
Tuesday, November 08, 2022

It is really November?

Over the weekend I gave up.

I turned the A/C back on.  It was just too warm (And too humid!) to try to tough it out with open windows as our only relief.

Sunshine. Short sleeves.  But it won't last.  We know it won't.  In fact, colder temps are projected for this coming weekend so we were soaking up as much of this November sunshine as we possibly could!

Check out that green grass!  This is NOT normal.  But as I said, we were enjoying our last day together and getting in all of the "must do" photos to capture our time together.

Give me a Tada!!  You deserve it!  You all worked SO hard.

Or is that PLAYED so hard?!

Rhododendron Trail, Pineapple Blossom from the Free Patterns tab, and Happily Scrappily Irish from Adventures with Leaders & Enders!

Punkin’ Patch from String Frenzy, Easy Street from MORE Adventures With Leaders & Enders, Sand Castles from String Frenzy, and Jamestown Landing from String Fling!

A beautiful unknown top (If you know the details post it in the comments please!) Winston Ways from MORE Adventures With Leaders & Enders, Kismet, Cherry Crunch, and an unknown star quilt. (Details please!)

Three Rhododendron Trail finishes in a row!

It was also a lovely night for a VERY LAST fire pit! We really squeezed this one out as we are usually done done done by Halloween.  It's usually cold and dreary and weather becomes an issue - but not last night!

Last year we weren't able to do it because of weather - so this was an extra bonus for this group that has become near and dear to my heart!

The moon was brilliant - of course there were bets on who would be up at 4:30am to see the eclipse.

I am not a 4am girl - so it wasn't going to happen on my end, but not only that....

By the time 4am rolled around the moon would be behind this ridge:

We don't have a full wide open view of the sky so sometimes it's best to just sleep through it and know I'll see some amazing photos today of folks who were able to see it.

Did you?

But we have THIS to remember!

Today - you know my Tuesday/Wednesday routine by now.  Mountains of laundry, putting it all back together again.  

Nola's Bonniacs arrive tomorrow afternoon from Indiana!  They are our last group before our Thanksgiving break.

And during that break I'm going to be doing something I've wanted to do for a long long time!

I'll tell you more later - I need to get a move on here.
Holidays are coming whether we like it or not!  And I have placed the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. No coupon needed.

Sale is good through 11/23/22 (Thanksgiving Eve) so hurry and save!

And if you already have this quilt started as a UFO - maybe now is the time to pull it back out and finish it up!  I'd love to see your finishes.

And since we are talking about November sales and savings, here's something else you may be interested in:


25% off EVERYTHING at Electric Quilt!

YES!  That includes EQ 8 Software!

And it includes the Block Base+ Add On!

Click through my links to get there, and remember to use coupon code EVERYTHING to save your 25%.

If EQ8 and Block Base+ are not on your gift list - they should be!

Don't forget to sign up for our Panic in Paducah Book & Hand Dyed Fabric Gift-Away HERE.

Drawing happens this Saturday 11/12/22.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Spread the kindness around and lay it on thick!
No need to be skimpy as the more you give, the more there is to give.
The day you make better for someone may be your own!
Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



MissPat said...

The call of nature had me up at 4:45, so I did get to see the lunar eclipse. But I watched it from inside the house where it was warm and cozy. Orion shining brightly as well.

Gail Piper said...

Great week, great quilts!!
I did see the eclipse - well, a little bit of it. I got up about 5:00 and it was close to the total coverage in our part of Ohio, took care of my usual middle-of-the-night business, and then watched for a few minutes as the last of the light disappeared. That was enough - the bed beckoned! Like you, we live in a spot where we often don't get the open sky view that some places have, but it was enough last night. Glad I got to see it, but glad I got a good night's rest... :)

sue s said...

Love all the rhodo quilts! Amazing how one can vary the pattern. The quilt on the far right looks like a Pat Sloan Oh My Stars pattern. I was up at eclipse time same as the others, but forgot to look.

Ellen T. said...

We also are surrounded by trees; often the view is straight up. I did see some of the eclipse, so I'm happy with that.

Debra said...

Wonderful over the porch rail display of quilts. Just beautiful ❤️.
No, I didn't see it either, we have too many trees to see the moon.
Turned cooler here today. Much cooler. The weather was nice while we had it though.
Don't work too hard Bonnie.

Quilter Kathy said...

What an amazing quilt show these ladies put over the rail! I especially love the 3 variations on the Rhododendron Trail... they just sparkle! I love how they are similar yet different!

Mary said...

Nope, we slept right through it. Trees obstruct my way. I could look up and see it if I was awake. Late night stitching happens only til MIDNIGHT this time of year. Clear and dry today. Getting my new Toy today.

Tammie said...

What beautiful quilts! The star quilt on the end is a Pat Sloan pattern…Oh My Stars…with an added border…lovely!
I didn’t know anything about the eclipse…😯. I would have gotten up to see it…the moon is always visible in my bedroom window.

QuilterSD said...

The unknown star quilt is 'O My Stars' from Pat Sloan - details on her web site "Ilovetomakequilts"

Dianne L said...

The other unknown pattern is "On Point" from Lorna McMahon of Sew Fresh Quilts. I loved finishing up that project at Quiltville and can't wait to return in 2023!

MaryBeth said...

That looks like Oh My Stars to me too. I made one a few years ago and recently joined Quilts of Valor, so that's definitely going to be made again!

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