
Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Has 7 Years Really Gone By....

This morning I was downloading some photos from Google Photos to my laptop - 

There is this banner thing at the top of the page that has different memories and things.  I RARELY take time to look at those, but this morning this amazing photo was there right in front of my eyes, and it was a surreal moment first of "Who is that young person?" And "Was I really there?

Yes, I was really there!

So I hope you will indulge me a few memory photos -

Of all of the international trips I've taken, Peru was perhaps the most amazing.  We went from the Amazon river region, all the way to the heights of Cusco in the Andes, and on to Machu Picchu.

The thing about visiting these remains of long-gone civilizations is you suddenly realize that the time we have here on this planet really is miniscule in the whole scheme of things.  Just a tiny blip of time.

And then you start wondering what will remain after our time is over.

These were people who felt like we do. They loved, they laughed, they raised families, they worked to feed and clothe and shelter themselves and those around them.

At first it was foggy, and very rainy.  And the iconic Machu Picchu view couldn't be seen at all....

Then all of a sudden the fog parted and there it was - the magnificence I had only seen in photographs and documentaries before.

This was a trip of a lifetime - and I can't wait to start traveling again in 2023.  It's coming.  It's going to happen.  We have a lot in store!

How can 7 years pass so quickly, and yet feel like a lifetime ago?  We've been through so much over those 7 years.

What's showing at the top of YOUR Google Photos page?  I think it's time for a revisit, don't you?

Yesterday was a day in-between.  I'm sure you know my Tuesday/Wednesday schedule by heart by now!

But I arrived at the inn early enough to see the November Quiltvillians off on their ways home.  Hugs all around, promises to see each other same place, same week next year.  Happy Holidays, everyone - Happy New Year, too.

Make wonderful memories and we'll share them when we are next together.

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry - 

And in the middle of it all:

I made my machine space ready.

My CompuQuilter is being removed, and the tech guy is also going to service my longarm so it is ready for the New Intelliquilter to be installed - likely January.

Oh, the dust bunnies, lint, thread, and Lola hair that was between and behind all of the bins as I moved them away and did a deep clean behind everything.

This is also a good time for me to decide if there is anything I want to rearrange.

Small "yet to be cut down" scraps are in bins by color and I moved them out from behind the quilting machine for easier access back there to get the CompuQuilter disassembled. 

I realize once again that I am blessed to be drowning in scraps - not to mention yardage - and I silently make a pledge to myself to keep sewing it up in all the fun ways I can think of.

It was an organizing day.  It was not a sewing day.  I didn't sit at the machine at all, but these kinds of days are good for my soul as well.

Sometimes we need to take the time to reassess if the way things are, the way things are going, area really doing what they need to do for us in the best way possible.

We are almost ready for Nola's Bonniacs to arrive this afternoon.  Housekeeper Susan is working her magic.  Friend Martha is coming by this morning to help make beds - which is our excuse for more chatter time and perhaps a cup of tea to go with it.

And I plan to move more things around in the studio after the CompuQuilter removal is complete.

It may be another "no actual sewing day" and that's okay, because it will bake it better for the sewing days to come.

Seven years.  How can it be seven years already since That fantastic Peruvian adventure?  It is SO godo to revisit our moments.  I'll be keeping that with me all day.

What is up for your own Wednesday ahead?  Do you have your fabrics pulled for Chilhowie yet??  I've seen some fantastic fabric pulls!

Oh the share's I'm seeing under our #chilhowiequilt tag on Instagram!

Folks are getting creative and there are even some alternate colors popping up - I LOVE IT!

If you were trying to order Essential Triangle Tool, Simple Folded Corners or Simple Folded Corners Mini. And found the Mini out of stock, I got another shipment in yesterday.

I have more Essential Triangle Tools on the way and they should arrive next week if I sell out this week.  Things are moving fast as folks get ready for Black Friday!
Holidays are coming whether we like it or not!  And I have placed the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. No coupon needed.

Sale is good through 11/23/22 (Thanksgiving Eve) so hurry and save!

And if you already have this quilt started as a UFO - maybe now is the time to pull it back out and finish it up!  I'd love to see your finishes.

And since we are talking about November sales and savings, here's something else you may be interested in:


25% off EVERYTHING at Electric Quilt!

YES!  That includes EQ 8 Software!

And it includes the Block Base+ Add On!

Click through my links to get there, and remember to use coupon code EVERYTHING to save your 25%.

If EQ8 and Block Base+ are not on your gift list - they should be!

Don't forget to sign up for our Panic in Paducah Book & Hand Dyed Fabric Gift-Away HERE.

Drawing happens this Saturday 11/12/22.

You can find Bruce Leonard's New Quilt City Murder mystery, Panic in Paducah on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. It's an engaging read! The gift-away includes an autographed paperback from Bruce and the fabrics have been hand dyed by his lovely wife, Sedonia!.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I find this so very true!
This also makes me a Marie Kondo drop out.
It ALL sparks joy!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Debra said...

Ah.. looking through old pictures. My husband went through all we have the other day. Organizing.
Love your quote of the day ❤️
It was in the 20's last night... November weather has arrived.
I will finish quilting what's on the frame. Then work on my Pine Tree Point.
Have a great day ❤️

Kim said...

WOW you have quite the travel year lined up for 2023! My trips with you are stand outs in my memory book, can't believe I got to see China and Japan with such a nice group like minded ladies :0) Happy Sewing, organizing, and travels Bonnie!

Mary said...

I scroll though those memories and check the Memories on Facebook too. Am I getting old and living on the memories? A lot has happened in 7 years. I'm enjoying the fabric pulls too. I did some sorting and Shuffling. Scraps abound in my Basement! Enery piece brings back memories. Cooler temps an time to put another quilt on the bed and wearing fuzzy jammies
Happy Hump Day

isupam said...

I echo your sentiment when you say Peru was the amazing trip you ever took. I have to say it was one of my very favorites also. Seeing Machu Picchu was on my bucket list, and I'm so glad I got to experience it in 2013. It's a magical place.

Grandma K said...

My youngest daughter (45) and her family have spent the last month in Cusco and enjoyed not 1 but 2 hikes to Machu Picchu. They have moved on to somewhere near Lake Titicaca. Her adventures never cease to amaze me. I'm not a good traveler so I just sit back and enjoy her journey.

Cathy B. said...

Have spent quite a bit of time in Peru, adopting 2 kids. My first trip to Machu Picchu was in 1995 after it had just barely opened up and the country stabilized politically. One concrete brick hotel in the village below with about 20 rooms, backing onto the river. The 12 or so of us there got to see the sunrise from the top before the daily train (and a few other tourists) arrived. My, it's changed a lot since! It was unsafe to travel much outside Lima on my first trip in 1989. 2000% annual inflation took a heavy toll on the people. Certainly puts our current inflation struggles into perspective after you've lived through that. Cathy from Canada

Ruth McIlwain said...

This is not a comment on today's blog, but I can't thank you enough, Bonnie , for the Bear Branch pattern. It took longer gor me to do it than any other quilt, but I love the result. I'll start putting on the second border tomorrow and hopefully get it to the quilter next week. It definitely is a work of love because I got so frustrated bec of the slow pace, lol. I did stop one in a while to make some blogs for tripple treat. Once again, thank you Bonnie for a great pattern.

Lisa said...

I enjoyed a similar trip to Peru in May 2022, and to New Zealand/Fiji in September 2022. International travel broaden your horizons and it's always fun to find local quilting fabric and unexpected quilt shows abroad. Or possible quilting designs!

Linda P in IL said...

That photo of you in Peru would be a great color combo.. from another Marie Kondo drop out.. I lasted about half of a semester. They don't have a clue!

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