
Monday, August 14, 2023

Tops, Tops & More Tops!

It was a great weekend - following the progress of so many tops coming together.

While there was plenty of time for fun on the porch, or a hike here and there, the TaDa quilters were so dedicated to reaching their goals when it came to finishing some projects!

I also love being in the "determination zone" so I was happily cheering on everyone else who was bound and determined to finish a quilt top before our "over the porch rail" photo session!

Here is Jilly's Roll Roll Cotton Boll from String Fling coming together - a project started by her late mom, with parts left in baggies for Jill to figure out just where things were going.

There was no stopping this woman - she was on a mission to get this top together.

Her mom and hade all of the string blocks and they were quickly and easily trimmed, sliced, rearranged and sewn back together for setting blocks and triangles - looking great here!

Later in the day came a knock at my back door - and there it was - the finished top center!  YAY!

There is still a couple of borders to go, but this was one big job taken care of.

And you can't even tell that some of the fabrics were added from my stash to finish the job where her mom ran short on the blocks.  There were cheers all around with this finish - it was as if Jill's mom was cheering right along with us, and I know this meant so much for Jill to finish her mom's top.

There were other finishes or near finishes hanging around the room -

I love this crazy patch -I believe it's an Accuquilt die - perfect for scraps and the blocks sew up quickly.

Nothing beats a good stripe!

More temperature quilt and sampler bocks happening here.

Oh cute!

This temperature quilt grew quite a bit while on retreat!

I don't have any info on this one but there are many on the internet - please use Google! If you know this one, could you add it to the comments section below, please?  Thank you!

Champagne & Pearls top fionish!

Love these colors -

And another!

I did get the pattern info on this one -

The corn table runner is a Riley Blake kit - and there is some fun nativity fusible going on here as well as some framing of some printed collage type blocks.

Patty finished a flying geese quilt top for her granddaughter - awaiting borders!

How I spent my Sunday -

I'm still into brown strip sets.  There have been more mistakes. LOL!  Of course there have.

But I'm getting this.  This is group 3A.  And I think I'm going to run short due to a miscount - of course I am!

But it's going to be a great week - this is happening Friday:

This is a desk week to finish up the PDF pattern for my Morning Glories quilt. I have had questions asking on when this one is coming - and it is coming! FRIDAY!

This quilt is all foundation paper pieced by machine. It is SEW EASY and looks so great.

It's a wonderful quilt to use up small pieces in colors, neutrals and greens.

I'm really excited to get this one out there into your hands, and I think it is a great way to enjoy the rest of August into late summer.

(For those asking about Starshine - I'm planning that one for when I return from Poland/Italy so stay tuned!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend - I have zero complaints and am looking forward to this coming week unfolding.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's going to be a great week! ⁣
Vintage quilt found in Pennsylvania.



sue s said...

I love the whole different variety of quilts among this group. This is why "over the porch" (and "in the hallways") is so much fun to see!! And Morning glories is just beautiful!!

Quilting Fool said...

love the morning glories - can't wait. And this from a non flower loving quilt person. Love flowers just not most of the flower quilts I see.

Anonymous said...

Temperature quilt by canuckquilter.

Cats said...

WONDERFUL variety and soo glad Jill could finish her mom's quilt... yipee x3! my vision is still so iffy i'm sad not to be able to sew the past several months, I am hopeful and the paper foundation pattern is tugging at me, so we shall see what happens next... I'm considering optometrist testing and perhaps a new prescription will help, it's been suggested by special retina doc, and perhaps upgrade on CraftOptics would be helpful... hopeful, smiles, so enjoyed today's posts of all those many finishes... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Anonymous said...

I made that same temperature quilt in 2021. It’s a free pattern online by Canuck Quilter, just titled “Temperature Quilt”. After I quilted mine, I gifted it to my favorite local meteorologist in early 2022. Sue

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

OMG! I love your Morning Glories quilt!!!! Can hardly wait for Friday. This pattern is a must have for me!!!

Mary said...

Beautiful flimsies. You have all been busy! Gonna be in Triple digits today and tomorrow! Glad to sit in my sewing zone with AC.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the pattern for the Christmas trees?

Anonymous said...

Your Morning Glories quilt his absolutely gorgeous! Looking forward to the pattern release! :)

Kathy in California

Tracey Honig said...

WOW!! THere certainly are some determined quilters in this group! So glad that the Cotton Boll top was almost completed! I can't wait to see the porch shot tomorrow! :)

Wendie said...

So glad you're making good use of those brown/tan strips!

Ruth McIlwain said...

I always enjoy the "quilt show" from all the ladies attending your retreats. I am in the process of making another Tripple Treat and a strip quilt, that my deceased friend called " laundry quilt." Her sewing room was next to the laundry room and while waiting for her laundry to get done, she sewed. I can't wait for t
Fall so I can continue walking longer than I do now. I wish everyone a great week.

"Bee" said...

Prayers for your iffy sight at this time, Cats! It sounds like you have a plan and hopefully the testing and new prescription will help. Also, the upgrade on Craft Optics will surely help you with your sight as well.
Best wishes.

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