
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Scatterbrained Quilter At Work!

I put off the trimming of these units for at least a week.

No, I take that back.

I trimmed some of them, and found myself wandering off to some other task - like spring cleaning the studio - before finally coming back to them yesterday and just digging in and getting the job done.

There are the most favorite parts of quilting - and then there are the least favorite.

Trimming fits that category.  I really dread the chore of squaring anything up, sliver-trimming, and even trimming up paper foundation pieced units -

But the results are SO WORTH IT.  But still.  Just so you know. It's my least favorite.

The upside?  Once I got this far, I could sew those units together and start progressing onto this:

The purples are done!

One more color to go -

I know you've been wondering where these units are going to end up, and how they are going to fit together, so this is a sneak peek into what I've been doing over the past few months with these.

Progress has been slower as the activity at the inn has picked up speed, but once I get that next color done - blue - I can start assembling the top and I'm really excited about it.

Remember - there is no name, no pattern, until the quilt is finished photographed, and pattern written! So stay tuned! (Because I know someone will ask.)

Backtracking to Monday -

Did I mention that we had a water issue with the washing machine on Saturday?  And what a miracle it was that we could get a repair guy out on Monday??

Not only that - remember my mantra since 2020? "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from?"

See that black hose?

It's just disconnected.

Somehow it vibrated itself loose, and that is why there was water all in the pan (If you don't have a pan for beneath your machine, get a pan!) while the laundry in the wash wasn't getting wet at all.  It was running out as fast as it was trying to fill.

So duh.  But it is fixed.  That's all I care about!

He was done by 12:15 so I could leave at 12:30 to get to the dentist for that filling replacement.

Not fun.  But it didn't take long.  This was my view as I waited to get numb - looking at how our freezing cold had bowled over the poor daffies beyond my window.

To make that all better - my friend Kelly Cline sent me a gorgeous pillow cover she had made from a vintage quilt block with doilies and lovely machine quilting - 

Yes, I'll be making it a pillow form and it will come live next door at the inn!

And there is more spring activity happening - I heard "slow moving motor" noise outside of the QPO - and came out to the parking area to find that they were mowing the side hill.  Hooray!

That's an old water tower you see on the hill - it's kind of a Mouth of Wilson icon.

Check out Debby's Unchained!

Shown here at Tada Quilt Studio in Erie, PA.  Well done, Debby!

I think that takes me up to today - and I'm gearing up for the arrival of Irene's Sewciologists hosted by Cotton to Quilts.

Bring it on, I'm ready!

New River Star PDF pattern purchases are still flying out of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The introductory price is already marked 25% off and is good through 3/31/23 - no coupon code needed.

We've got over 4,000 entries already!  So hop on over to the Gift-Away post and get your entry in.

All of the pattern details and particulars are there -

Stash Enhancement at Cotton to Quilts!

The folks at  Cotton to Quilts have been busy at work getting fabric rolls and even yardage ready for you!

Facets of Blue color rolls will add some pizzazz to your blue scraps on hand, and of course their Notable Neutral rolls just can't be beat for the fun prints your quilts long for.

New this time around - they've got Bella Solids in both Chartreuse and Key Lime if you want to go a bit brighter. You can purchase a 3 yard cut on the website, or they will cut by-the-yard for you if desired.

And we are going to be giving a way two of these rolls!

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a New River Star PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Blue color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

(Winner must have fabric prize shipped to a USA address.  If you are outside of the USA, we can send to a friend within the USA who can forward the prize on to you.)

So go get that entry in!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't fear the mistakes, they keep us growing! ⁣

Grand Illusion quilt shared by a student during our Michigan workshops in 2017.

⁣Digital Pattern available in the Quiltville Store.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Barb said...

Bonnie, your creativity is endless! Love the purples and green! I can’t wait to see what you design! Thanks foe sharing!

Anonymous said...

All dentist offices must look the same because that pic looks just like my dentist office. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

How exciting...this is going to be another pattern on my "to do" list!

cbott said...

My first reaction when I saw the green and purple blocks together was "Fractured Crystal". Such a yummy feast for the eyes with just these two colors--the finished quilt will be stunning, I'm sure!


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I think you may have just named your lovely new quilt. Blustery Days seems quite appropriate to me. Whatever you name it I will still love it! Lorraine

Aby Dolinger said...

The new paper-pieced design is gorgeous! It says "Spring!"

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at this - I'm just finishing up a Hearts for Hope (and the slivering drove me crazy!!) and it's in purple and green!!! Must mean something???

Anonymous said...

Loving this latest design. I too am waiting to see the finished design!

Anonymous said...

Same kind of window and view at my dentist too,, plus a skylight. Was that a blanket I saw on your lap? I’m always cold at the dentist and tend to wear warmer clothes.

Bevsews said...

I thought the same thing. Very similar to my dentist's office.

Mary said...

Sunny Day in the PNW! It is so needed to keep my spirits up. I have a lot of trimming to do. I can't find my Tucker Trimmer to do it. SO Chilhowie waits... I have 6 big blocks made. Tri- City Quilt Show Set-up is tomorrow. I can hardly Wait!!!
I love those Purples and Greens. Paper-Piecing, not so much. Isn't there a Marti Mitchell template for that?

June N said...

All my trimming and squaring up is saved for TV time at nite. Not my favoritest job either but I have a set up that works for me to cut and square that works. I don't do hand quilting but do Cross stitch when there is no quilting stuff to do at nite. Love your quote for the day.

Anonymous said...

Love the colors in the new pattern!

Nikki Mitchell said...

Oh Wow Bonnie this is stunning. They look like flowers and so many different ways to use them. I cannot wait for the pattern

Charlotte M. said...

That purple and green is gorgeous. I think this might have to go on my list. My biggest problem is I never have enough neutral scraps for my projects. I guess I need to work on that until you release this pattern. It's all about goals, right.

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