
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Quiet In Between -

This was where I sat yesterday - late March - the grass possibly a bit damper than I thought it would be, but it was okay - all dried in time.

It was early afternoon, and I had gone back and forth from QPO studio to the inn next door to flip another couple of loads of laundry from washer to dryer and start new loads - 

I love grabbing the loads of sheets fresh and warm from the dryer and taking them upstairs to just place on beds.  No making  of beds right away - I have friend Martha coming to help do that today -

So the sheets just rest in piles on each bed, waiting to be tended to while we chat.

But back to yesterday afternoon - the white daffies are now blooming on the edge of the yard closer to the old woolen mill. Soon the hillside will be covered with flowers beyond where they stand.

There is a rule around here - no mowing or weed-eating of wildflowers until they are DONE!

Just below the mill - the cattle are grazing away -

I love it when they come across to this side of the creek!

Check out this sweet little heifer, all spotted and cute!

I got right up to the barbed wire fence and zoomed in on her - 

My goodness she is adorable!

She wasn't quite sure about me - stranger danger and all, and pretty soon turned and took off toward her mama who was grazing not far away near the trees.

There's mama - giving me the talkin' to about getting too close to her baby!

With that fun patterning on the little one - she'll be easy to spot as she grows, grazing her way around the bend in the creek - this side of the creek or the other through the summer.

One more load of sheets taken up to bedroom 2 and look what I spied beyond the window:

Dogwood about to bloom!

I opened the window - we have half-screens which can be pushed to the top so the top part of the window can come down, or pushed to the bottom so the window can be opened from the bottom.

Screen up, bottom window up meant there was no screen in the way and I could lean out to get in close here with no screen in the way - 

Dogwood season is THE BEST! We'll be keeping an eye on this old tree to watch it come into full bloom.

There were a few things that didn't make it over the rail the other day - so here is a bit more inspiration from Irene's Sewciologists!

Risè finished assembling her gorgeous floral quilt - those flowers in the center are thread painted - it's one of those things you have to see up close to appreciate.

(And yes, it's best done with slippers on at retreat!)

Close up detail!  Wow!

Pat was just digging in to this one block wonder constructed from 7 identical panels - it was so fun to see what kinds of results she was getting from each area of the panel.

Check this out - so cool!

Right next to the section it was coming from.

This will be so great when done.

And a last big finish that didn't make it over the rail -

Pam's Rhododendron Trail is now a top!  Hooray!

The sun is shining brightly today - though chilly.  It was a brisk 32 upon awakening.

The plan today is to get those beds made, put on some finishing touches, and then escape for Mexican food and retreat supplies with Martha - making sure I'm back in fine time for greeting Nola's Bonniacs when the arrive from Indianapolis.

Oh, and things are getting really REAL around here!  I've got my airfare for Vietnam.  We leave on April 30th! 

We took care of my E-Visa last night.  It's real. It's really happening.  My international travel is ramping back up again, and I'm really excited.

The big event for 2024 is New Zealand in January.  It's a biggie - a once in a life time trip.  If you've ever wanted to go, why not join me?  And yes, bring a friend, a spouse, an adult child - it's not strictly for quilters.

Visit my Craftours Page.

We'll be adding more 2024 opportunities as soon as we get them ironed out.  2023 is really full and I need to get these trips behind us before we decide where to go beyond the New Zealand 2024 trip.

I'm giddy!  Grab that passport and let's go!

Last Day of Sale is Friday!

New River Star PDF pattern purchases are still flying out of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The introductory price is already marked 25% off and is good through Friday 3/31/23 - no coupon code needed.

Get your pattern now while it is still on sale!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

(Yes, more Baptist Fans!)

Make this the best last Wednesday of March ever!



Marcia said...

We are looking forward to the Egypt trip in June and anxiously awaiting the final details!! I am sure you will love, love, love New Zealand. Absolutely stunning!! Hopefully it will be when all the lupins are in full bloom 🌺.

Mary said...

Those Daffies are so pretty, Spring rains will help my flowers bloom. Can hardly wait for the full Choir of Tulips! Our Dogwoods in Walla Walla are amazing, they are just leafing out right now. I love the Thread painted roses, what a fun thing to highlight in the center. It's a Me day! Hooray!

Tracey Honig said...

I always love when you share your country side! We had the neighbor's cattle up at the house last night while we were eating supper and the babies were so cute! One was nursing on momma while the other one was just laying there and watching.It was much better entertainment than the TV! Of course when I got up to go outside and take a picture they all scattered... oh well! Love the quote for today and the Ohio Star on the quilt. Happy hump day... 1/2 way there! :)

Rootie said...

Well I just remembered why New River sounded so familiar. Here's a theme song for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2djaksAy6k

Anonymous said...

You will love New Zealand!

Sue Rostron said...

You're coming here. Yay. We have some awesome quilt stores in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Colleen Ross said...

Just love the blog today. Such a sweet cow. 😋 oh and those daffodils flowers reminds me of grandma's place in Missouri always had lots of them. Those are such beautiful quilts. . Thanks for doing blog. Love all you do. ❤️ Happy quilting!

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