The sun actually rose this morning, not hidden by clouds -
There was a gentle breeze that beckoned me to get outside, to walk around the edge of the yard and see just what mother nature was gifting us this morning.
Mountain Laurel. Such abundant delicate clusters -
Aren't they gorgeous?
I love the little pink stripes on the inside of each little bell shaped blossom.
Click to Play:
I am so glad I took the time just to wander a bit - to look out into the woods, to appreciate nature before today kicks off with a bang.
These beauties will be done blooming by the time I am back from Ireland/Scotland.
I leave Sunday for New York. I'm off to Ireland on Monday with my pre-tour group to extend our time in Ireland by a few days. We'll then be joined by the "regular" Ireland group for the rest of our tour. And then I'll head over to Scotland with those who are joining me.
I'll return to New York on the 19th of June, finally landing back home on June 20th.
I will post when I can to Facebook/Instagram and perhaps some video clips up to YouTube depending on hotel wifi and most of all TIME.
Past travels have taught me that it is impossible to keep up on blogging while I am touring. It's unrealistic. So please keep up with me on other social media and we'll catch up with everything when I get home.
Irene from Cotton to Quilts has openings in her June retreat for you and a friend!
Wednesday 6/19/24 4pm check-in and 6/25/24 morning checkout.
Lunches and dinners are prepared by Irene so you don't have to cook, just bring your own breakfast items.
For all info Irene at
Yes, this retreat starts the day I land back in New York, but I'll be on hand from Friday on.
I look forward to having you join us!
Yes, I'm playing.
So much for a clean studio!
Not sure what I'll do with it if I don't like it. Evidently I can't get strings out of my blood.
I like the colors though!
And this could always end up as a fun pillow if I decide it doesn't go anywhere.
It really needs more repeats before I can see the secondary patterns though.
We'll see.
I have two loads of laundry yet to tackle this morning. I even went back after dinner to flip one more load from washer to dryer and start another. This being down to one washer is the pits.
Fixit guy comes on the 4th - Hubster Dave can deal with that.
The entirety of yesterday dealt with setting everything right for the June Quiltvillians arriving this afternoon.
There are only a few days left to save on the Mabel's Choice PDf pattern!
Create this striking quilt with just 3 shapes and boundless scraps! Easy instruction and alternative cutting directions along with full-color photos and graphics to ensure success.
Great for 1930s/1940s fabrics!
Quilt Size: 72’’ X 84’’
Optional but helpful: Essential Triangle Tool
Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.
Introductory pricing:
Price is marked 25% off already - no coupon needed!
Sale good through this Friday 5/31/24 only!
Your mind and your heart can play tricks on you if you don't have all the facts.
Don't rely on social media soundbites designed to yank your chain and create emotional response.
Do real research.
Vintage quilt found in Alabama.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

Some days I feel like I should keep a list of the “Quote of the Day”.
Thanks for reminding us of many things that we might not think about.
Safe travels to you & your groups.
The new string blocks look like little space ships! So cute!
I walked around my house to smell the Peonies. I need more of them in my Hydrangeas. They smell so Heavenly. Love your Blog posts. Will miss my morning Bonnie time.
Safe travels!
Beautiful mountain laurel preview ..mine will bloom in mid-June.Thanks for sharing your travel joys and adventures! Visited Zalipie, Poland last month-so beautiful, and heartwarming to see traditions taught and passed on. Hadn't heard of this town until you shared on this blog. Scotland has a marvelous textile history; perhaps you will get to see the Great Tapestry?
More strings!! So pretty.
We have a large mountain Laurel. So beautiful, it hasn't bloomed yet here. Our rhodies are in bloom though. I'm getting closer to getting
Ready to sew some.. it's terrible to have a bad back.
Have a Sparkling good day 💞
If that bright blue were pink you could call the pattern "Mountain Laurel"
Your "Quiltville Quote of the Day" and your comments below the Vintage Quilt picture are so powerful. Mountain Laurel--beautiful! Love the closeup pic. My Mom lived in Tennessee and every Spring she would talk about how much she loved it when the Mountain Laurel bloomed. Thanks for that lovely memory. Jenny
Thank you for your wise words. My son lives in TN so I am living his daily views thru you. He is about 2 hours from you.
Sounds like a great trip, it's a long time to be away from home. Safe travels can't wait to see your pictures :0)
So glad you took the time to stop & smell the mountain laurels! :)
I'll miss the daily posts while you're gone but will look for you in other places! ;)
We went up to the Parkway for our anniversary on the 17th of May. We drove from Cherokee to Boone. It was the first time I had seen Mountain Laurel in all the times I have driven up there. I guess it needs to be the right time of the year. They are gorgeous! I saw dark pink, light pink and the white like you have. I took several pictures to show my daughters. They are such interesting flowers! Lucky you to have some right outside.
I saw mirrored / nested fish. White fish on an aqua background, or aqua fish with a white background....
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