
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Farewell, Lincolnton Quilters!

We fought the weather all weekend.

Finding a time to get "over the porch rail" photo time was difficult!

For one thing - afternoon photos are a must because the long porch side of the house faces west.  We need the afternoon sun on the porch to ensure that everyone isn't in shadow.

And then there was the wind!  

It was the wind that had us doing the photos for the February Quiltvillians inside last retreat - but we were hoping that we could make this work!

Gloomy weather or not, we did it!

I am unaware of the pattern names for all but the almost Frolic second from the left.  But they are ALL gorgeous!

These ladies stitched up every minute at retreat!

"We laughed and laughed until our sides hurt!"

(That's the best, isn't it?)

SO many great scrappy creations!

Well done, ladies!

As it turns out that sky was a bit tricky:

Or maybe it was the sun that was tricky - it needed to stay BEHIND the clouds or we would face backlighting that would shadow everything in front of the house.

So we moved to the front steps to get the sun out of the way -

Tada!  That works!

The funniest thing about group photos is as soon as I say "short folks in the front!" I get all the grumbles and grimaces of third graders stating "But I don't want to be in the front!  I'm always in the front!"

Sorry gals, that's just the way it goes! LOL!

And it will be the same when we see you next February!

Still working on the reds -

Yesterday was derailed by that danged vehicle inspection - and I swear never to leave that until the end of the month ever again.

Moby the van FAILED inspection!  I've never had that happen to a car.

Turns out that we need new back brakes, and I can't get in until Thursday afternoon - so

The van now sports the "Sticker of Shame!"

And won't be driven until Thursday when I take it to be fixed - at which time they will also give me a proper sticker of passing inspection.

Now, I know part of this is on ME.  Because if I went and had it inspected earlier in the month I would have had time within the month to have it fixed before the old sticker expired.

But no - procrastination has done this.

I'm glad there are yearly inspections - because I want my vehicle to be safe.  I had no clue that my rear brakes were so worn that they needed to be replaced.

So take it from me - if you are needing your vehicle inspected on any given month - do it EARLY!

Today is a new day.  The March Quiltvillians are arriving tomorrow.  It's blustery out there, but the sun is shining and there are quilts to get back to and other things to do to make ready.

What do you have in store for this last day of February, 2023?


I've placed Butterfly Kisses at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop through TODAY 2/28/23.

And of course Chilhowie is also 25% off through TODAY 2/28/23 in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It’s really true. What you look for, and what you focus on you will find.
Split Nine-Patch Leader & Ender Challenge from a few years ago - still available under the Free Patterns tab 

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts

Marcia said...

Love your split nine patch. I found your blog and FB page just as that L/E was ending and determined I needed to make it. It's now on my bed. My only regret is that I should have made two more rows so that I have more hanging over the foot of the bed.

stretchmarks said...

There is a pony in here somewhere! Marilyn Marks

Ellen said...

I hear what you are saying! I take my car in two months before it's due because it's due in the depths of winter. One year we forgot. One Sunday morning in front of our church, a police woman officer pulled us over as we stopped to unload. Because it was a woman officer, there was back up. Everyone was coming to church and there was my husband surrounded by police. We live in a small borough. So embarrassing. I did hear that someone else in the church checked her inspection sticker and made appointment for inspection the next day.

Cats said...

i so get procrastination! Much more fun stitching, sewing, even ripping, than sitting while the mechanics do their thing... and i have mine for I'll be 82, the DMV has sent a birthday card! I needa go in and test & drive to renew!!! sigh, Ican get 'practice' tests on line, but the driving part??? I suppose I should run quendolyn thru the carwash before i go... needa make an appt on line too.... sigh... from wet & windy Carlsbad CA Cats Whitcher... look for the good, i thank you Bonnie!!

JMOT said...

Still having fun playing with my newish longarm, turning a backlog of tops into quilts. A friend who is still learning to longarm is coming at noon and wants to practice the finishing steps we never seem to get to while she's here, so as soon as I can get the elderly, spoiled cat off my lap, I'd better get the Quilt of Valor we're doing today started.

Debcal1946 said...

It's a sewing day! Hooray! We finally got some snow so I'm staying in.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Lucy and I will go to our weekly outing in the park to meet up with a friend and her dog. Our dogs love the park and so do we. I continued on Chilhowie yesterday. I wasn't able to work on it due to a fall that I took about 4 weeks ago. It was too painful to cut the fabric. Now things are better and I 'll be able to continue on the MQ. I wish everyone a great day.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on procrastination on car stuff. Don’t worry about shame over the sticker as there are many others but I am glad you will be safer now. Iowa does not require yearly inspections but it sounds like a good idea!

Janet O. said...

I am really in love with Butterfly Kisses, Bonnie! So pretty!
Utah just did away with required inspections a year or two ago. I think it is madness--just asking for more unsafe vehicles on the road.

Sandrassheepandstuff said...

Such beautiful quilts, and looks like fun! I have wanted to go on one of these for some time.
How do these quilts get done in a weekend?
Are the tops already pieced or did you all come with precut fabric?
Really curious!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I so hear you! I'm GLAD to know that my brakes weren't safe - for me - or for anyone else who could be on the road if they went out. I agree. It's madness NOT to have vehicle inspections!

Anonymous said...

I don't have to worry about car inspections because my brilliant state decided in 2000 that we didn't need them.

Yeah, you guessed right - Florida.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I'm sorry - that's ridiculous. I am GLAD for inspections, because I didn't know my brakes were unsafe. How scary! Not only for the driver, but for anyone else that could have been involved if my brakes went out. Some cars are not safe to have on the road.

Anonymous said...

Here in the UK we have yearly MOT (Ministry of Transport) tests once a car is 3 years old so it does help keep the roads safer for all. Ours is due next week and booked in already, I’m glad to say. Thursdays are our regular days to look after our 3 year old granddaughter so no sewing for me today but will need a rest tomorrow at my sewing machine! Christine from Welling, Kent

Bertha Goggin said...

Oklahoma has also decided car inspections are not necessary! I saw a car last week with a "Dealer" paper tag from 2021!!

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