
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Little Bits of Progress Here And There -

Isn't it amazing how nice things look - and how different they look - when the seam allowance is taken up and you see things in their finished sizes?

And that giddy feeling that comes when "YES!  This is exactly what I envisioned and it is actually going to work!"

My progress has been slow - but I keep reminding myself of what I am always telling everyone during our Quiltville Winter Mystery season - "It's not a race!" "Progress is progress!" "Baby steps still move you forward!"

And so it goes.

I started the cross-seaming on the rows yesterday.

The questions l tend to get are things like "How can you handle all of that bulk?"  It's not hard.  It just takes patience, a lot of extra table space (use ironing boards set at table height if you don't have extra tables) and my seam ripper that I use like an awl to help me keep seam allowances aligned.

I'm not often a pinner.  But the point of that seam ripper can hold things together in the same way.

I will align where I start - take a few back stitches (No popping open of seams here!) and nest the next seam and sew to it.  I make sure things are nested before the machine needle reaches that spot.

Nested spot to nested spot.  Anything in between those two spots is eased where necessary. (Because you know there are bias-y parts and stretchy bits.)

If a sharp point will be meeting another sharp point - those places are pinned. (As in the center of the blocks) but when sewing in sashing and cornerstones I rarely pin.

I press after each cross seam, both the seam I just sewed, and the pieces in the next row down that I will sew next.  It's a 2-for-1 pressing job!

Eventually the whole top is pressed, but I don't have to do it ALL before I start.  Just two rows at a time.

One fourth sewn here before lunch.

By the time it was time to head home, I had made the half-way mark.

I'll get some more done today - but first - the long arm guy contacted me last night and will be here this morning so this post is in a bit of a hurry.

Up on deck is getting the old robotics removed and some machine maintenance taken care of so I'll be ready for my Intelliquilter install on the 7th of January.

Oh, and there was this.

I moved bins out from under my long arm to find a treasure trove of scraps that I haven't dug through in years.

It's a time capsule in here!

Lola thinks it all should be turned into cat beds.

But I disagree -

I think there are some great quilts to come out of these saved bits and pieces that are more hunks and crumbs than strings.

Did someone say SQUIRREL!?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

There is an awful lot of hustle and bustle out there.
What do you do to make sure you have some time for yourself and your own sanity?

Happy Tuesday -



helenreimers said...

Oh Bonnie, I love that little block. It is so sweet. Can't wait to see where it turns up.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

I love watching your process of creating. My mind doesn't always work that way, so you give me some direction. I like Ms. Lola's idea, so maybe one cat bed could be squeezed out of that bin? How is your hubby feeling?
Good luck with the upgrade. I know you are missing that portion of your quilting life.
Merry Christmas and thank you for all your work to keep us dreaming of how to use our scraps next!
Anna in IL

Rhonda said...

Webbing has been my go-to since I learned from you way back when. It's almost like I've been doing it forever. Once in a while I've just sewn rows together but then wished I'd webbed it. Webbing works! I'd taken a class from a local sewing store and webbed the project we were working on. The instructor was amazed and encouraged everyone to try it. Also, your name came up as to where I had learned such a thing. I directed them to your blog.
My question is how did you discover webbing? What an interesting topic. It's great! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea.

Leah said...

Some pretty cool secondary patterns happening with those rows coming together! Love the antique pyramids quilt with today's quote.

Joyce Frazier said...

I am loving this new quilt you are making. I love watching your process and then the final outcome. I may not make many quilts but I sure am a cheerleader for all of those who do! Lola is such a puddin'! She thinks all fabrics are hers! LOL! I love the new little block you created from the bits and chunks! Good luck with the installation of your new equipment. Merry Christmas Bonnie to you and yours!

JustCallMeElle said...

This quilt is stunning!

Will you tell us about the washi tape you have on the bed of your new sewing machine?

KRShinnick said...

This is a pattern that I will definitely purchase. The secondary patterns that appear when the blocks are sewn together are so appealing. I really appreciate your vision and insight in your creations. Just awesome!

Judy said...

Lots of scraps or leftover blocks can be made into kitty catnip wontons. One idea is to put 2 pieces of 5” batting together, put 5”material (right side out) on both sides of the batting, sew 1/4" around all sides, cut apart diagonally, put about a tsp of catnip in between the batting layers and sew that side together. Trim up the edges and you have 2 kitty wontons. Great for your home cats and even shelters would love them.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

This new quilt is a delight. I love all the hidden patterns that pop out as you let your eyes rove!

Jean said...

Bonnie your mind most always be going a mile a minute! Isn't it wonderful to be so full of idea's. I see lots of things looking at this new quilt. The movie buff in me see's some sort of Star Wars ship... and then the nature buff in me see's butterflies. Plus all the stars... Your Pink Stash... I still have some of those very same fabric's. Eventually we will use them... that is what they are for. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

Tracey Honig said...

WOW!! I sure love watching quilt tops come together. This one just pops. I would love an in-depth tutorial on the webbing procedure, it sounds daunting to me. I take them down block by block and do one row at a time. That's what works for me. I love Lola in the box. And, yes, I squirrel off too. It's a quilter thing... Haha! I hope you get the machine up and running soon!

Jen said...

I love how the secondary block suddenly appear! This is a really fun quilt!

Mary said...

I love webbing my quilts. Sew glad I learned to do it. Fun scrap block you're making from that bin. mindless stitching is what I will enjoy after the gifts are done. mystery parts are on hold 5 more days. Glad the longarm guy finally is coming back to work on your machine. We got more snow so I had a Snow Day/Sew Day! Making progress on my Christmas Projects. I stayed up too late into the am hours and had to take a nap.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: I totally agree w/ todays Quote of the Day! It is the same when I can't find something and I look and look, can't find it. But if I stop looking for it, it will show up, wide out in the open. Chapstix are something I misplace all the time. I, or sometimes the kitties love to play w/ them and roll them someplace. Sometimes it is me. Bandit, my Snowshoe kitty loves to roll them off the headboard. Then I have to look for them.

I live by myself w/ my kitties, but I get sucked in by the computer, and especially Facebook. I have lots of shoveling and snow blowing to do. But Christmas things have to get done too. So, my shoveling has been neglected for a few days. I will be back to it tomorrow. I have to make sure I do my stretches and arm exercises in the morning so I can function. I have other leg exercises w/ weights that have to be done periodically, as does the Total Gym. Exercise is one thing I have to have to keep me functional. Exercise, sewing, gardening all keep me sane.

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