
Monday, August 28, 2023

On Anniversaries & Birthdays -

It seems this day comes around faster and faster with each year that passes.

We talked about it a couple of weeks ago - our 42nd wedding anniversary.

And then last night - Oh!  Our anniversary is tomorrow....what do you want to do?

I looked at him.  He looked at me.  We looked at the schedule for the week.

How crazy is it that we have to schedule in a time to celebrate our anniversary?

But that's the way it is around here - for right now.

Grainy duplicate copy of a bad scan - but here we are.  I was 19.  Dave was 21.  We had ZERO clue how we were going to spend our lives together.  I'm quite surprised actually to be sitting here 42 years later.

There are so many things i wish I could tell this young couple -

Like how this morning I had to run BACK to Jefferson NC because we both forgot to swing by CVS on yesterday's grocery run and needed prescriptions were left behind.

Old age?  I don't feel any older.  Really!

And this is why this post is now being written after 11am East coast time.

Sometimes life just gets in the way and we have to shuffle things around a bit.

Things I've learned in 42 years?  BE FLEXIBLE!

During our first year - 

Please say no to the prairie dresses!

We also decided that this year's wedding anniversary gift to each other is a new oven door for the oven at the inn....somehow the door has become bent where the hinges are.  Like someone has put too much weight on the door at some time (No way of knowing who or how or when - it is what it is) and now there is a new oven door on order.

The door no longer shuts right - heat escapes, things take longer to cook.  

This morning's text message?

Happy Anniversary! I followed up on the stove door.  It's supposed to be sent out today.

Is the traditional gift for 42 years stainless steel?  LOL!

Even crazier - I am THRILLED to the moon to receive a replacement oven door.

7 years ago -

7 years ago we celebrated our anniversary on a Mediterranean cruise. Tonight we'll be celebrating it quietly at home -

But our schedules are clear for Thursday evening so we'll go "OUT" then.

And I leave for New York on Friday, to Poland on Saturday.

The Stitch Mob gals are on their way home.

Laundry is running.

Tula has a vet appt in Hillsville at 1:45pm.

This day is already full - 

But because it is an anniversary, I think I'm going to leave all of the other photo editing and retreat posts for tomorrow and just enjoy today for what it is.

42 years later - and life is good!

There has been such an incredible response to my new PDF pattern for Morning Glories and the Gift-Away entries are still going wild!

Did you get your entry in? Visit the Gift-Away post.

The PDF pattern for Morning Glories is currently 25% off through 8/31/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The finished quilt measures 84'' X 84''.

No coupon code is needed, but if you are purchasing paper or notions and wish to save the 15% you do need to use the code NOTIONS at checkout in the Quiltville Store.  The Etsy shop ONLY carries the PDF patterns, not merchandise.

I'll be drawing for TWO winners THIS Thursday, 8/31/23 and each will receive a Morning Glories PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Green color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

Smoky Mountain Stars quilt from the free patterns tab on my blog at Quiltville.blogspot.com.
This one made by Janet O.

Don't let the insignificant things take up your heart space. Focus on what really matters most.
And it's also my brother Scott's 54th birthday!
Happy Monday, folks - brand new week coming right up!



Kay said...

Happy Anniversary - enjoy reminiscing about your 42 years together.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. We celebrated our 40th at the end of July. Quiet celebration for us too. We got a new roof for our gift to each other.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Thank you for everything you do!

sam said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. How wonderful. Enjoy your quiet evening tonight and night on the town tomorrow. I think an oven door anniversary present is a sign life is good and full of happiness.

Judy L said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Faye Neff said...

Happy 42!! On the way to forever together!

Wanda said...

Today is our 47th wedding anniversary. I started the day with an appointment with my new cardiologist. A good report! We’ll celebrate with dinner at a local restaurant. I feel lucky that we can celebrate on the actual day! Happy Anniversary!🥂

Marti said...

Happy Anniversary you two!!

M Elliott said...

Enjoy your anniversary and each other. We just celebrated our 50th anniversary in June and one and a half weeks later found out my husband has pancreatic cancer. you don't realize how much you love someone until you start to lose them.

Ginny A said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Dave, Bonnie. Few make it to this number, Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Who knew at 19 what things would look like 42 years later? Along with your advice to be flexible, I would add COMMUNICATE. Always enjoy your posts.

Linda Harmer said...

Great couples great married in August!! Our 42nd is tomorrow & we've had so many wonderful years. Unfortunately my Hubby passed away 1 1/2 years ago of cancer but I know he's here celebrating with me. He was a wrist & he lived to help me with my quilting. Tomorrow is never promised

Tracey Honig said...

Awe!! Happy anniversary! Blessings for many more years to come!! Have a great week!

Tilly Titewad said...

Happy Anniversary! Today is our 41st anniversary and we too will 'celebrate' at home. Our lives are full and we're grateful for that.

Aby Dolinger said...

Happy anniversary, Bonnie and Dave!

Diane Fields said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Sara said...

Happy anniversary! 42 years go by in a blink don't they?

Debra said...

Have a Happy Anniversary 🎉
Pace yourself you'll get it done... don't forget to take some time off with Dave.
It's only Monday

Mary said...

I know the maker of the Meme Quilt! Happy 42 Years! The Newlywedded now have no idea how good it was when we were young. We have to schedule a trip for our 47th. Ya, I never got a Gunny sac Prairie Dress. I made all my clothes. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I just celebrated our 67th wedding anniversary. Still enjoying life and quilting!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! May you have many more.

Susan Wesely said...

Happy Anniversary!

Brenda said...

Happy Anniversary, and safe travels. Can't wait to hear about the new adventures.

Linda Baker said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Happy Birthday to your Brother.

Mida said...

We were both 21 when we married 57 years ago this month. Wishing you many more years together!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Bonnie and Dave! Sometimes the quiet at home celebrations are the best. May you have many more happy years together. FranSak in PA.

Mandy L said...

Isn't it fun to look back and wonder how you got here? I know I wish I could talk to my younger self and tell her what a wonderful blessed life is ahead of her. Ups and downs, but wouldn't trade it. Married 46 years.

Nana said...

Happy anniversary! We are celebrating our 53rd anniversary today. My, time flies when you're having fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Anniversary. My husband and I married young also and have celebrated 55 years together. Yes, I agree, let a few things slide and spend at least a little time celebrating each other. Many blessings, and many, many more years together! Susan in Iowa

Elle said...

Happy Anniversary! It was probably around 30y that we quit gifting all together for any holiday/event. No expectations so on the rare event one of us has an "aha, I have to do this", it's an absolute surprise. So yes, the oven door is AWESOME!

Hope you're having a fabulous day whatever it brings :-)

Anonymous said...

Hope you catch this in time. It is probably not the door but the spring and hinges. Mine was doing the same and repair man “ knew exactly what it was” a common problem. Can replace the springs, but better to replace both. Good luck.

Irene Armock said...

I did a comment re: door hinges as anonymous. Don’t want to be anonymous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thirteen years ago we celebrated our 40th. Rather than stainless steel, it was “siding”. 😂

Kathie said...

Happy Anniversary! hope you have many more. We just celebrated 53 in July. My husband has dementia but we make every day count. It's all good. A new oven door sounds wonderful.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie. Fortytwo years, married, WOW. I hope you had a nice day today and will have a great time celebrating on Thursday.

52KID said...

Happy Anniversary! It makes me happy to find people who are still happy in long marriages

Leslie Schmidt said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie and Dave! We celebrated 52 years today. Ours was a quiet celebration, too. The older we get, the quieter they become! Best wishes for another year of love and laughter.

Lynne F said...

We were on the Mediterranean cruise with you…great times we had by all!!

LindaH said...

Bonnie, I'm sure you made your prairie dress. It does look lovely! But no prairie shirt for the hubby?? LOL! I think it was a new set of tires for the car for our 26th anniversary.

Amber said...

Happy Anniversary, 42 years that is great.

Marietta V Gartner said...

How wonderful! A very happy anniversary to you both! And I do love your dress- so "old fashioned" but cute- I could cut it up for patchwork!!!! <e have a great trip away too!. Hugs from Marietta in Brisbane Australia

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie & Dave! We would have celebrated our 58th this past June, but he's been gone almost 3 yrs now. We always celebrated at a favorite restaurant & over the years didn't do gifts anymore as we didn't need anything we didn't already have! Enjoy those special quiet times together, they're special memories! Alice in SW Ohio

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I married a Boise State grad too!
From Susan in Michigan

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