
Monday, November 28, 2022

What Is That Smell??

Yes, I did get some sewing done this weekend.

But this is all the machine work that happened.  

This was it.

one block of triangles. Pieced, webbed and assembled.

I need more variety.  I couldn't excite myself to get in there and dig out more strips and cut more triangle pairs and sew more.....

What was up with me?

Oh, and there is a funny story about this project...funny as in WHAT?  Not HAHA.


Robin and Jamie had a later flight out of Charlotte on their going home day, so I set up to sew with them as laundry ran while they waited for their departure time.

At this point I was also doing a bit of cleaning up around the inn - and there were 2 onions someone left behind that I was happy to take home.  Nice big ones.  The sweet white kind. Still in their little flimsy plastic produce bag.

I must have put them in my tote, put the blocks on top of them, along with all of the everything else you see here. (The machine lives in the upstairs closet at the inn for days like this.) and put it in the back seat of the Subaru.

I intended to unload everything at home so I was ready to go to Florida the next day.

I then got distracted, set the tote on the floor of my studio and forgot about it - going to Florida for the better part of a week.

I then grabbed the tote, put it in the back seat of the Subee to bring the project back to the QPO to work on now that my winter break is about to begin.

I didn't get a chance to work on it - the tote stayed in the backseat.  Too many orders to fill (This is a good thing.)

Then Thanksgiving happened.  More delays for getting into that tote.

But what was that onion smell hanging around the Subee - tote still in the back seat?

When I finally brought it in to work on my blocks, I discovered the culprits in the bottom of the tote - luckily still in the produce bag, but YUCK!

My completed blocks are currently airing out.

And I'm still laughing!

I have been so distracted even through the 4 day holiday weekend. The only real sewing I've done is to finish one binding (the purple one) and start on the second.  I'll let you guess which one that one is.

Oh well - today is another day.  It's a new week and we can pick up where we left off and move forward, right?

Where I spent most of my weekend.

Things have fallen through the cracks over the past little while and I needed to deep dive into fixing some of the things found under the tabs at the top of the blog.

Warning: Tabs may have moved!

The biggest thing - I needed to update several of the patterns under the Free Patterns tab.  Did you know that some of the tutorials under that tab go back as far as 1999?? I moved them from my old website to the blog in 2005 when the blog first got going.  That's a LONG LONG TIME.

Many of the older patterns are NOT mobile friendly.  The ability to print to create PDF was not available early on.  Things were made on print-friendly .html pages.  Those are NOT mobile friendly.

So I spent all of yesterday going from the top of the free patterns tab on down, reformatting and writing PDF copies of everything that was the old .html print-friendly page.  I'm not done yet, but it's better.

Some things were just retired, but their original posts can be found by using the search bar at the top of the blog.

There is still more to b e reformatted and changed to PDF.  If I can do one a day, I'll get there.  Yesterday was exhausting.  I'll try to take it in a more healthy way from here on out.

The OTHER thing:

Craftours has a new website!  And that means I have my own page where my tours are listed.  You can access my Craftours page HERE.

I am EXCITED about taking up travel again starting in April 2023 with an exclusive trip to Vietnam.

I have missed this kind of travel so much - and I'm ready!

If you have put yourself on the "I need to wait until things get better" list, maybe now is the time to join back in to travel?

I have many things planned in 2023, and more will be added into 2024.

With the new website, I had to do all new tabs at the top of the blog for each tour, and there is a tab to reach my page for ALL of my tours at one glance.  I hope you'll take a look and join me.

Following Vietnam in April is Egypt (CAN NOT WAIT!) and two back-to-back tours in Ireland.

We've also got Poland in September of 2023 - and I'm hoping that things will be okay for us to go with all that is going on in Ukraine.  That trip was moved from September of this year to a year out.

Then there is Tuscany also in September of 2023.  I've been in Tuscany in the summer months.  I'm looking forward to Tuscany in the fall.

I hope that gives you some things to consider. Grab your passport and let's jump back in to travel together!

Pretty pretty pretty!

I love how creative folks are getting with their photos for our Chilhowie mystery!

Terrific presentation, ScrappyKathy!

Thank you so much for putting some thought into it and taking your photos away from lined cutting mats and rulers, folks!  Keep up the good work!

I was able to find her post because she remembered to use hashtags #quiltvillemystery and #chilhowiequilt.

Part Two goes live this Friday, 12/2/22!

Check out the Bristol quilt made by Beth!⁣
She writes: "BRISTOL is complete! This is a FUN quilt top to make as you can use all of those pretty, little, fat quarters you could not pass up, but had no plans for. I have 40 years of fabric in this top. "⁣
I love it, Beth!

All Digital Patterns in the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop are 30% off using coupon code Digital30 at purchase.

Code must be used at purchase, is not retroactive, and is good through Wednesday, 11/30/22.

Did you enter our Summit St Shop Box Gift-Away

Drawing happens Wednesday 11/30/22!
And then there is the SitMate (Formerly known as SewPad) Promo that starts TODAY and goes through 11/28/22 (Only while supplies last!) with Free Priority Shipping within the USA.  

To reach a wider audience rather than just sewing folks, SewPad has been renamed SitMate.

Once you’ve experienced the comfort of a SitMate, it’s hard to go back to sewing without one.

What is a SitMate?

SitMate™ is filled with a thick cushion of proprietary viscoelastic polymer gel– the same stuff used in surgical mats and wheelchair pads.

Unlike foam (memory foam or otherwise) gel doesn’t bottom-out and it provides comfort and support by diffusing and distributing pressure.

Upholstered in a plush layer of AirFlex™ fabric, SitMate™ helps your backside stay cool while the no-slip bottom keeps it from sliding around in your chair.

SitMate™ was designed for quilters and crafters, but we think you’ll find other uses as well.

Church. Stadium seats, in the car and anywhere else that you might expect to be sitting for a good while.

Remember to use code ELF at checkout for free Priority shipping within the USA.

Being comfortable is a wonderful thing!

And since we are talking about November sales and savings, here's something else you may be interested in.


25% off EVERYTHING at Electric Quilt!

Use code EVERYTHING at check out to redeem.

YES!  That includes EQ 8 Software!

And it includes the Block Base+ Add On!

Click through my links to get there, and remember to use coupon code EVERYTHING to save your 25%.

If EQ8 and Block Base+ are not on your gift list - they should be!

I also had some folks asking about the Craftoptics sale. I last referred to them in THIS POST. You can save $125.00 using our code QUILTVILLE. That is better than any other deal that they offer.  Just go to their website to learn more and tell them Bonnie sent you.

This morning's sunrise did not disappoint!

Today I intend to pull out some light Christmas décor at the inn, scatter around some holiday cheer and make things ready for the December Quiltvillians who arrive on Wednesday afternoon - our last retreat group of the 2022 season.

Let's make all things Merry and Bright - 

And hope that in time the onion smell will go away.  LOL!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is my niece Taylor's quilt made in 2008. It's been loved and washed and loved and washed some more, and after many years of hard use, it still makes me smile.
I find this quote to be so very true.⁣
I have ABUNDANCE beyond my wildest dreams. There is enough fabric in the stash to make beautiful quilts.
There is love of family and of friends to keep my heart smiling.

And there is you. Thank you for being a part of my world!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!



Quilter Kathy said...

So grateful to be part of the Quiltville world that you have created!
That is very generous of you to put so much time and effort into updating the FREE patterns that you share with the world!

pam said...

LOL That onion story reminded me of the Everybody Loves Raymond episode with the cheese in the suitcase. Marie told Debra that you aren't suppose to keep cheese in a suitcase.

Cathy Guth said...

Place some bowls of vinegar around the "smelly" onion area and it will eliminate the onion smell. Also works on other odors too. Have heard it will get rid of skunk smell but don't know about that first hand.....thank goodness!! Happy Holidays to You and Yours!

Selwyn, The Crafty Engineer said...

The only thing that might have been worse than onions is potatoes! And, so sad that you didn't get to eat those marvelous sweet onions!

Mary said...

Onions just don't keep like they should in an enclosed bag. Stinky this time of year. I cut into a bad one at DD#1 house yesterday. Glad for a New week to work on my Christmas gifts. too many projects planned too late this year, but I can do it. Homemade Christmas means that much to me. December is coming in fast, no snow this morning YET... Have a great Monday. I miss the Mystery Link-ups.

Lindah said...

hahaha Every time I see an onion now, I will think of you. And my! how onions enhance our diets!
I, too, am blessed. Bonnie, I feel like I have grown up with you. "Old" quilting friends from way back. I have learned SO MUCH from you. I remember the exhilaration of learning to put intricate little pieces together, ending up with fabulous blocks. And getting out of my matchy-matchy bent. --And I'm still learning new things from you. You, indeed, are a part of my abundance. Thank you, Bonnie.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thanks, Bonnie, I'm so grateful for everything I've learned from you! You've added great richness to my life!

Tracey Honig said...

Yuck!! That reminds me of the time we had one of our kids leave chocolate milk in his back pack over the two week Christmas break!! That was a double yuck!! Once we found out what it was we cleaned that bag out, threw the old stuff away and promptly threw the bag in the washer. Lesson learned! Always check the bags before the break! HaHa!! I just love your sunrises! Today was a typical Monday after the break. It can only get better as the week goes on, right?

Venetia Erickson said...

Try sprinkling baking soda on your blocks and let them sit for a couple of hours or overnight. Then shake them out well before sewing.

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