
Monday, December 19, 2022

Fits, Starts and Standstills -

I haven't touched this quilt since Thursday.

But at least the top is webbed together.  Things I love about chain piecing a top this way?  The chaining threads between the rows will keep all of these little seams from popping open during the assembly process. It's especially helpful since these cornerstones are so tiny.

Friday's to-do list included moving things from beneath the long arm and doing general cleaning in the studio to make ready for the machine maintenance guy to come. A snow storm across Indiana delayed that arrival, and hearing nothing through the weekend I kept checking my phone for texts or email updates.

I hung around and did the fabric stash self fixing on Saturday as well - just in case I needed to be there.  But no word.

There haven't been any - so I decided to spend yesterday at home.  I'll get to that in a minute.

Where I left things Thursday afternoon-

I've had many messages asking about the whole "Webbing" thing - I went to update the old post and all of the photos no longer worked.  Which makes me wonder if blogger just deletes old photos after so many years?

So now on my list is another tutorial to show how the webbing works, but making it easier to start - like with a simple block instead of photos or videos of me crawling around on the floor showing the process in a big way.

That will be coming soon.

The top center, webbed in rows across.

The plan today is to start the cross seaming.  Maybe I'll here from the machine guy?  Maybe I won't?  I have no clue what is in store for today, but while I'm waiting I may as well be working on this.

And there is another reason for some distance.

The hubs is sick!

It started with his not feeling well on Saturday evening.  Sunday morning (Was that really only yesterday?) I made a Walmart run for all of the "get well quick" things.

He stayed in bed most of yesterday, and I stayed home to quietly sew here just to be on hand, and at the same time trying to not get sick myself.

And yes, there is always hand quilting.

I've reached the LASY fill in corner.  With less than 2 weeks to go until New Year's Day - I don't think I'll make it but it will definitely be finished early on in 2023.

Suffice it to say that I'm okay with not seeing hexie anything for quite a while.

It's time to draw for the three winners of our  IronEZ Gift-Away!

One will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, a second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

With 3570 entries, this is who the Random Number Generator drew:

Chris Quisenberry is the winner of the IronEZ holder with the standard spray bottle.

Linda Marquis-Cate is the winner of the IronEZ holder with the fine mist bottle.

And Alice White wins the 2-pack of fine mist spray bottles.

Ladies, please check your email inboxes for the notifications I sent you, and reply with your mailing addresses so that the folks at IronEZ can get your prizes right out to you.  Thank you!

I have a couple of these fine mist bottles and I love how they provide the finest mist when it comes to pressing.

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

Each IronEZ ironing board spray bottle holder purchase includes this new bottle. 

Use coupon code BH15OFF to save 15%!

Get two or three while you are at it.  You are going to LOVE keeping those spray bottles in line and off of your ironing surface.

Need more bottles? They are now selling the new fine-mist bottles in a 2-pack so you can have one at your stand up ironing station, and one by your machine for work station pressing.

Even Better!  While brainstorming with Scott he threw in the bonus of  a free mister spray bottle with any purchase of 2 or more IronEZ products.

Click on over to the IronEZ website where you will find limited time FREE SHIPPING (within the USA) in addition to your 15% off should you also wish to gift yourself or a quilting friend.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

My mama used to quote "To know and not to do is not to know."
And "When you know better, do better!"
Isn't this quilt fun? I'm not sure if it's fish or birds in a circle, but it's got me captivated!

I am wishing you a wonderful Monday -



Christi said...

I love to web blocks and entire quilt tops. I used your old tutorial several years ago and it really made a difference in understanding the process. I hope all the newbies realize what a valuable tool they will have when you get a new one prepared. Here's hoping you don't get sick and the hubster is feeling better soon.

Violet Withey said...

I see fish in the corners surrounding daisies. I like it. You've recently done yellow, blue, purple, mint, and shocking green. It's really time for pink. I have to wonder where in Indiana your maintenance guy is. My sister and I left Thursday from Alabama and drove to Illinois. We only encountered just a dusting of snow all the time we were there. Hope he arrives today. We arrived home last night.

Mary said...

Sorry Hubster is sick and the Tech huy didn't show.. Glad you have a place to go. Stay well. Yep, fish in a circle. I get to go to a fun Quilt Guild, I hope. Finished a bindin g on a Charity Quilt. Binding is my Favorite part. Watching my Hallmark Christmas Movies and GAC. A new bunch this year. Have a good Monday, 6 more Sleeps.

Marti said...

I've got what your hubster has, maybe Indiana guy does also. Praying nothing worse. Hope you hear from him soon.

Carol M said...

Hope the Hubs feels better soon. I would Love a quilt of pinks! I was watching a you tube video of cooking and the lady cooking put some olive oil in a pan and she used a spray bottle like the one in your post to spray the olive oil in the pan. I thought....Brilliant! another use. I have one in my sewing room and I love it.

Debra said...

Congratulations to the ladies that won! My regards to Dave. Hope He gets well soon. Before Christmas.
I just fini cutting clue 4. I've been so busy lately that I didn't have time to work on it before today....hope to sew it together tomorrow morning. Oh mercy, before Friday anyway.
Cooking and baking and cleaning.

Andresa said...

Wishing Dave better and you avoiding what he has. (and that the machine guy is okay and gets in touch) Glad to hear you'll be updating the webbing tutorial. I've gone to the old one many times and always came away wondering why I just couldn't make sense of it (I know it was me because you write very clear-cut instructions). Then, somewhere, I came across where you described it as turning the page in a book. And everything clicked! Thank you!

Rose Braun said...

I did it a google search for webbing a quilt and you came up on your web cam from 8/16/17. It is still on u-tube, Thanks it was great I will have to try it.

Janie said...

I'll be looking forward to learn how to do webbing. Thanks .
Get well soon to your hubs. Stay healthy for you. And hope the long arm tech guy gets there soon.

Lilac Joan said...

I love webbing. Mostly I web blocks. I don't have room to do a whole quilt so I divide the quilt into fourths and web those columns and rows and then web the fourths. It goes by quickly.

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