting for the day.

The update on the round house is dismal.  The camper that was there while folks were working on it is long gone.

It seems to be abandoned once again - in worse shape than it was before.

Are we just waiting for the inevitable to happen now?

Beautiful morning!

I see County Clare colors here!

I love sharing my favorite spots on this walk to folks who have never been here before.

Kind of a steep hill - but it's not that long!

Lost in vegetation -

Loving my explorers and their matching "Quilty as Charged" shirts!

Made it to the state line - and beyond!

We were greeted by 2 Great Pyrenees dogs!

They wer super lovey - but I'm glad they didn't follow us beyond their yard.

Up at McMillan's Cemetery.

The view was worth the climb!

And it was worth the quilter-time I got to spend as well.

Click to Play:

Car, Ladies!  CAR!!  LOL!

Lunch was enjoyed on the porch - perfect way to relax after a 3 mile hike.

From the other end of the porch.

Tula thought she needed to relax too.

As for me in the studio?

Click to Play:

Remaining block parts -

Cut, Kitted and Clipped!

If the weather permits we are planning on another hike on Saturday, and a big hike up to the ponies on Sunday.

Today?  Quilt shop hopping for them - more necessary work for me.

And then hopefully you'll find me at the machine making more star blocks.

There are only 4 blocks left to hand quilt on my Ladder Star - whoowhoo!

How's Friday looking for you?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Remembering when the only way to have a private conversation was to stretch the extra long coiled kitchen phone cord into the dining room and around the corner and hoping it wouldn't cause anyone to trip in the process.
Good times! ⁣
Happy Friday, everyone!



Mary said...

Great views on th e hike. Sad to see the old place abandoned again. Over 100 all week in my Valley. Its a good day to be in the basement Quiltimg. Happy Fri-Yay

JeanGB said...

Have you seen Tula's brother/sister lately? last I heard you trying to catch him for Vet service. Can hardly wait to be able to visit you once again.

Miss Papa said...

I do remember the days of having a very very long coiled phone cord! My Mom and I would visit for long periods of time as I moved around the kitchen, diningroom, and livingroom while getting me and the kids all tangled up.
Lovely pics of you and the ladies from the Pieceful Hearts group taking a nice walk. Their shirts are great! AND the Round House with the beautiful porch...wish I could afford to remodel it and move in. :-) Jenny

Debra said...

Beautiful scenery of your walk/hike.
Sad about the round house, so unusual. Dogs were awesome handsome.
Hubby mowed early this morning before it gets to 99* and humid.
I guess it's hot all over. Climate change believer.
Happy sewing.
Have a Sparkling day 💕🙏

Tracey Honig said...

What a great post for today! I'm glad you have the "cooling off" spot for summer vacation! :)
Hoping to get back into the quilty mood. I haven't sewn a thing in 2 weeks at least because my stepmom passed away... & dealing with all of the adulty things that happen with that. But I am determined to at least complete my patriotic projects that were started before she passed, before I head back to school in 3 weeks! Glad to see Tula enjoying herself, & looking forward to all of the quilty inspiration that happens over the weekend! Happy quilting, hiking, & shopping everyone!

gardenwitch said...

We had a 25 ft phone cord! We lived in a mobile home and our teenaged girls had the first bedroom. It had to stretch down the hall from the kitchen and under their door. Those were the days. Miss the coziness of our home in those days.
Bonnie, I wish I could get so much done like you! Love the shirt blocks.

Kathleen said...

Have you read this story about the dog who got the phone cord wrapped around his neck, and called 911 ???? YES,absolutely true. I guess it was on Speed Dial and he stepped on it. Police broke in the house and cut the phone cord and left a note for the owners who were out for dinner. Can you imagine finding that upon your return ???


Anonymous said...

What a lovely place. It's looks so relaxing.


Janet J said...

Another advantage to the Old phones, when you hold it between your ear and your shoulder you never muted the conversation. Haha.

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