
Tuesday, April 04, 2023

All in the Rearview Mirror!

There is a benefit to being on the road at 7am.

This was the sunrise as I headed east with Tula safely in the trap placed right behind  and between the front seats so she could see me, and I could comfort her by wiggling my fingers through the cage sides as we travelled to Hillsville for her spa day.

At 11pm the night before I was restless, unable to sleep - just HOPING we could get her to go in the cage far enough to trigger the trap.

She is such a little thing that even her feet didn't bring the door down.  And when we tried to encourage her further, she took off.

Just prior to 11pm came the text: " Almost caught a possum but we scared it off.  Tula is sleeping on the porch NEAR the trap.  I will check at 6am and let you know..."

I dreamt of traps full of possums all night long!

But awoke to a text that Nola had been able to encourage her into the in the morning, and manually closed it behind her.  Job well done - long journey begun!

Lovely facility!

The folks were so welcoming and understanding - I dropped her off at 8:15am and the wait began.

Because it is so far from home I made plans to head to Roanoke to visit with my friend Sally who was in town to visit her daughter and family.  

We caught up on all things - including lunch out.  More on our time tomorrow because there is more to cover today.

4pm, on the long drive back home.

This sweet girl did so well.  She barely made a peep either on the ride to the vet, or the ride home.  

She is currently in an enclosed bathroom in the garage - has a comfy bed, food and water and a litter box.

They suggested I keep her sheltered for 24 hours before letting her find her way back to her outside world.

They also notched her ear - a sign that says "Yup! She's spayed!" should she decide to move on to greener pastures elsewhere.

However - I have a feeling she will stay.

April fools hilarity!


This is what I walked into Saturday morning for Winter Blues workshop day 2 - APRIL FOOLS!

Everywhere I looked there were googly eyes staring back at me.  SO MANY - as in there must be a hundred?  They were everywhere.  

I never laughed so hard - my sides hurt!

Even the kitchen knives!

And the wall art.  LOL!

I couldn't post them all individually so put them in a slide show.  Click to Play:

I love how this was a fun and non-malicious way to celebrate April Fools day.

in fact, the googly eyes can remain in many places for others to enjoy until they just fall off from us laughing too hard.

There is more fun with Nola's Bonniacs to fill the next few days.

I came over to the inn at 7:45 this morning to see them off, and to check in on Tula to see how she was doing.  She used the litter box just fine and is eating well.

Laundry is running, the sun is shining - I'm catching up on this late morning blog writing and then I plan to be loading a quilt into the longarm and spending my spring break quilting!

How about you?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Tuesday is starting out to be this kind of day! 

Time to gather it all up and make a run for it! 

Happy Tuesday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Was so waiting to hear about Tula today. Glad it is going well. Happy quilting.

Vicki said...

Love the Google eyes. Such a great idea!!

Peg Sullivan said...

very funny. I got my very first chance to ever pull one off on my Quilty friends. Said I was tired of cleaning up the studio and was just starting to throw everything away. The replies were hilarious. Only one got it. But the eyes have it

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. I am laughing at the googlie eyes. What a super prank. Glad that Tulla is doing well. I bet she'll continue to warm to pets and loving and be the front porch cat.

Anonymous said...

Happy things turned out well for Tula. This will make life much easier for her. She seems to be trusting people more and more. You made the right choice for her.

Chris said...

I'm so happy to know it worked out for that sweet kitty. I hope she stays around. You are so thoughtful and kind to take care of her like that, Bonnie.

Tammie said...

So glad things went well for you and Tula! The duck saying is one of my favorites. Everyday is like that for me…I think I have them all in a row, and when I turn around, they’re scattered everywhere!😂😂

Mary said...

Quilting and Machine Embroidery on my agenda, have a haircut scheduled later. Can't wait to see what you quilt this week. Funny googly eyes.

Dottie Newkirk said...

So glad to hear the good news about Tula. Such a sweet kitty.

MerryMeg said...

So glad to hear about Tula! You so dud the kind and generous thing. I hope she makes Quiltville her home even if she always remains somewhat feral. She is likely safer there than elsewhere. She is so cute! Calico all sort of have same coloring don't they? I hope to get some quilting dine today but it us quilt with my group day snd now U have errands. Sigh. Tomorrow must catch up on housework not done Monday due to migraine. All in good time.

Tracey Honig said...

Wonderful news about Miss Tula! You are such a blessing for her... she will see that she has it too good there and will stay! The googlie eyes were a cute reminder of April Fool's... :) Hoping to just get some sewing time in this week! Happy Tuesday!

Cindy B said...

So happy Miss Tula is doing great!!! Love the googlie eyes! These are my kind of people!

LadyBugBetty said...

I kept waiting for eyes on the TP (toilet paper!) Just too much fun! I loved it.

Mary Ellen said...

very happy to hear Miss Tula is doing well. I hope that continues and who knows? Maybe she'll even come in during the winter!

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