
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

In Search of Spring -

I woke to 23 degrees and more snow this morning.

I am posting this photo taken last Wednesday to remind me not to lose hope! LOL!

If there's one thing I know about daffodils - they are resilient and hearty.

I think there is much encouragement from that knowledge - 

Be like the daffodils and keep pushing up through all of the dirt (and snow!)

I was going to crop this photo -

I decided not to.

The bloom in the center was once like the bud on the left - and a partially open blossom like the one on the right - there are stages to everything, correct?

The Quilt Buddies had all departed by 11am yesterday morning, leaving me with a day of 12 loads of laundry and other inn chores to get ready for tomorrow's Richmond Express arrival.

I am trying to figure out why this year's Spring Forward time change has thrown me for such a loop - or maybe it's also weather related, but early afternoon had me pulling curtains over the windows in bedroom 5 and crawling into bed for a long nap much like Goldilocks in the bed that was "just right."

There went the much thought about sewing time in between loads! LOL!

I barely remembered to take photos for the #igquiltfest2023 that is happening on Instagram.

Yesterday's prompt was "How do you keep your projects that are in progress organized and ready for next steps? Or the WIP that isn't currently in progress, and in one place for eventual progress."⁣

Are we supposed to be organized?? Really?? LOL! Okay, I try - but my method is more of a "knowing where to find everything no matter how messy it looks on the surface" rather than having my studio be "perfection personified and ready for company at any given moment."

I try - I do. Maybe I really fall somewhere in between.

I try to have as few UFOs as possible. Stacks and stacks of project bins with partially made blocks and quilts drive me just this side of insane - I start feeling like I can't breathe!

Three projects to me seems just about right - It's good to switch gears sometimes.  But 100 UFOs on a spreadsheet?  No can do.

(And Leader/Ender projects do not count as one of the three! They are a "freebie"  or maybe a "wildcard" in my world as long as it stays Leader/Ender and does not become the primary project.)
Currently I've got one project I am piecing at the QPO studio, one string star project I'm working on at home. And one hand quilting thing I am stitching on in the evenings in my comfy chair while watching tv.
My current QPO paper piecing project is color controlled and scrappy - so I'm using small cheap baskets from Dollar Tree to sort my pieces for easy grabbing.
(The purple ones are done and trimmed, the green ones are underway!)⁣

My productive corner of current string piecing in the cabin basement studio - Where I spent much of Sunday morning working on more string background triangles for the current string star project.

This basket is now full!  Is it enough to finish the quilt?  Not likely.  But enough to allow me to move forward until I run out again.

And now that these are sewn, cut, and depapered - I can move on to the blues I am using for the star points.  

Seriously. It will be grand to move on to another color at this point.

Project bins are stacked on top of my stash cabinet at the QPO Studio. - and I'm happy to say that at least half of them are empty.
The ones that remain contain leftover blocks and units I want to turn into something so I kept them together for making coordinating pillows or runners or "something."

'Cuz you never know when you are going to be inspired to make something.  And the containers were already there.  And they aren't hurting anyone.  So why not.

Oh, the two shoe boxes at the far left are just neutral fat-quarters, not projects. They are there for quick grabbing - because you know how I feel about my neutrals!

Last evening we headed down to Wilkesboro to meet up with Jeff, Ashlyn and Casden for dinner out.  Tomorrow is Ashlyn's birthday - Thursday is The Hubster's birthday.  And I'll take any chance I can to get together with a certain nearly-7-year-old first grader who is now missing both of his upper front teeth.  SO CUTE!

I was so engaged with just being there that I didn't even think of taking photos.

I'm sure there will be plenty once his baseball games start for real (They are just into practices now - but you can certainly bet that we bought the team shirts to show our support and will be found in the cheering section as often as we can be!)

So here I am at 8:45 am - it may as well be 5:00 am - the coffee hasn't really kicked in, and I've got to get a move on and get more stuff done at the inn to be ready for Richmond Express.

There's also a Chiropractor appointment to throw into the mix today - 

Please let there be sewing time!  I'm feeling myself getting just a bit cranky about those green units shown above.

Anyone else feeling a bit angst-y over the time change thing?  I thought they were going to spring forward and just stay here - no more changing?  But now it seems like that hasn't been decided on at all and I wish they would just QUIT dangling the bait of hopeful ness in front of us and decide one way or the other.

Oh yeah - tomorrow.  THIS:

It's ready - just got to get things loading into both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

Be watching for all of the excitement to begin tomorrow morning right here!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't search for kindness.
BE the kindness!
Vintage double knit quilt found in North Carolina.

Isn't it a scream??



Ameswf said...

I have one treasure from my paternal grandmother, a double knit quilt made from chunks in her fabric basket. I finished it and love it. She had a treadle machine. I've been messed up too from the time change. Can't go to sleep until midnight.and the winds have been fierce here. But I get a nap today so yay.

Sandy McCartney said...

I get all droopy when the time changes too. But I wish that we'd stick to standard time instead of daylight saving time - I've got chickens to lock up at night, and during the summer it's past my bedtime! :)

helenreimers said...

I too am having a hard time with this time change thing. Can't get to sleep at night, can't wake up early.

Kathleen said...

Where I live, they say we aren’t done with snow until the daffodils have been snowed on three times.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the time change....change it one way or the other and leave it alone!! It gets harder every year to make the adjustment. If the debate continues, why not change it 30 minutes and be done with it!

Kristy said...

I too am having a harder time this year with the time change. I keep feeling all day like am I asleep or awake? It makes it hard to get much done! I love your current strings project and it is inspiring to see what color you work on each day. I am working on Pat Sloan's block a day for March where we make the same block every day. I chose a rainbow colored layout and so it is nice to work on a different color each day! It is a super simple block, just squares so it sews up fast and easy. Hope you have a lovely day. Can't wait for the new pattern release tomorrow! K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Colleen said...

We lived in AZ for the last 9 years that doesn't change time so when we moved last year back to PA, we had to get use to the time change again. It doesn't sound like it should be a big thing...right? Well, at 76, I've been feeling "dragged out" and can't seem to find much energy to do anything. We also had a little snow last night. It's been a very mild winter here.

Mary said...

Yep, there has been some late afternoon napping since Sunday. 😴 Kinda makes me want to move to Arizona, and come back when it's too hot there. Searching for a recent Finish fir today's prompt. It might be late! I have no empty Project bins. Not counting ufos today. Gotta make a couple of Lotto Blocks for Guild tonight. Busy, Busy week. I have a Senior pitching Baseball this Spring. So fun to support your 1st grader buying shirts!

Ellen T. said...

I don't remember ever being so 'dopey' after a time change.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Every year I hate the time change even more than the year before. I think these things get harder as one ages.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I feel like you do about DST. I thought we voted on it at the last election (NE) to leave it one way or the other. Now I don't know. The people in the capitol need to get their act together. I suppose they are arguing about standard or daylight time. We lose daylight on one end of the day or other depending on season so who cares.

Tracey Honig said...

Yes, I feel like you ( and everyone else!) about the DST. It has passed the Senate, but it needs to pass the House as well, so we are 1/2 way through the battle! :) As for UFO's, I have that little bucket, (a couple of which I am ashamed to say only need borders and then they are ready to quilt!) I ordered a cart for my room that I am hoping will work. It has 2 little drawers next to a big drawer so I can keep the various stages of the scrap quilts together without having project bins strung all over the place. Fingers crossed it fits and it works in the space I have designated for it now! I have 2 WIP's on my design wall... one is going to my daughter and her new house and the other one might be a donation quilt, not sure yet. I also have the Triple Treat going as well... I will never get caught up. Deep sigh. Enjoy your grandson and his baseball games! I hear they're fun.

Debcal1946 said...

Changing our clocks is ridiculous! The sun is directly overhead at noon no matter what our clocks say.

Lori Wasserman said...

Bonnie, I am on my way to Paducah and drove past Quiltville Inn late this afternoon! The wind was whipping, there was snow on the mountains and I was above the snow line on Hwy 16 en route to Marion and I-81. The countryside is beautiful. So many happy cows and baby trees. Meanwhile, my H reported that it was 60 degrees at home in Maryland!

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