
Thursday, December 08, 2022

Some Holiday Cheer All Around! (Gift-Away!)

Let's keep building up the holiday spirit with an IronEZ Gift-Away!

We haven't done this in a while, and when Scott, the CEO of IronEZ contacted me this past week - I replied with a resounding YES!

The adjustable clip can fit a multitude of thicknesses – this will even clamp to a table top, tray or big board.

It fits and corrals a multitude of favorite bottle sizes – and the free bottle that comes with it has even a finer mist than the traditional trigger spray on Best Press. 

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

I am just this sold on the product, and the kind folks at IronEZ are offering a 15% discount to my readers using code BH15OFF – AND – we are drawing THREE winners! (Due to shipping, this gift-away is available to USA residents only please.) 

No more knocking that spray bottle off of their ironing board ever again.

IronEZ is the perfect spray bottle holder for all of your pressing needs!

Click to Play:

No more spray bottles taking a dive off the ironing board.

They are held securely out of the way!

And we are going to draw for THREE winners! 

One will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, a second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

I love the fine mist bottles!

I have a couple of these bottles and I love how they provide the finest mist when it comes to pressing.

Each IronEZ ironing board spray bottle holder purchase includes this new bottle. 

Use coupon code BH15OFF to save 15%!

Get two or three while you are at it.  You are going to LOVE keeping those spray bottles in line and off of your ironing surface.

Need more bottles? They are now selling the new fine-mist bottles in a 2-pack so you can have one at your stand up ironing station, and one by your machine for work station pressing.

Even Better!  While brainstorming with Scott he threw in the bonus of  a free mister spray bottle with any purchase of 2 or more IronEZ products.

Click on over to the IronEZ website where you will find limited time FREE SHIPPING (within the USA) in addition to your 15% off should you also wish to gift yourself or a quilting friend.

Would you like to WIN an IronEZWe will draw for our 3 winners on Monday, 12/19/22!

As noted, winners must have prize shipped to a USA address.  If you are outside of the USA, we can send it to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to you.  Good luck, everyone!

Thank you so much for all of the lovely photos you are posting using our #quiltvillemystery and #chilhowiequilt tags! The above are from Instagram!
Also: Huge thanks on the creativity in NOT sharing your units photographed on top of a cutting mat with lines or next to a ruler. It really helps to keep our Mystery a Mystery!
Part Three goes live on Friday morning! How is your own progress coming along?

Yes, this was much of my view yesterday afternoon.

I am in the final stretch!  As it stands, there are only 13 more blocks to make.  The struggle is real.  I am so ready to finish these and get them put together.

My plan with "Block Surfing" Lola?  I'm going to take over the Quilting Quarters at the inn - move tables out of the way, and lay everything out there where it will be safe from paws and mishaps.

I can't assemble this at the QPO.  I can't assemble it at home in the basement studio - there are too many cat-critters and bumbling barkers in my life who would disrupt things.

And the assembly is going to take a while.

And borders?  I don't even know yet.  We'll see how the center looks once together as to whether a pieced border would distract from the center or not.  It might just need something plain to frame it.  We'll see.

This morning's sunrise through the mist and fog.

The rain stopped and it's currently 50 degrees at 8:15am. Weirdly warm. But calm. The mist and fog are ethereal. I love mornings like this.

It makes it hard to want to go push my way through those last 13 blocks.

What is your plan for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I've always loved what the Dalai Lama said about ripples.
"Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects."
When I look at names on signature quilts time stops in its tracks and I love to think of the lives - The men, the women, the children and all they were to each other.
How the way they treated each other has reached out into our time with these same ripples, or fingerprints.
Make sure the fingerprints you leave are happy, loving ones.

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



Quiltndollmaker said...

Good morning Bonnie, I love reading your blog and even googled One Tin Soldier to hear the tune again...makes us think and this is a good thing. :)
Been looking for the link to enter the drawing but can't find it. But perhaps it's me and it's just too early.

Ann L. said...

Yesterday I finished a disappearing 9 patch in homespun fabrics for a friend who just purchased a 100 yr. old farmhouse and is arriving Sunday to pick up our spare fire wood. Today I am making Scandinavian folded stars to add to the craft items I made for the church bazaar, and picking up my sewing room as I am done for the year. Baking will begin soon.
I'm printing all your Mystery clues Bonnie and will save it for 2023. Thanks for all you do for the quilting community. Some day I hope to meet you in person and stay at Quiltville but I live in the country and don't have a big group of quilters to share with. Happy Holidays everyone!

Judy said...

Working at the food pantry today. 10,000# of food are arriving and need to be put away for today and future.

Cats said...

Ann L. -- i believe the owner of Cotton to Quilts has a list of quilters who will take an extra quilter or two (to round our their less-than-12, you would arrive as a stranger, and leave with ten or more new best friends...if I'm mistaken, perhaps another will post correct information. Cats in Carlsbad CA

Mary said...

I love my Signature Quilts. I don't have a really old one. Thanks for the Gift-Away. Ready and waiting for Fridays Clue. Spent yesterday finishing up those clue 2's. Great idea to use the Inn to lay out your quilt. Can Martha come Play and do a Soup lunch?? Happy Thursday!

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