
Thursday, March 07, 2024

Donning O' The Green!

Gail's Quilt Buddies have arrived!

And in preparation for the next couple of retreats - I pulled out all the green things - because even though the rain was falling ALL. DAY. LONG - the grass is turning green, the daffodils are beginning to bloom, and even the dogwood tree is showing little buds that will be popping within the next few weeks.

Of course, Emerald City from String Frenzy is a perfect quilt to share my love of green.

The little traditional nine-patch also reflects my love of green.

The dining room table has been be-decked as well!

New floor mats!

Enough time has passed that we can now put rugs down on the newly refinished Quilting Quarters floor. (And hallway too!)

This time we went wider and longer to give more room for rolling, and to keep the chair wheels from free-wheeling on the hard floor.

We were lucky over the past month - we didn't have anyone missing their chair and hitting the floor.

And the smell is all but gone now.

These rugs were from Lowes.  We trimmed 6'' off so they were the right length, meeting at the half-way point under the tables.

Sweet serving plate found at Salvation Army for $2.99!

I have had a couple of bad days of breaking things.  It must have something to do with the changing of the seaons.

I closed the kitchen door at the inn only to hear serving plates hit the floor and crash.  So new serving plates are needed.

Believe me - I'm going for Melmac or something - but the last ones I had someone put in the dishwasher on heated dry and they warped.  So into the trash they went.

I have a couple of glass ones left - and I really didn't want stoneware, but this was too cute to pass up.

I'm looking for something else - which gives me reasons to venture back to the antique malls and thrift shops over the next little while.

It's Hallmark!

I thought it was a pretty good deal for $2.99 and if it breaks - we'll have gotten $2.99 worth of use out of it.

(Yes, I had just washed it - there are still water droplets in my photo!)

That breakage thing?  It runs in threes I hear.

And other disaster was my phone.  It fell face down onto the metal sliding door track and must have hit just wrong - because the screen protector didn't do its job - it got the screen protector AND the glass underneath and the screen was hit bad enough to have dead spots.

So....New phone.

It arrived yesterday (Purple!) and I spent most of last night and some more time this morning getting it all set up.

No matter how "easy" they say it will be - there is still all of the re-logging in and having to provide codes and passwords for everything.  It's just a pain.

And now the phone is different enough it's going to take some time to get all of my things situated.

And I've ordered up a larger memory card because - loads of photos and music and PDFs of recipes and more get stored on my phone.

(Yes I have document and photo backup - but I like things with me on my phone.)

I'm being extra careful today because the screen protector and case won't arrive until tomorrow.

Hoping I can avoid that third breaking thing - whatever it may be.

Tula - waiting for the quilters to arrive!

While I was waiting for the quilters to arrive!

I know what I'm going to do for the border of my Ladder Star.

Yes, it needs a border.  It's barely over 60'' and that's just not quite big enough for even a couch snuggle. Not with my big boys who are all 6'3"" or over.

Strips were pulled.  Hunks were pressed and sliced.

Strip set sewing has begun.

I'll be slicing and dicing strip sets and assembling units into a checkerboard border. Mostly mediums/darks, no neutrals.  

It will float the center a bit, keep the patchy feel and bring it to completion.  And that's the plan, Stan!

Meanwhile at home - projects have begun.

Hubster Dave is refinishing the cedar table top on our dining table.

The sawdust smells so good!

(Isn't that weird? But it's cedar!)

I think he finally got the nerve to do this after refinishing the butcher block island top and the two butcher block bathroom counters at the inn.  And now the man has gone crazy with his sanders.  LOL!

I think he is adjusting to retirement just fine.  He's even off playing pickle ball this morning.  He's developing a routine, joining things, doing things.  All is well!

And yes, spring is underway - Click to Play:

Peepers are peeping at the creek behind the inn!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage bowtie quilt found in Texas.

What we do makes a difference! Yes, even the little things mean a lot.

Off to struggle with the new phone -

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Wow that dining table is gorgeous! And I think it is Juniper (a variety of cedar) here in BC Canada it is illegal to harvest now. Usually Juniper doesn't grow very large, so I am thinking that table must be pieced. Juniper is very fragrant and has characteristic red center and white towards the edges which is what I see in your photos........ and I think the legs might be diamond willow. That table is a treasure. Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Stop breaking things now!

Elle said...

CEDAR!!! so yummy. I grew up with cedar lined closets on the dairy farm. We have cedar lined our closets in this home of 33years and I love it every time I see it!

Happy Thursday :-)

Peggy said...

I really like Corel dishes as they are light in weight and dishwasher proof. Also have my glass bowls and plates.

Anonymous said...

Just check if you get melamine plates. They’re usually not microwave safe. Love your greens! Inspires me for some new projects! Pam

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Hi Bonnie! I just have to give you a word of thanks for the products you bring to our attention! I absolutely love my floor lamp that you recommended back when you visited your father. The light is absolutely perfect for hand sewing. It is so wonderful to be able to see what I'm stitching. I had another similar floor lamp that I'd been using, but no matter which setting I used, it hurt my eyes, even with the soft yellowish light. This one is so easy on my eyes and gives perfect light. Now I'm spoiled and won't be comfortable hand sewing anywhere else. I ordered the lamp the same day I saw your post and link and have been enjoying using it every time I get a chance to hand stitch without my little dog Zoe needing to cuddle and lay just under my neck. Keep those great product ideas coming. I love how you're sharing links for all kinds of useful stuff. My thread puller that was pictured in a Quiltvillian's hand and explained and linked on yesterday's post is arriving today! Yay! Hope it helps to grab the needle and make it easier to pull through the starch stiffened applique pieces.

Tammy Seirer said...

Your Emerald City quilt is gorgeous!

cats said...

well now, i don;t "follow" but Mercury is in retrograde and those who do believe are sure it has somethuing todo with things going wonky,.... I broke my favorite coffee mug this morning, knocked it off the kitchen counter w/elbow!!! what a mess, lucky, it was empty... LOVE tula taking in the sun! and and I made made

Sharon in Seattle said...

Ooooooh! Bonnie! I love love love your peepers! Thank you!

Kim said...

Did you plant the daffodils or did a previous owner? I hope they keep on reproducing all the years you are there! Mine are not doing well over here on the coast, they bloom a few years then die. Happy Sewing!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I feel your pain. I hate dealing with new electronic devices. The older I get the worse it is. I’m 18 months into my computerized longarm and have yet to download a quilting design from elsewhere. Still getting the hang of what it came with. Don’t even talk to me about a new upgrade that’s out there. Tula locks like she’s enjoying the spring sunshine. Fran in Pa.

Anonymous said...

Tula is such a beautiful cat!

Tracey Honig said...

Ugh!! I hate it when bad luck runs for a few days! Hopefully nothing else drops or breaks! We are looking at switching back to the Cornell plates, as they don't get hot in the microwave and break. That was a cute plate.
Glad to hear the Hubs is settling into his retirement routine and is handy with a sander! He did a fabulous job with the counters... keep him going! :)
Today I am working on my Bricks and Steppinstones; after a brief catnap. Looking forward to Spring Break when I don't have to answer to anyone for a few days! Happy quilting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the sounds of the peepers. I moved from my house in the woods to an apartment in town last summer. And I will so miss hearing the peepers this spring. I just closed my eyes and listened. Sandi in Vermont

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I lived closer. I could keep you supplied with platters for the rest of your life, no problem. Elaine

Anonymous said...

Changing phones is the worst!
Dlk in Oregon

Anonymous said...

Here in Missouri, when we hear the first frogs, it means the frogs will only look through ice three more times until spring. Hope it's the same in Virginia. We've had freezing temps twice since I heard the first peep, so one more cold night and spring will be here!

Anonymous said...

Yay for spring. I find that Corelle dishes are pretty unbreakable. The set I use is 42 years old and I’ve only broken 2 plates in all these years! Dianne

Diane R said...

Red wing blackbirds returned to my western NY home about a week ago. I heard a robin yesterday but the peppers won't be with us for a couple months yet. Love the sound of them. Thanks so much for sharing it. Frost this morning with snow expected this weekend. That cedar top table is lovely! Good to hear the hubster is already enjoying his retirement. Looking forward to seeing the border you've come up with for the Ladder Star quilt. Best to you all.

Destiny said...

I have to go to Lowe's and look for the rugs under your chairs. I have almost landed on my rear end several times. My chair just takes off. These look perfect. Thanks for everything you share. You are the best.

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