
Thursday, May 09, 2024

May In Bloom!

Oh, the lilacs!!

I could smell them in the drive as we arrived home from the airport after midnight on Tuesday - which I guess was really Wednesday morning.

But it was dark - so I didn't really come face to face with them until I walked out the door to head over to the inn to make things ready for the Muddy Creek Misfits who would be arriving after 4pm.

Oh!!  The lilacs!  I didn't miss them after all!

I wish this photo came as scratch-n-sniff - 

Click to Play:


The fragrance when you enter the inn is unmistakable.

I might not get to enjoy them as long as I would like - but here we are.

Mabel's Choice is in the front foyer -

And yes, the pattern drops on May 17th!  Just a bit over a week away.

What is this?

My mom is a master gardener.  I didn't get that gene.  I didn't WANT that gene.  I know she doesn't understand it, but as a pre-teen and teen if I got in trouble the punishment was always to go weed a section of this-or-that and I hated it.  It was punishment, and never turned into pleasure for me.

I like a green lawn, some manicured bushes, and some pretty things that come up in clumps every year. LOL!

But I did bring home some snips of "something" from her garden and managed with the claw side of the hammer (as I have no gardening tools whatsoever) to get them in the ground.

Last night it rained pretty good - I hope they survived.  If not? I won't have to weed them.

This is the "nature's garden" that I like.  The Dame's Rocket is up and looking beautiful - wherever it blooms.

Please note that all of this blooming is behind our fence - not in front of it - because Hubster Dave is weed whacker happy. Where they are blooming is NOT our property, but I still get to enjoy them for the short time that they last.

Beyond our fence looking down toward the old abandoned woolen mill.

It blooms white and purple and can be seen all along the roadsides this time of year. I love it.

The big Rhodie is blooming!

When folks ask "When does it bloom?" I always tell them "Just in time for Mother's Day." and this one is right on schedule.  I didn't miss it.  I look forward to the next few weeks of enjoying its beauty.

I stopped down the road on my way home yesterday to take a photo of my neighbor's gorgeous and huge ancient rhodie bush.  It's magnificent!

Her blooms are more purple than mine - and I'm so glad I didn't miss this in bloom.

Welcome Home Package!

I didn't get sewing time yesterday with all of this attempting to plant things and keep them alive, and get the inn ready - but I did get to sort through and fondle the pieces in this care package!

I am SO excited...these are prints that are new to me and I'm happy to work them right in.

Thank you, Tina!

Today?  I'm still getting my routine back.  I hope to have time to enjoy the retreat ladies, in fact I'm bringing my hexies with me so we can sit and possibly porch stitch.

If I can get the "work" part done before lunch, I can play in the afternoon.

And I can look beyond the porch and see the Dame's Rocket blooming away and know that it is safe from Weed Whacker Dave and that I didn't have to tend it....

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Thursday morning with a heart full of gratitude.
Life may be stressful, overly full, and deadlines may loom - but I am so grateful.

Vintage Lemoyne star quilt found in North Carolina.
Have a wonderful day, everyone.



cats said...

Welcome home and thank you big time for sharing your springtime blossoms!!! My harbinger of Spring was a pretty Alligator Lizard, sunning herself on my brick walkway to the mailbox! Only about 6, 7 inches long, we startled each other and said good afternoon! I have a new landscaping guy coming this afternoon! No weeding for me either!! Glad you're back hope your visit with mom was delightful, and thank you, as always, for sharing the beautiful things you enjoy and create. Cats in Carlsbad CA

helenreimers said...

My sympathy for a weed whacker hubby. I got got yesterday. Had to show mine today's blog. We both laughed so hard. He said" See I am not the only one."

Ellen T. said...

Mystery plants look like hostas to me.

Mary said...

My hubby's tool is his shovel. He used it to move some Overgrown Bluebells away from my Tulips in front. My Double Tulips just laid down on them this year. Rhododendron is our State Flower. I have a pretty purple one! It's right on time as well. Happy Mother's Day Weekend. Balloons started early this morning for Kids day.

Anonymous said...

Dames Rocket...good name for a purple quilt.

Tina Hansen said...

Your mentioning of me on your blog was unexpected! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I understand your Weedwhacker hubby. My husband went out to spray some grass killer about three weeks ago, but I think he must’ve used weed killer anyhow, about a week later he comes in the house and says you’re gonna be mad at me. Why I ask. That lilac bush out there is dying Note that lilac bush is over 20 years old. It was beautiful double dark purple. I wanted to smack him, but he swears it wasn’t his fault. I went out to check at the other day and there’s no green on it at all now. Glad you had a nice trip Bonnie and got to enjoy your family.

Su said...

Lilac blooming here in MN, too. I'll have to cut some for the house. That's a lovely gift of fabric. I like the pink paisley, and hope you use it in something soon!

Tracey Honig said...

So glad that you didn't miss your gift from Mother Nature for Mother's Day!! My mister has the green thumb... you should see our huge garden in the back yard. What a sweet gift to receive; now I know where to send some unwanted fat quarters that I have! :) Hopefully you'll get back on routine soon... & enjoy that porch sitting! Definitely not porch sitting weather here in South Central Texas today. When I cam home at 4:30 it was 98* & a heat index of 120*!!! ooofffff!!! So not ready for the heat but I guess we have to get ready for it! Have a good evening!

Anonymous said...

I too have a husband who weed whacks my plants, sprays too close to my flowers and mows over them too. My lilacs are finished blooming. They only lasted about a week. Glad you got to visit with your family. Dianne

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