
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Celebrating St Paddy's Day!

This is what I walked in to yesterday morning upon my arrival at the inn!

The Richmond Express quilters had pulled out all of the stops including (but not limited to) green bagels for a very St. Paddy's Day breakfast!

I just love the creativity that groups bring into this space - and it isn't limited to the quilting quarters -

It spreads from room to room and down each hallway.

Oh happy day!

And isn't this little guy just the cutest?

Top o' the mornin' to ye!

(The VERY green bagels are hysterical.  LOL!)

There is much quilty activity to go with the fun food happenings -

While Pfeffernusse from String Fling  grows on this wall -

There is a yummy selvage spider web growing here -

Oh chartreuse!! 

And more stringy things in this corner brought to you by the color yellow!

Pressing all the seams -

And a purple Triple Treat is growing on the wall!

I spy some quarter log cabin blocks!

And a Pat Sloan sampler in blue/yellow -

And one in pink/green happening!

Four of us escaped yesterday afternoon with a break in the weather - and making the best of the moment of non-rain and even a patch or two of blue sky and sunshine, headed out to stretch our legs down Bear Branch Road -

And the cows were wandering near the old tumble down cabin!

It was a front yard party!

A little too far zoomed in -

But imagine us all on the road doing our best to coax this bovine to turn and show us its face instead of just its hind end. "Whooowhooo!  Over here!  Say cheese!"  LOL!

I love the white faced babies - so cute!

A week ago the forsythia was wild with bright yellow.  It's fading now, but I caught what I could - it is so vibrant through here!

And as the forsythia goes (So sad) the upside is - the grass is turning so green!

To carry in on our green bagel theme of the day - bring on the green.

Thanks for coming with me ladies!  It's keeping me on track, and gives me a chance to get to know you better!

And helped me avoid THIS mess!

I have been moving around a cardboard box of scraps ready to cut down for months.  It was in the way here - so I'd move it over there.  Then it was in the way there, so it got moved back over here.

You know how it goes?

Yesterday I set my plans aside for working on trimming up all of those green/neutral paper pieced units and instead pressed and cut down the scraps into useable strip widths.

Did I empty the box?  No - there is some more - but I'll tackle that today.

Right now the strips are color sorted and arranged by strip width on the take up roller of the long arm.  When I'm done cutting, I'll bundle everything up and get it into the drawers by color family.

It looks like there needs to be some more scrappy piecing going on in my future to put all of these great scraps to good use.

I don't have a problem with that!

Wow!  My email is still blowing up- New River Star PDF pattern purchases are flying out of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

The introductory price is already marked 25% off and is good through 3/31/23 - no coupon code needed.

We've got over 3400 entries already!  So hop on over to the Gift-Away post and get your entry in.

All of the pattern details and particulars are there -

Stash Enhancement at Cotton to Quilts!

The folks at  Cotton to Quilts have been busy at work getting fabric rolls and even yardage ready for you!

Facets of Blue color rolls will add some pizzazz to your blue scraps on hand, and of course their Notable Neutral rolls just can't be beat for the fun prints your quilts long for.

New this time around - they've got Bella Solids in both Chartreuse and Key Lime if you want to go a bit brighter. You can purchase a 3 yard cut on the website, or they will cut by-the-yard for you if desired.

And we are going to be giving a way two of these rolls!

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a New River Star PDF pattern from me and a Facets of Blue color roll from Cotton to Quilts!

(Winner must have fabric prize shipped to a USA address.  If you are outside of the USA, we can send to a friend within the USA who can forward the prize on to you.)

So go get that entry in!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Keep growing! Keep learning!
If there is still another day to live, we are still in the process of becoming
Blue Skies quilt from my book String Fling available in the Quiltville Store.
Have a lovely weekend everybody!



Robin's Nest said...

Maybe you should Mmmoooo to get the calf to turn around! Maybe shake a red quilt haha. Love your news, notes and quilty things. Green bagels!! Always a joy to read.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your VA countryside. I can see why you love walking these roads and trails. ❤️❤️. Can’t start my day without reading your posts every morning. Thank you!!

sue s said...

Sorry, those green bagels just don't do it for me! But I love the fun they are having. And a new variety of quilts in progress! So fun to see.

Ginny A said...

LOL OMGosh! Did you taste the green bagels?! Those are really something! I love seeing all of the creativity at the Inn.

Rhonda said...

What a happy post. St Patricks' Day has always been a fun day for me. Laughed at the really green bagels. Someone was on their toes to get that yummy treat! Oh reading your post today makes me feel really grateful for this life we live. Joys very plentiful. Thanks for sharing Bonnie. Love the quilts being made. Just fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Looking at the cow on the rock in front of the cabin....The rock (to me) resembles a cow lying down.... Loving all the spring awakenings and stitching going on in your neck of the woods.

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