
Saturday, September 02, 2023

While The Cat's Away...Quiltvillians Play!

Good Morning From good ole'  Queens, New York!

I've got some time before heading to the airport and meeting up with my Poland travelers, so I'm throwing in one last post before I go to catch you up on some things!

Questions on "Do you still have retreaters while you are away?" have arisen, and the answer is yes, and sometimes.

You see, nothing is an ALWAYS. but in this case with these trips that have been postponed for 2 years due to Covid, and with Poland the onset of the war in Ukraine with the influx of displaced refugees crossing the Poland border in search of safety - These are the last two trips with make up dates that have been pushed forward and pushed forward until it was safe to go.

My own guidelines for myself (because nothing is an always -just a guideline) is that it has to be safe to go.  We have to be able to do the group things we want to do with the attractions being open to large groups. And it has to be FUN.  If it isn't fun - why are we going?

This is going to be FUN!

And with these two tours back-to-back and the dates being adjusted to make that possible, my September Quiltvillians arrived on Wednesday with me leaving on Friday.

I don't purposely schedule groups when I'm going to be gone - but sometimes (Because there is never an always) there will be times when I am not there for this reason or that reason because I too have other obligations. 

There has to be a way to fit in all of the good things if we remain a bit flexible, right?

Yesterday was September!  August is gone!  And with that we have some beautiful  Appalachian Autumn blocks that Barb is working on.  I love this quilt so much - I wanted to pull out ALL of the autumn things and redecorate the inn, but there wasn't time.

And a finished Appalachian Autumn share! Wonderful!

And this got me so excited - and since there is time to set everything up  - I'm doing this starting today:

Sale good through 9/24/23.

Must use coupon code DIGITAL25 at purchase!

It's the same coupon code on both Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. Don't forget to use your coupon code!

Check out this gorgeous Bristol share!

Close up of wonderful recycled shirt fabrics.  

So comfy, backed with flannel.

This little bit of show and share turned into a whole lot as top after top was brought out so I could see before leaving.

Sister's Nine Patch from Adventures With Leaders & Enders. Such a classic!

Close up of the wonderful scrappy reds.

This star uses a folded back 3-D curve technique.  If you know the pattern/designer please leave the info in the comments section below.  Thank you!

Crumb Jumble #1 from String Fling. In other words, crumb blocks are addicting and soon you find you've made enough for 2 quilts.  LOL!

Close up of blocks.

Did it make a dent in the scraps? Doubt it!

Here's the second one - set with solid blue.  Just lovely!

Close up - oh, lovely!

A scrumptious trip around the world. Wonderful!

A T-shirt quilt with a story.

Digitized embroidery containing some of the best memories of a brother-in-law that passed. Christine made this quilt for her sister after losing her husband. It's a wonderful representation of who he was and always will be remembered.

A family signature quilt remembering grandparents.

This came back to the maker after her grandparents had passed.

Pine Tree Point has reached top status!

(Don't rush me - I still want to enjoy fall!)

Winston Ways from MORE Adventures With Leaders & Enders. I love this quilt, it's one of my favorites! Have you made one?

Jennifer was bound and determined to finish her Plaidish quilt before I was gone Thursday afternoon...

And she did it!  Revealed during late afternoon snacks and beverages on the porch. This is a free pattern and can be found HERE.

I spy some Silver Lining blocks from String Frenzy happening here!

Irish chain in teal, anyone?

This sight gets me all excited!  I love to see what Charlotte is digging into.

Cabin Corners on the wall!

Now this brings new meaning to "Runs With Scissors!" LOL!  These are going from Cathy as a gift to someone who has room for them as studio décor when Cathy no longer does.

I think they are hanging here so they don't forget to take them.  Cracks me up.

This is how we do things in Appalachia!

Jean and her daughter arrived at Quiltville inn to find during set up that the shank to her Janome foot was broken.

They called up Ashe Sewing Center which is just a tiny place in West Jefferson, NC.  Yes, they had the needed foot and they headed out to pick one up right away, because girl's gotta sew, right?

Upon getting there they found that the little sewing center (Housed in a shed style building behind a house) only accepted cash or check, not credit card..  And Jean had forgotten her wallet.

In true southern hospitality style, was told "That's okay, just send a check when you can!"

That kind of trust had her going back yesterday - cash in hand after retrieving her purse from the inn - and bought a machine.

One good turn deserves another.  And everyone is happy in the end.

This to know if you live near by:

Coming to a Quilt Show near you!

Kristie & Slade Jarrett are the creators of the Sew Q Laser I wrote about HERE.

So many of you commented that you went out and purchased one after reading my post.

She wanted me to let you know that they will be at the following shows:

September  7-9, 2023:

Great Wisconsin Quilt Show 
Madison Wisconsin
Booth #630

September 13-16, 2023:

AQS Quilt Show
Grand Rapids Michigan 
Booth #2000

If you are attending the shows, stop by their booth and let them know that Bonnie sent you!  Check it out for yourselves.  I'm thrilled with mine and can't wait to get home and really put it to good use.

It's a game changer!

Yesterday morning, Tri Cities airport, Blountville, TN.

7 gates. SO EASY!

This little airport is an hour closer than a drive to Greensboro which was my norm.  Not any more.  Blountville won my loyalty yesterday. Only 90 minutes from home. So doable.

Board int in Atlanta for JFK - let's go!

Landing in New York - lovely day!

It was a short flying day really - 45 minutes from TRI to ATL, and then less than 2 hours from ATL to JFK.

No stitching happened - but I did use the time to organize all of the photos on my phone - I need to make room for the new photos that will happen over the next few weeks.

Movie: I watched "Hello God, It's Me Margaret." and laughed and cried and remembered what it was like to be 12 with all of the changes happening to my body.  Check it out if you can find it. Adorable movie!  My inner 12 year old related so much.

Dinner at the Sonoco Food Court.

Don't knock it until you try it!

I found this little food court walking distance from my hotel when I returned from Ireland in June.

There's a 7-11, a Manchu Wok, Qdoba, Wendy's and my new favorite Shah's for the best chicken gyro I've ever had.

It may not be pretty - but SO SO SO good!

I have an overnight back here on my return leg and you can bet that there is another chicken gyro for my dinner that night. Yum!

I met up with Craftours guide Holly last night - she'll be with me from here to Poland, to Italy and back. We'll be meeting up with our Poland group at the gate later this afternoon.

And off we go.

I know this is long....and there is one more thing I nearly forgot - but I'll throw it in because as my best mantra proves once again "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from."

The new replacement oven door for the inn was delivered yesterday and will be installed today and everyone will receive instruction to not put any weight on the door when it is open so we don't spring another door.

Disaster averted....not that big of a deal...and now resolved.

And one more thing...because it's typical:

After dropping me off, The Hubster headed off to Bass Pro because, well - it's a man thing.

He picked up a toy for the dogs.

It lasted 5 minutes or less.  LOL!!

I know they are in good hands though I will miss them greatly while gone.

I'll catch you when I can, and we'll catch up when I'm back.

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

Happiness is found in the little things, don't let them pass you by unnoticed!
Vintage nine patch quilt found in Virginia.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Patty P said...

I believe the folded back HSt is called Mexican Star Dance from Southwind Designs, a fun technique

scrappy101 said...

This star uses a folded back 3-D curve technique........Jordan Fabrics on YouTube.
Beautiful Quilts Ladies.
Happy Trails Bonnie

Ginny A said...

Oh, I know that result! I'll bet there was a squeaker in the toy, right? Such lovelies all around the sewing room. I made a Winston Ways a few years ago for a friend who loves pink! Loved the final look of it. Safe travels, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Love the Plaid-ish pattern! Just downloaded and printed the pattern and the example! Can't wait to make it!
Laura B

Karen P said...

Yes, it is Mexican Star Dance. "Peeled Back Patchwork" technique by Annette Ornelas, Southwind Designs

Nancy Wigren said...

It is Southwind Designs -= The designer's name is Annette Ornelas. She
's written many patterns. A very, very sweet lady. She did a class for a retreat we had at Needle in a Haystack in Findley Lake N.Y. (very close to Erie, PA)

Cats said...

happy travels, safe and sane adventures, hugs and blessings from Cats in Carlsbad CA... I so love the vicarious thrill sharing your photos... Thanks

Anonymous said...

I purchased the Sew Q Laser and an extra attachment for another machine. Thank you for the info. Now I have a question for you when you setup the laser did you adjust it for a scant 1/4”? Annette Austin

Alberta Schlundt said...

Yes thats the pattern :) I made the smaller version of it. And it was fun to make

Mary said...

Thanks for sharing all the things. Love that the Shop trusted the Quilter to send a check later. Quilters are the best! Have a great set of Tours. I will be watching from my sewing machine seat. Gotta be home, so It's pedal to the metal before Quilt Festival.

Anonymous said...

For this reason, my daughter always bought her dog stuffed animals at a thrift store. They do love to destroy them! Jo Ann B

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Bonnie, Thank you for the chuckle. I loved seeing the destroyed duck. My little 10 lb Zoe hasn't been able to destroy any of her toys, but she is great at ripping any piece of paper she finds (the more important the paper the better), tissues, and the corners of cardboard boxes to itty bitty shreds. Well, at least she's leaving the corners of my furniture alone, for now. Have a safe trip! Looking forward to pics!

AnnieBikes said...

I am so glad you discovered TRI. I live in Bristol and we love it. Always really fast to get through security, especially with Precheck! We love our little airport, and after the quick hop to ATL, you can go anywhere! Have a wonderful trip. We lived in Italy for nearly three years when my husband was in the Army and my oldest son was born there, my little Italian souvenir!!!

Karen said...

Have a great trip.
I have the same problem with dog toys and my dogs. The squeaker is out of the toy in 10 minutes and "snow" is all over the floor. I gather up all the "snow" (poly-fiberfill) I re-stuff the toy and put a fabric scrap patch over the hole. I whip stitch it down around the edge, and invisible baste it to make it harder for them to chew through. The toys last much longer, plus after many patches, they look cute. Our dogs like to pick up a toy in their mouth and run outside with it.

Anonymous said...

Safe and happy travels for you! Thank you for the discounted patterns!

Rhonda said...

Wonderful post! Can sense the excitement between the lines! So happy for you and your new travel plans. The quilt tops and wall projects at the Inn all look lovely. Save travels dear Bonnie and thank you for sharing all your adventures, both home and away.

Bev said...

Everyone of these quilts is absolutely beautiful. I wish had the time and patience to produce such lovely work.

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, those toys never last long; but it's almost as fun to watch them destroy it as it is to pick it! Such inspiration today!! I have not made a WInston Ways, but I have made a Sister's 9 patch and gave it to my parents. Safe travels and looking forward to following along when you can! :)

UmaKathy said...

Fun news from you. I agree about things not being ALWAYS. I was an always type of person and adhered to a schedule and being methodical in the way I did things. That was until an unexpected disabling disorder took over my life. Now instead of always thinking, I ask myself if a project is within my new wheelhouse and how I can accomplish it. It took me awhile to reach a level of acceptance with what I can still do. Oh how I wish Quiltville was possible for me. Your posts are ALWAYS uplifting for me. Thank you Bonnie.-

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