
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

When Santa Brings IntelliQuilter!

Somehow I ended up on the "Nice" list - because this is coming more than a week early!

IQ Guru Patty arrived yesterday afternoon - with a big Mary Poppins bag of tools and tricks and has been busy retrofitting the new IntelliQuilter to my "Old School" APQS  Millennium.

To hear this machine described as Old School cracks me up to no end - I remember selling my old Ultimate I machine purchased second-hand in 1995 for this new "All the bells and whistles" 2008 model.

All of the controls in the handles like joy sticks from popular video games of the day - even the sons and the hubs would come to check it out - Dave would bring his friends in to have a look, almost with a Tim "The Tool Man"  Allen "Ar ar ar ar" More Power chuckle in his voice, as if it were made by Binford, not APQS.

And here we are with a few days left of 2022 and my machine may be "Old School" But she has quilted all of my quilts since 2008, and will do me likely for the rest of my life - only with this new addition!

Patty worked all day changing out my edge rider wheels for a new set - the old set was tired, but had done a great job over 15 years.  It was time that the machine got some pampering and new wheels too.

The whole process of this install is mind numbingly complicated and yet Patty just goes at it with hex wrench in hand, doing her magic!

The extra fun part - she loves the fact that she has the inn all to herself for a couple of nights.  When she said "I don't know when I last had quiet time to myself." I was so glad that she accepted my offer of staying here rather than a hotel 30 minutes away.

The downside of all of this big switch over?  I really didn't take many photos of the whole process.

I mostly tried to stay out of the way, so I worked on Chilhowie Part 6 in my office with the thought to bother her as little as possible.

Today - it's likely she is already at the QPO getting things set for our training day today.

Oh boy, oh, boy, oh boy!

I have picked out the most hideous "You need to go away!" fabric for our sample play piece.  That way it can become an extra dog quilt, or for the car or something.

I will get more photos, I promise!

A special thank you indeed!

This lovely package arrived from Susan with no last name from Claremore Oklahoma! 
No email address either!
I hope you see this and know that your sweet package has arrived. It brightened my day. You know how I love those crazy neutrals and who can pass up dark chocolate raspberry squares by Ghirardelli!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This made my day so much sweeter!

Just look at these lovelies from Instagram!
I am thrilled with all of the Chilhowie Mystery Part Five shares using our #chilhowiequilt and #quiltvillemystery tags!
It gets more and more exciting the further we get into this!
Keep the shares coming!

Binding Update!

I am moving slowly toward the center of the second side. This side is taking a bit longer than the other side as more of the rosette is at the edge making deep scallops.

I was only able to get 4 rosettes bound last night - but oh, it's so worth it!

This morning's sunrise -

Try as I might, there was no way to get rid of the green orb in the photo caused by the light through the camera lens.

Maybe it's the quilt faeries letting us know we are going to learn amazing things today?

Could be!

There are only a few days left of 2022.  This is when I start to go through all of the amazing things that happened this year on the timeline in my mind.  There were so many wonderful things I will keep close to my heart.

Do you get that way at the close of the year, too?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Or in other words, I am happiest when I am busy cutting up fabric and sewing it back together!
Are you with me? 
Feathered star found in North Carolina.
It now lives happily on a quilt ladder in my living room where I can enjoy its quirkiness and wonder about the maker and how she worked from her meager scrap bag.

Happy Wednesday, everyone! 



Mary said...

How exciting for you to have the upgrade to your long arm! Enjoy the training today. I love seeing the edges of your hexi quilt being bound.

cbott said...

My thoughts keep swinging to what I'd like to accomplish in the new year, and the idea of using each of my antique and vintage machines for an entire month (and I hope that's enough months to use them all!) really appeals to me. Some were bought for renovation, and I've lost track of which those were or how far gone (or along) they are. Time to dust them off (literally, sigh) and figure out what's what!


cbott said...

If I were 40 years younger, Patty's job would be my dream!


Tracey Honig said...

Yes!! I love being in the sewing room just piecing things together. That's why my Instagram handle is "Apiecefulplace!" I would so rather be piecing the quilt than finishing it; but, I am happy that I have the capabilities and the knowledge to do so! I hope she's a good teacher and you're back up and running again soon! I am sure she is enjoying having the Inn to herself as well. Still trying to finish the binding. Then maybe a little purging and rearranging. Have a great day!

Becky said...

If men came to look at your old machine, wait and see what they will do watching Intelliquilter do its thing. The model train guys (mostly the engineering type) always came up to see it and show it to new guys - describing it as a C N C machine.

Rhonda said...

Just so excited for you! Can't wait to hear all about your new adventure in longarming. Love the old quilt with the quote. I spent a good 10 minutes looking at the squares and figuring out how she worked her magic. How did they do it then? It touches my heart. The determination of it all is mind boggling.

Marti said...

OOOwww! Can't wait to hear how the lessons went!!

Ptquilter said...

The main thing I'll be doing to prepare for the new year is move all the previous ufo's to the 2023 tab in my journal and make space for new projects and a place to list my finishes for the year. I also make a list of the quilts I gift away during the year. It's fun to see what I've accomplished and shared each year. I started this in 2016. Wish I had started (like my teacher told me to) back in 2005 when all this started. Happy New Year, Bonnie and enjoy your "new" machine!!

Mary said...

Have fun Playing,,,errr I mean Learning...today. Bells and whistles make me think of Basketball. I've watched a few games already and there are more on the Calendar for January. End of the year makes me a bit retrospective. Watched the tribute to those who passed on this year already. Too many to count. Here's to 2023, and Our Birthday Month. Celebrate the whole 31 days!

Leah said...

That antique Feathered Star is incredible! How proud that maker must have been to spread it out on the bed for the first time.

Good luck on the training today!

RoxySherburne said...

Dear Bonnie, I'm with you! Sure glad Patty is fixing and sprucing up your machine. I got the baby quilt done and off to the owner on the 26th so I'm now working on a Ribbon Candy quilt using Merry and Bright by Me & My Sister. Hope the puppies are doing good. Happy New Year, 2023!

Crazy Cocker Quilting said...

I purchased my long arm in 2008. I had always wanted to add a computer on my machine. Intelliquilter has always been my dream computer. I'm looking forward to hearing more. Really enjoy Mystery quilt every year. Thanks for making my holidays complete. Happy New Year !

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie, and Happy almost New Year! I don't have an APQS system, so don't have intelliquilter. I do not even have a computer system for my Handi Quilter Fusion. But in about a year I will get ProStitcher for my machine, and will upgrade my Gallery Frame to a Gallery II frame, and can switch between loading my quilts two ways. I didn't have a problem not getting the computer right away. It gives me a chance to become better acquainted w/ FMQ, Rulers, Groovy Board and Pantographs. I am afraid if I had the computer right away I would not learn these other methods, which are great to know also.

Good Luck learning your new system, and Have Fun w/ it! 2023 will be a Great Year!

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