
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Taking Time To Play!

You guys!

The green log cabin blocks are DONE!  At least I think so.  Unless the layout I have in my mind doesn't work, or needs more to balance things.

That means I've now got reds, blues, browns and greens in the done pile -

All that remains is purple!

And since I finished the pattern writing and PDF-ing for Monday's Bristol pattern release - I can actually PLAY this weekend.

I'm so excited.

There was the short afternoon interruption of getting Ivy to the vet for round 3 of her shots.

But I had this view to inspire me - my surroundings match my green log cabin blocks above, don't you think?

(I really need a windshield wash after that rain!)

And because NO ONE was on the road behind me, and the leaves have fallen enough to allow visibility:

Old empty farm house.

Someone save this one, please?

It sits on the loveliest knoll.

Back at the inn:

Halloween is in full swing!

Check out Muriel's dancing crows!

Gina took  Lisa's full size Old Souls quilt pattern and shrunk it to mini size. Wonderful!

The whole gang -

And the food has been fantastic.

Every once in a awhile I receive emails with finished quilt photos to share, along with the stories behind them.

I received the following from Debby Carlton:

Last month I got 4 quilts back from my long arm quilter.   As I was sewing the binding on it came to me all 4 of them had a connection to you.    The first one (Snowball) was my first adventure using men's shirts.   

The other 3 are king size, just showing half of each.   I guess I owe you a HUGE thank you for fostering my passion for scrap quilts.

The pattern is “So Many Snowballs”.  I fell in love with shirts!  

The second is Triple Treat.   I have been sewing 4 patches as leader/Enders for at least 2 years so when this pattern came out I knew I had to make it. 

The third is Holy Toledo from your book Scraps & Shirttails II.  

This is Bitcoin.   This is the only one that is a lap quilt - in bright colors for my granddaughter. 

Thank you so much for sharing your finishes, Debby!  I love seeing them!

If you have a finish you'd like me to share, send me an email by clicking the envelope icon below my signature at the end of this post!

Saturday is queuing up to be lovely!  We have fire pit penciled in for tonight, and this afternoon will be great for those over-the-porch-rail photos and more.

I want to soak up all of the lovely Saturdays we have left - I have a feeling there aren't too many before the weather turns to winter.

How about you?  Any fun plans this weekend?  Maybe some needle & thread time?

A bit more BRISTOL to whet your appetite!

We'll see you back here on Monday for all of the gift-away fun!

I've placed the PDF pattern for Spider & The Fly  at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop - no coupon needed!

The price is good through 10/31/22 and will revert back to full price on 11/1/22.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage star quilt found in North Carolina.

Before you judge another, find something to appreciate about them.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Debra said...

Good morning Bonnie.
I like your quote of the day.
Debbie's Holy Toledo is gorgeous.
Wish I was there for the fire pit time.
So excited for the release of Bristol on Monday. I think I have enough shirtings for it. We'll see.
Have a wonderful day ❤️

Carol Weber said...

Love, love, love the All Souls design, and I found it on Etsy. Don't know how soon I'll actually get to do it, because I have lots of Bonnie quilts in process, LOL, but golly I love that All (not "old") Souls design!

Cats said...

I love love love the daily blog w/photos and reports and chats and encouragement an all! I Can't help myself... am i the only one who counts the number of people in the dining table photos??? I also say 'hello' to the animals when they appear and sending Ivy best wishes for full recovery from her malady... Thanks, Bonnie, I'm excited that YOU get to play and are excited... you have taken on quite the task to herd us all around and keep us in stitches... (sorry couldn't resist)... best wishes from a very lovely, cool Carlsbad CA...<3

Crispins said...

your log cabin blocks are inspiring. i can't wait until Monday! I don't have plaid shirts but will work something out once i have the pattern. Thank you!

Lorraine said...

Enjoy your lovely weather. We had 1 1/2" of snow yesterday here in Western Wisconsin. Fortunately it was gone by late afternoon. Not sure I'm ready for this yet. It will be nice having more inside time to work on some of my projects. Love reading your post and viewing all the finished uilts.

Mary said...

The weekend snu k up on me. Went to Spokane Friday so I LOST a Day. Only 2 Quiltville Sightings. Frolic and Good Fortune. Plus I did get to see Susan as planned. A great day at the Quilt Show. I did some Machine Embroidery work today. Lots and lots of Stitches doing that.

mangozz said...

Debby's finishes are wonderful! I especially love all of her colors in Triple Treat! Those log cabin blocks are enticing also.

Tracey Honig said...

Saturday was busy celebrating my daughter's 18th birthday. I did get some quilting time in; using the time waiting for the cinnamon rolls dough to rise I pressed out some 4 patches. But no stitching time this weekend. Boo. I love where you are going with the log cabin blocks! And the cookies were gorgeous! Ready to pounce on another new pattern! HaHa! Hopefully this week brings cooler weather and things back to "normal" at school! Have a great one!

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