
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Family Time!

They are here and we are having a great time!

So much so that I haven't had a spare minute - and I think that's a great thing.

There is much time for blog writing after everyone has gone home - but I wanted to put a few photos up here so you'd have an idea of what is going on here.

Anyone who hasn't been with family since Pre-Covid knows exactly how full my heart is right now.

I am spending every moment soaking up time with family - I am only home to go to bed, and then up the next morning heading over to join in on cooking breakfast and getting the next day's round of "Hey, wanna do this?" started.

Aunt Gail and Uncle Tony drove up from Florida, spending a couple of days in the Charlotte NC area visiting family and friends, and met up with me  in the cell phone lot just before the Minnesota Contingency's flight arrived.

I got to meet my Uncle Tony for the first time - and they've only been married 30 years.  LOL!  Every time I went home to a family reunion, Gail joined, but Tony was either working or visiting his own family in Puerto Rico, so over the past 3 decades he was my "invisible Uncle Tony."  Not any more!

More on that to come -

Their flight got in at 11:30 and we made a beeline out of Charlotte and found ourselves at a Cracker Barrel for lunch where we could catch up, grab a bite and make a plan.

Knowing that there are many history buffs in my family, we decided to head on up the road a piece to Fort Dobbs. The fort was named after the Governor of North Carolina serving at that time.

Fort Dobbs was built as the only permanent frontier provincial fort in the colony of North Carolina.

Construction began in late 1755 in response to the The French and Indian War (1754–1763) and was completed one year later. It served as the military headquarters for the frontier company (approximately fifty men) as well as a safe-haven for settlers.

By the end of 1761, the British had essentially won the war and only thirty troops remained at the fort. Colonial leaders disbanded the troops and removed all the supplies of the garrison as settlement moved far west of the fort. The neglected fort was in ruins by 1766.

DAR marker, 1910

Resting on a bench and taking a selfie with my Mama!

Starting our tour!

That get up had to be HOT!

"A good and Substantial Building of the Dimensions following (that is to say) The Oblong Square fifty three feet by forty, the opposite Angles Twenty four feet and Twenty-two, In height Twenty four and a half feet as by the Plan annexed Appears, The Thickness of the Walls which are made of Oak Logs regularly Diminished from sixteen Inches to Six, it contains three floors and there may be discharged from each floor at one and the same time about one hundred Muskets the same is beautifully situated in the fork of Fourth Creek a Branch of the Yadkin River."

Fort Dobbs as it stands today is a reconstruction and was completed in 2019.  They have it fitted out perfectly so you get a good feeling of what life was like the fort in the mid 1700s.

Our tour guide was most expressive and ALL of my photos of him are a bit blurry with movement!

How hot would these wool coats be in the summer months?

We could try the beds with straw mattresses -

Officers quarters -

Fireplace for cooking and heating.

Ink well still life!

I loved this glimpse back into the history of North Carolina.

View through the wall to the outside -


Family dinner!  It was getting late by the time we were finally settled in and immediately set to getting burgers on the grill and all the fixings ready.

As I said it has been go go go go  - but we are sure enjoying having everyone here!

Yesterday (more photos when I can catch up) was just a short walk along the New River, a packed picnic and up to a picnic area at Grayson Highlands.  No pony hikes - I can't do it and most of the others said no as well.  That's okay!

Today we are headed to Saltville to see some more Civil War stuff...because that's what the Uncles and history buffs like.

Oh - and Uncle Tony?

This is for you, Uncle Tony!

What better way to welcome Uncle Tony and get to know him than to hang the Puerto Rican flag in front of the inn for the week?

Others in the know waited to see what his reaction would be since he was driving the "other" car.  

He noticed it right off and was absolutely touched at this tribute.

Even more special - his birthday is Saturday and we will all be celebrating with him.

Yes, it's a great week.  As full as it can be, as exhausting as it might feel by the end of the day -

Family is everything.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

What a marvelous time we are having and appreciating each moment we have together.
We are making each moment count and filling it full!

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!



Suiluv said...

Thos makes me SO happy to read! There isn't anything more fulfilling than special moments with the ones we love. I know your family is grateful for such a lovely space to all be together. 🤗

Judy said...

So special for all of you, glad you are having a change to enjoy each other!!!

Marti said...

Well... It's about time you met your Uncle Tony!!! So happy to see you enjoying time with the family. Every moment is precious!!

Ruth's girl said...

I am SO happy for you & your family for this time you are having together! What a blessing. Spend every minute you have with them and your fans will be ready to see the photos when everyone has left.

Jan F. said...

I'm almost as happy for you all as you all are! Enjoy! Get all the hugs, smiles and laughs. Make great memories!

Mary said...

Tha Hostory is so Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I had a 3rd Great Grandfather born in NC. He was in the was.

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Hope Uncle Tony has a very happy birthday! We share the same birthday 9/17!!! I don't have family nearby, but this year I'm celebrating with a quilting friend. We're driving about 1 1/2 hrs north to Jacksonville, FL to go to QuiltFest. I haven't been to that quilt show in 16 years so I'm really looking forward to seeing what the quilters up there are doing. Hope we both have a sunshiny Bday! Though I think the forecast for here is rain.

Pammy Evans Witt said...

I am so Happy for you and your family to all be together!

Jenny said...

Such a lovely time with your family visiting, busy and fun just the way it should be.

Carol said...

I am glad that you are having such a good time with family. We used to travel and take our girls to a lot of these places but our favorite is Williamsburg. By the way, those outfits are hot but when you wear them all of the time you get used to it. Our youngest daughter was a docent for a small 1890's farm here in Illinois and she loved it. She would come home and take off the heavy clothes and put a sweatshirt on because she would be cold. These pictures brought back tons of memories and it looked so familiar. Enjoy your family!

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