
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Countdown to Wheels Up!

And........we have installation!

Nothing like cranking out the to-do list when my flights begin about 27 hours from now.  

But there is plenty of time.  Time to play with a new accessory.  Time to cut out a new project.  Time to welcome the September Quiltvillians on retreat - 

And time to anticipate the arrival of the new oven door - we've got shipping notification so all is falling into place.  With 27 hours to go to wheels up.  We can do this!

Have you heard of the Sew Q Laser? If your machine doesn't have a laser built in - you can add one!

Watching the installation video.

This is going to be so helpful!

It works with most machines -

You can view the whole installation video on the Sew Q Laser home page. It's very straightforward.  I even got a second mounting kit so I can switch the laser from machine to machine.

You can easily set up the laser to mark your 1/4'' seam allowance - and there is even a marking guide for 3/8''.

I couldn't wait to try this out!

Kristie Jarrett and her husband Slade are the brains behind the Sew Q Laser.

A little bit about their story:

I didn’t have the grandmother, aunt, etc. that quilted. My grandmother had 15 kids! (evidently too busy to quilt!) I have always wanted to know how to quilt. 

After my own kids were grown I decided I would do something and learn to quilt.  I took a few lessons from a lady until health issues prevented her from teaching me any further.  So for the most part I consider myself self-taught.

I struggled. I couldn’t get the 1/4” and straight seams. I was ready to sell my machine and give up - my emotions got the best of me I just sat and cried! 

My husband said "You are not giving up and you can do this!" 

He took a construction beam laser,  beat the laser out, soldered wires to it, and hot glued it to my machine.  I was so stunned at the difference this made in my quilting!  

It took me almost a week to convince him he had an invention much needed in the quilting world.  He finally listened. The Sew Q Laser is now patent pending globally and has received a world-wide testing certification.

It’s great for all ages: Beginners, experienced sewists whose eyesight might be not as great, for those who desire to have a laser on their machine but don’t want to incur the extra cost. 
We have several customers who have mounted the Sew Q Laser on their machine because the laser that came with their machine isn’t adjustable and doesn’t shine the beam out as far. 

The Jarretts live in Georgia, USA.  It does my heart good to know that a well made product is also benefiting real people and not big corporations. 

I'm shouting out a big hooray for  a wonderful product made when a need was discovered and a solution was found.  Well done!

My main use is going to be having the laser shine on my sewing line to help me achieve straighter seams. With my vision problems, sewing straight is a challenge.

I can see this beam clearly and it will help guide me as I sew long straight seams -

Or do things like join strips on the diagonal for binding or borders.

No marking of lines!

This is helpful when sewing stitch & flip corners - or even sewing half-square triangles.

Even if I cut well...I don't always sew well and my seams on half-square triangles can be squirrely and then things don't press open correctly.  You know what I mean?

I'm really excited about the Sew Q Laser and how it will make a straight seam easier to see for me as well as using it for marking seam allowances, and more.

I used it to join my binding strips for Silk Path - what a game changer to be able to overlap the strip ends and get a good, clean, straight seam when sewing those diagonals.

I know I'm going to love this!

Currently the Sew Q Laser is on sale.  The laser is rated for something like 10,000 hours of sewing. I think I can reach that goal! LOL!

Kristie, I am so happy to share your product with my readers.  I wish you the best with your venture.

Thank you so much!

And I can't wait to assemble my new project with the Sew Q Laser showing my seams the way to be straight and true.

I've spent the past week or so cutting when I had a minute to cut.

I pulled out an old time UFO containing some vintage signature blocks. A few years back I did a bunch of cutting out for this project and then it got set aside.

I'm now rethinking it and have dug through my 1930s scraps, mixing in recycled shirt plaids and I'm ready to dive in with the vintage blocks for inspiration.

And *GASP* I'll be using ONE background of muslin with these - because most of the 30s prints are so light, busy and blendy. I know. It's "so not like me!" But most of these fabrics read as medium - and they are busy.

This may become the next hand quilting project to see me through the winter.

But I've got to go to Poland and Italy before I can begin to sew blocks together.

The September Quiltvillians are in the house!

I caught this photo of Barb sharing her completed Day Break quilt from String Frenzy sharing how she used plain sashings instead of strings. It's beautiful!  Strings are always optional.

Close up of blocks and fabrics.

Barb's fan quilt top finish!

(Holding helper is Christine - Barb is behind the quilt.)

I will miss all of the productive creativity while I'm heading off on this trip - but I know they are in good hands and I'm glad I get to spend today with them.

And with that - it's time!  Let's Draw!

I'm drawing for TWO winners who each will receive a Morning Glories PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Green color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

We had an overwhelming 5,618 entries and and our winners are:

Julie Remmert!

Marla Harrison!

Congrats, ladies!  Please find the emails I sent to your provided email addresses containing your patterns.  Respond to these emails with your mailing addresses and I'll have the folks at Cotton to Quilts get your Facets of Green color rolls out to you ASAP!

Can there ever be too many greens? I don't think so!

Last Day To Save!

The PDF pattern for Morning Glories is currently 25% off through 8/31/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The finished quilt measures 84'' X 84''.

No coupon code is needed, but if you are purchasing paper or notions and wish to save the 15% you do need to use the code NOTIONS at checkout in the Quiltville Store.  The Etsy shop ONLY carries the PDF patterns, not merchandise.

Please take note - I'll be filling orders up to dinner time tonight, but after that - I'll be gone for 3 weeks.

If you order physical items beyond this afternoon Eastern time, your order will be shipped upon my return home likely starting September 22nd.  Thanks for understanding!

(Tonight is anniversary dinner out!)

Of course as Always - PDF patterns are available 24/7/365 as no shipping is needed.

My departure for the airport is scheduled for 7am.  There will be no blog posts likely while I'm gone, but will do my best to post to Instagram and Facebook so follow me there to see what is going on in Poland and Italy.

We'll catch up when I get home.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If you search for treasures - make sure you include these.
They are precious beyond measure!

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone -



quiltmom said...

You convinced me, placed an order for the Q laser!!

Jean F. said...

Enjoy your Poland and Italy trip! Stay safe!

Becky Weimer said...

How I love these posts from the Quiltville Inn! Some day, I *will* be there! I am intrigued by the Ireland/Scotland trip next spring and look forward to information about it!!

Cats said...

goodness, you must have been up burning the midnight oil to write this one...!!!<3 hoping and praying the laser thing will return me to the sewing machine... wishing you safe and lovely travels, wish i were going and loving your posts as you are able, will miss you while you're gone and so happy when you get a moment to update us... as usual, thank you for your contribution to MY life and so many others (even tho i really cannot speak for "others")_ Blessings, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Mary said...

Love the Signature blocks. You could have the retreaters sign them when they come. Sew fun to sew 30s prints! Use it up! That Lazer looks interesting. Old eyes might Need it!! Thanks for sharing.

Chris in SD said...

Happy Anniversary and safe travels!

Wendy F said...

Have a great trip! I will miss your blog with my morning coffee but look forward to seeing your adventures on Instagram.

Tracey Honig said...

I second the notion of a well made solution to a problem!! Especially if it's in the USA!! I guess I need to convince my Mister to get me one for my birthday coming soon! I'm glad to see an example of the Daybreak without the string sashing... It's very different but beautiful as well! I hope you're all packed up and ready to fly! Safe travels!! :)

Loretta McGinn said...

Godspeed, Bonnie, and enjoy.

DebbieD said...

thanks for the suggestion, Bonnie. I just ordered the laser. Anything to increase accuracy! Have a marvelous trip.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Enjoy Italy. I have been there 3 times and loved it each time. Never had a bad meal or wine.
Unfortunately, I haven't been to Poland. Stay save.

Ginny A said...

Safe travels. Bonnie!

patti leal in florida said...

you sold me. just started having problems with vision and this should solve those problems. had been considering buying a whole new machine but this should work. thank you so much. enjoy your travels. you are such an inspiration. patti in florida

RoxySherburne said...

Happy Belated Anniversary, and have a Super Fantastic trip! Love the idea of adding the Sew Q Laser to my Juki that's just like yours and I purchased through your site. Enjoy!

Karen said...

Does Quiltville Inn close while you are traveling?...or do you have someone that can manage it for you while you are away?

Amy said...

I have the Sew Q Laser. Got it at the Paducah show. I absolutely love it.

Anonymous said...

I think the Sew Q Laser is going on my Christmas list this year! Thanks for sharing it with us! (Lisa Atwood)

LadyBugBetty said...

I ordered mine with additional mounting! With the code I got both for price of one almost. I am so excited about this. If I need a straight line I have to get close to needle to see it! So thanks Bonnie, have a wonderful trip!

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