
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

It took All Day!

I tackled some big jobs at Quiltville Inn in preparation for Wednesday's retreat opening.

I have been wanting to redo the linen storage room off the upstairs foyer since before I broke my foot.

It seemed that everything that was considered overflow from seasonal décor to returning quilt group storage (Because they had another group coming the next month, and that's okay by me!) to lost and found left behind items and - OH, SO MANY QUILTS just found places to land "wherever".

Yesterday the time came.  And yes, it took ALL DAY.

I started by taking everything out that was either on top of a table, beneath a table or stacked on the floor.

It always gets worse before it gets better, right?  At least that is what I'm told.

It's the reason that even though I knew I wanted to do it, I couldn't do it with quick turn arounds between retreats while retreat season was going on.

And then it was the dead of winter and I just didn't want to do it then either.

Could this be a bit of early spring fever coming on?

It started to look better immediately.

As long as I didn't look over my shoulder at the mess all over the foyer!

Some rearranging was needed to make better use of the space.

I wanted all of the towels and linens on ONE rack, and the housekeeping supplies on the other.

As it was previously, there was some of both - and a whole lot of "Just stick it wherever there is a spot."

I moved the black table over to create a space where I could store a few machines beneath it, and still use the top as a "shelf" if I needed to.

I took all the holiday décor that wasn't a quilt - wreaths, flower arrangements, pumpkins and fall stuff, Christmas stuff out of this closet.

The smaller runners are in the dining room buffet.  Table arrangements and things are in the bottom of the china cabinet in the dining room for quick switcheroos with the change of seasons.

Stuff that wouldn't fit in the dining room storage are now in the cellar divided into totes.

The cellar is another issue, and always needing a revamp!

How I left things!

And would you look at that - I spy empty shelves.  Though I'm sure not for long as things continue to shift to become better around here.

I'm not even sure if the white folding table will stay in here - but it was helpful for folding the quilts before getting them on to shelves.

One of the shelves in easy reach has quilts "of a certain size" that fit the hanging rods downstairs so I can easily change them out too.

The one thing I did NOT find?  My Winter Blues quilt which seems to be hiding somewhere.  I'll need to do a deep dive into the home quilt vault AKA the guest room closet to see if it got put away wrong-side-out so I can't see it.

Now tell me - IS there such a thing as too many quilts?

I really don't thing so.  We just need more shelves!

And maybe more bannister space!

I also took some favorite antique quilts and got them out of dark of storage and displayed them on the railing for quilters to enjoy.  This made me smile!

If you visited yesterday, you will have seen this.  

A month after the reveal the mystery is removed from my website, rewritten, and presented to you as a PDF pattern for purchase.

That happened yesterday!

And yes, there is a gift-away!  I'll be drawing for 2 winners to each receive  Chilhowie in PDF booklet form.

(No fabric gift-away this time, but that will be happening with something ELSE next week, so stay tuned for that too!)

Get your entry ion on yesterday's post.

And if you missed participating in our mystery this year - there is always next year! Be watching for info to be released Halloween.   

Introductory Special:

Chilhowie PDF Pattern Booklet is now 25% off through 2/28/23.  No coupon needed!  Hurry now and save!

Pattern reverts to full on 3/1/23.

Some fantastic shares coming out of our Quiltville's Open Studio group on Facebook!

Peggy finished her Rockabilly Swing!

Fantastic job!

Patty's Bear Branch is stunning!

(And I love what she did with the back!)

Wonderful finish, Patty!

I love seeing what you make - you all inspire me so much!

On to today - Friend Martha is going to meet me at the inn at 10 am to get those beds made. Housekeeper Susan will be arriving around 9am to start working her magic.

I got blinds and ceiling fans dusted yesterday as well - so we are ahead of the game.

I flipped mattresses after the last retreat the first weekend in December so they've had 2 months to rest and refresh.

All of the Valentine décor is out and ready - and we just need quilters!

I was also told by the Hubster (who came to fix a gutter downspout that blew down in yesterday's gusty wind) that the daffodils on the back hillside are about 2'' above the ground.  Oh YAY!

I'm afraid to be "too excited" about that because it is still technically winter and we've had snow/ice storms clear into March before.

But the hope for spring is there!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I find that GOAL + DEADLINE = MOTIVATION!   For me it’s deadlines that keep me on track.  

The projects that don’t have deadlines just don’t seem to mean as much to me and they can languish or even be forgotten about while I fritter off eager to try the next thing that tickles my fancy.

Keeping track of and updating my progress, and making short term goals of which units I’m working on next, kitting them up so they are ready to sew, planning my time to keep making progress helps me KEEP making progress.

How do you stay motivated on a project? Share in the comments section below!

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



Mary said...

I have to admit a Quilt Day with friends motivates me. A Quilt Show Deadline with a Theme also helps. Up with the Chickens this morning. Chilhowie is the current goal. I love how things are fitting together! Happy Tuesday before Valentine's Day.

charityquilter said...

When I'm doing a big cleaning, purging, reorganizing, I call it "The Storm Before The Calm".

Kay said...

Dangling a carrot in front of me is my best motivation- albeit a piece of chocolate for small tasks to a nice day trip or even better a day spent with friends for the larger tasks. Sometimes my motivation is to just have it all cleaned up, organized, and decluttered. Then I can spend lots of time being creatively productive, which is a reward all by itself.

M. Hair said...

Too many quilts at a quilt retreat house? I don't think so!

katie said...

I recognize the machine in the gold case. At least I have a machine in that case, no idea if it is the same. Fun seeing another one.

Siri Ellen said...

Hello Bonnie! I enjoy your blog and love your quilts. I am hosting our first Bonnie Hunter monthly sew along at Must Love Fabric today. We are so excited to share our progress on our BH quilts, and maybe get some finished, soon!

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, I loved seeing that big pile of quilts! It does feel good to reorganize and purge... I have that on my to-do list during one of my breaks. It certainly sounds like you are getting ready to have the new sewing season happen! Oh, and yes, I also have to have a carrot in front of me. I am a predictable procrastinator, and will wait until the last possible moment to do things!

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