
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Throwback Thursday!

Growing up I didn't get to be a Brownie or a Girl Scout.

I was lucky to be the daughter of my Bluebirds leader, and then later into Camp Fire Girls.

How many of you belonged to either of these and found fast friends that have lasted through the years?

I was lucky enough over the past year to reconnect with my childhood friend Charlotte - a friend from 3rd grade

Little did I know living in her attic were the remnants of her childhood - including these photos, and even her old Camp Fire Girls vest with beads yet to be sewn on.
Did you find me?  Look dead center, second row.  I think this was one of the only times that I was not relegated to the back row due to my height (Which at age 12 had not reached where I would stop yet.)

Tall and gawky, with straightish blonde hair that wouldn't hold a curl, have body, or do anything I ever wanted it to do.

Brown tortoise shell style glasses that I hated - and way before braces straightened my teeth.

I know it's a bit grainy, but I couldn't zoom in any further without it getting worse.

I'm so grateful for these photos!

I'm looking at the 12 year old me and telling her "Just wait until you see where you end up!"

I loved Camp Fire Girls, mostly for the crafty creative things we dug into.

And that sewing on of beads to my vest?  We all know where that led.

Thanks for the memories, Charlotte!

What is going on here?

If you are married to a retired person who is still adjusting and thinks he has to be doing "something" every minute - this is what I found when I left my basement office space yesterday morning.

Everything was pushed to the center of the room.

It's Claritin Clear!

These windows were the one thing that raised my eyebrows when we first decided to buy the cabin.  Cleaning would be a pain.

But it looks like all I needed was a retired man who needed to do "something" to feel productive.  LOL!

Inside and outside - done!  And he vacuumed all of the "unreachables" that were under where the furniture was before he put it all back together.

I think I'll keep him.  Retirement is a wonderful thing!

Ladder Star hand quilting update -

I'm on block 2 of row 6 of 8 rows.

I'm loving it so much!

At this rate it will be ready for fall.  But then what?  What hand quilting or handwork thing will I put it in its place when its done?

I'm thinking that the hexie motifs I've been traveling with may start to come together as my feet up and stitching in the evening project.  We'll see.

I don't have anything else in the wings that are suited for hand quilting.

I love knowing that this is there in my corner of the loveseat recliner just waiting for me to pick it up in the evening, slip mky thimble on and get some stitches in.

There is something about slow stitching at the end of the day.  It just smooths out all of the rough edges and harried moments that happen through my day and sets everything right in my world.

The June Quiltvillians have checked in and the house is once again full of quilty activity.

Weather looks like it may behave through the weekend and I have a few who are willing walkers so we are going to get out there in the mornings over the next few days before I head on my Ireland/Scotland adventure.

We plan to fill up the next few days with as much quilty fun as we can - 

What do you have for today?  Are you wanting to get started on a walking regine?

I know the pull to stay at the machine playing with fabric is a strong one.  

But we can get out in the morning, get it done - and come back to it after an hour knowing we did something good for our bodies that will enable us to quilt longer.

And as the quilters said "We can quilt in the dark of night - but we need to walk in the light of day."

Okay!  let's do it!

There are only TWO days left to save on the Mabel's Choice PDf pattern! 

Create this striking quilt with just 3 shapes and boundless scraps! Easy instruction and alternative cutting directions along with full-color photos and graphics to ensure success.

Great for 1930s/1940s fabrics!

Quilt Size: 72’’ X 84’’

Optional but helpful: Essential Triangle Tool 

Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.

Introductory pricing:

Price is marked 25% off already - no coupon needed!

Sale good through this Friday -5/31/24 only!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Isn’t this true?
All it takes is 1 stupid thing out of 100 good things to change your mood and throw you for a loop.
Focus on the good things! The small stupid things don't matter.
Vintage string Apple Core quilt found in Alabama.

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

I know every partner in a marriage has both assets and deficits, but a husband who does windows? Looks like you won the lottery! Have a great trip. Wish I was going back!

Anonymous said...

On my first day of retirement, I cleaned my oven! 😂. Catherine

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have a hubby that wants to do all those things around the house.

Linda K said...

We didn't have scouts or bluebirds in our little town. 4-H was my thing. I still see a couple of my fellow members once in awhile. I'm hoping when we retire, my hubby will do the window washing too!

Terry H said...

I was a Blue Bird and Camp Fire girl. I even got to go to camp once. I remember all the crafts and learn to flip pancakes using just the pan. How fun that she found pictures.

Kim said...

Love your ladder star quilt, can't wait to make that one Bonnie! Your hand quilting will make it a family treasure! Safe travels :0)

Mo said...

My husband finished his working life Tuesday. We are enroute to the city for a theatre day. Tomorrow is our 44th anniversary. I can guarantee he won't be washing windows. It’s golf & music season -Highland Games. Not sure even after 46 years listening if that counts as music….🤣

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS... that ladder star is beautiful. I just love all those shirt plaids in there.

Linda in PA said...

I was able to visit the Quilters Hall of Fame on Tuesday. My husband and I were enroute home from Illinois where our daughter and family live having attended our oldest granddaughter’s high school graduation as class valedictorian. We took a detour from our regular route and went to Marion Indiana. It was so wonderful to see your quilts in person! Your pineapple crazy quilt is gorgeous and the pieces are so tiny! I could have spent hours looking at all the tiny details of all the quilts but my husband was waiting in the car. I’m so happy that I was able to stop by!

Mary said...

I joined Bluebirds, it didn't last. My parents didn't have $$ for the uniform. 4th grade wasn't my best year. Still wore Ringlets, but got bangs and a perm by Group picture time. It's a Tri-Cities day, I might go fondle some fabric, no buying unless it's something to match my swatch of Wilmington. My retired hubby does dishes and the garden. You're lucky, Dave does Windows.

M Elliott said...

Such a beautiful house. You are so fortunate to have your husband to help out. I lost mine 8 months ago.

Ginny A said...

I was a Campfire Girl, too. I have wonderful memories of Camp Sweyolakan and all the creative, fun activities we had. Did you sew an Indian dress for the badges and beads? I have a longtime friend from my childhood who was part of Campfire with me and we share memories about all the fun times together. Your hubster is definitely a keeper. Finding him things to do will be a win-win for both of you.

Debra said...

Dave is priceless!! Windows! Wow you certainly got lucky all those years ago.
Your hand quilting is just beautiful Bonnie. It's definitely a keeper.
I too, love your ladder star quilt.
Have a good day 💗

Carol M said...

I was a girl scout and my Mom was a leader. I remember boxes and boxes of cookies stacked in my bedroom for all to sell. That was when a box of cookies was 50 cents a box....lolol...al long time ago. I would love to go to Ireland and Scotland and research my ancestors on my Mom's side. I had a Great, Great grandmother that was a princess....I would love to know more about her. I sat out in the patio yesterday and started to big stitch some of the quilt tops I need to finish. I have about 15 of them and I don't want to send them away to get long arm quilted. The birds were singing, the breeze was blowing and the sun was shining. It was glorious. Enjoy your trip Bonnie. Wish I was going with you.

RoxySherburne said...

Yes, your hubby is sure a keeper and you are so lucky! I was a Brownie and then a Girl Scout,and I still have my pins and badges. Fond memories from day camp too! Love the Ladder Star quilt. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!

Anonymous said...

I was a Bluebird, camp fire, horizon right through high school. I still have my ceremonial gown.

Anonymous said...

When your husband runs out of windows to wash send him down I77 to Lake Norman to my house. I have plenty for him to wash!

SandraT said...

I was a Bluebird/Campfire and then switched over to Girl Scouts. I didn't really enjoy either one because I wanted to earn badges/beads but the other girls were more into "fun" stuff and makeup regimes. I laugh at the pictures of me in grade school... My husband is retired and is a great housekeeper, does it all. I am still working long hours so it is nice to have him willing. We are going to Ireland/England in August for our 44th, Scotland is next on my list. I got the pattern for Mabel's Choice and am looking forward to starting on it.

Tracey Honig said...

Wow... that's pretty cool! I love those windows, but I love the hand quilting on that ladder star more! I have one more day of training, then I can call the summer mine. The old photo was neat to start the blog with today. I was in Girl Scouts, but don't know how all the girls turned out, or even where the picture is! What great memories. Have a good evening!

Anonymous said...

@bonniehunter what is the window cleaning contraption the hubster is using? Does it work?

Anonymous said...

I remember when the cookie boxes sold for 50 cents. 😊♥️

Anonymous said...

Yes I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout. My Mom was our Brownie Leader. Fun times! I still have all my badges and pins…great memories.
Then I was in Job’s Daughters and went through the chairs to Honored Queen. Destined for group activities I joined a Quilt Guild, was President, Quilt Show Chair and 30 years later I’m still quilting in a Quilting Bee with many of the same members! Support groups for life!! Enjoy your travels Bonnie.
Blessings, Dawn, Central Valley, Ca

Charlotte said...

It was so cool to see our camp photo on you blog! Who would have thought growing up in Northern California that someday you would have a beautiful retreat inn, an amazing blog, be in the quilters hall of fame and have such such loyal followers. I didn’t but I am not surprised. You were already creative and crafty in third grade!! I have so many wonderful memories of us creating things together! You are amazing and so generous with your time, talent, and expertise. Way to go Bonnie!!
I was hoping to see your quilts this past weekend in Indiana but my 99 year old aunt had lot stamina than I expected and I couldn’t sneak away. I hope to get to see your quilts and inn in person someday b even though I no longer quilt. ( I’m still crafty but quilting turned out to not be my thing )
Happy quilting!

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