
Monday, August 07, 2023

Good Friends, Good Eats, Great Retreat!

We have had some amazing chefs cooking up a storm this retreat - the meals have been fantastic!

And I certainly love all of the choices suited to anyone's tastes.

As shown here - Taco Bar - what a fave!

All of the fixings, and you can choose a wrap, a taco shell, or make it as a salad.  Yum, yum and more yum!

And new to me - for those vegans amongst us - Sue made seasoned sweet potato as a meat replacement and it was to die for! (Sue, if you are reading this, I still need that seasoning recipe, please!)

Saturday brunch of the porch - complete with mimosas!

The cute mimosa glasses were recycled into vases for Sunday's brunch!

And that fruit bowl?  Oh, how I love summer!

Saturday was our one break from the rain - and we made good use of the beautiful weather around the fire pit.

This group was all in on the s'mores!  Check this out:

Five kids of chocolate?

The Reese's thins were a hit!

Rule number one:

If your marshmallow goes up in flames - NO FLINGING!

Some like them charred -

Some like double marshmallow!

And all enjoyed the evening just being together.

Some time away from the machines is good, too.

(Tula is right there on the sidewalk by the lawn mower.)

And who knew?

The swing out cup/phone holders on the chairs (purchased at Lowes) double as a place to put your graham crackers and chocolate while you are roasting.  BONUS!

Early yesterday morning a group went out in search of ponies.  They didn't find any - but still enjoyed the beautiful morning and crisp cool air.

It poured yesterday afternoon - so they chose well and I'm glad they got out.

An amazing Straits of Mackinac from String Frenzy is coming together!

(Sashings will go between the blocks and those are being assembled!)

Jamestown Landing from String Fling is also getting there!

String piecing still life.  Love it!

Becca continues to work on her itty bitty Jacob's Cbain mini!

So cute!

Jeannette was making this same baskets quilt LAST retreat, and here Kay is working on it's twin!  Love it!

More beautiful weathervane blocks in 1930s prints -

Beautiful free form applique roses.

(I call these fried egg flowers.  LOL!)

Playing with stripes!  Isn't this fun?

Oh wow! This has possibilities!

As for me - this is what the area around my machine looks like. I'm back to that project that got set aside when I left for Egypt.

All I can tell you is that it is inspired by a tile wall design I saw in Vietnam.  In a bathroom.  After my knee injury.  While hosing myself off, peeling myself out of muddy shorts, discarding them and my shoes and getting back on the bus to join everyone else.

That moment must be memorialized in a quilt. LOL!!

The hardest thing for me is to figure out which way seams need to go on strip sets to work - trial and error and take photos so I remember when it's time to write out the pattern.

These brown/neutral strips were given to me and also used in my Bear Branch quilt.  Let's hope this quilt uses up the remainder! LOL!

I'll be working more on this today as the August Quiltvillians enjoy their last day.  It all went so fast.

I hope your weekend was productive and that you more than anything allowed yourself some time to enjoy the summer weekend at hand.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

What you do today will have a direct effect on your tomorrow.
Which direction are you going?
I always love a good and scrappy vintage nine-patch!

It's Monday.  Let's get out into it!



Jan F. said...

It's always so much fun to hear about the group's activities and see their work. Dusan, could you share that recipe with all of us?

Debra said...

Good morning 🌅 it's raining here this morning.
I don't know why but I have a lot of brown fabrics. Your sewing is intriguing.
I'm squaring up hsts for Bristol today.
Have a great day

sue s said...

Straits of Mackinac has been on my list since I first saw it- as a native Michigander how could I resist? But I've never seen it without the sashes and I like it that way too! I'll add this picture to the book pattern.

sue s said...

Straits of Mackinac is on my list- as a native Michigander it's a no-brainer! But I've never seen it without the sashing; that has possibilities too. I can credit one of your Quiltvillians for that! Also, I'm already saving browns for Bear Branch. Looks like they may be useful here too. I look forward to seeing this project done!

Kelly said...

I always read to the end to enjoy your quote of the day. Today's quote really speaks to me as I'm struggling with a very tough life decision! Thank you, always.

gardenwitch said...

Just a brief glance at the stripes made me dizzy! I like brown in a quilt can't wait to see what you are doing. Have a great week, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Made me dizzy too!! LOL Rose in Oregon

Mary said...

Trying again to leave a comment, the other one disappeared. Happy to see the fun happening I have missed my stitching of late. Darn back pain. Chiro again this morning. glad I could sleep later. Hubster was snoring so I get my best sleep after he gets up early for his walk. Have a good Monday.

Anonymous said...

Michigander here, too. and I also like the Straits of Mackinac without the sashing. Going to go check my books to see if I have String Frenzy.

Rhonda said...

What fun your guests are having! Such a wonderful thing to see. Life is so precious. Its so good to enjoy what we can. Thanks for sharing.

Tracey Honig said...

I always enjoy the posts about the creativity going on, and the s'mores evenings out! :) Can't wait to see the new creative thing going on in your head!!

Anonymous said...

It is such fun to see the pictures of the quilters sharing time. And this batch of quilts is fab! I love the Straits of Mackinac and am going to find the pattern.

Carol Weber said...

Me, too; my eyes were spinning, LOL!

Anonymous said...

thhis post is a little bit wonky as it won't let me sign in w/google account, just whips me to top of post... I kept after it tho cause i just HAD to comment on how inspirational and wonderful the photos and quilts!!! Confession: I have never ever in my life have I had a s'more! Oh, i've roasted, toasted and crisped many a marshmallow and those who know me KNOW how i feel about chocolate, so I'm not sure why, but since i was neer a girl scout, maybe opportunities for s'mores were absent. I'm almost sorry i tried Reese's PB cups! mm mmm mmm MM! actually, today is Tuesday, on my calendar, and i don't see a place to press on "newer" post, so maybe the internet is wonky again or my computer is ??? could be both, happy happy day Cats in Carlsbad CA , <3 to Bonnie!

QuiltGranma said...

You reminded us of your injury, where you entered the bathroom and peeled off shorts and shoes to inspect your knee. I hope you had something on when you got back on the bus!

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